hearing this The girl gave Ye Qianxing a more surprised look.

"The stone here... the country of the sun."

The country of the sun? Ye Qianxing raised his brow.

After the arrival of the new era, the ties between countries have basically been broken.

In addition to some contacts in several neighboring countries, the two continents are basically out of touch.

Ye Qianxing still knows the country of the sun, because this can be considered a neighboring country of the celestial dynasty. Although it is not very close to the celestial dynasty like the South Vietnam, it is not too far away.

They are all above the East Asian continent.

But because the Sun Nation implemented a closed-door policy after the Cataclysm, there were relatively few exchanges between the two countries.

Ye Qianxing asked the girl a lot of questions again. Although the language is different, the girl is not impatient.

She even took out a pre-new era translator to translate, so the communication between the two finally became much better.

And after communication, Ye Qianxing always understood what happened after he fell into the collapsed space.

The girl's name is Miki Tsukino, she is the daughter of the Tsukino family in Cheongju.

According to Miki Tsukino, she found Ye Qianxing at the door of her house.

When Ye Qianxing was discovered, he was wearing a rags of clothes with many scars and bleeding on his body.

The kind-hearted Miki thought Ye Qianxing was a beggar who was bullied, so she brought him home, took good care of him, and found the best doctor.

According to the doctor, Ye Qianxing suffered serious injuries, not only trauma, but also internal injuries, and even suffered severe mental trauma. He thought he was dead.

But Miki Tsukino still insisted on treating him, and didn't expect actually survived.

"Why did you appear in the Sun Country? You fainted at the door of my house?"

Miki Yukino asked Ye Qianxing through the translator.

"Uh...I don't remember anymore, the memory in my head is intermittent."

Ye Qianxing thought for a while and shook his head, pretending that his brain hurts. , Cover your head with both hands.

It's not that he wants to conceal it deliberately, but he is a newcomer, he dare not let others know everything.

Didn't the doctor say that he was mentally traumatized? This is just the reason to hide it.

Sure enough, seeing Ye Qianxing's painful look, Miki Yueye said quickly.

"Don't think about it if you don't remember it, take your time, you will always remember, I will give you some medicine, and you will rest first."

With that, Tsukiye Miki left.

Seeing the silhouette of her leaving, Ye Qianxing sighed, he didn't want to deceive this kind girl.

But in a different place, he must be cautious.

Tsukiye Miki left, Ye Qianxing hurriedly put his consciousness into the contract space and called Erbaiwu them.

In the contract space, Erbaiwu, Vajra, Lin Ruoxi and Xu Kun are all there, but Xu Kun seems to have fainted.

"Master, you are okay, really very good."

When Erbaiwu saw Ye Qianxing's consciousness, he immediately jumped into his arms.

Lin Ruoxi is also worried.

"It's okay, how is Xiao Kun, and what happened?"

Ye Qianxing asked quickly.

"Xu Kun just ran out of strength, fell into a coma, no life worry, I have treated it, it should take some time to wake up."

Lin Ruoxi Said, Ye Qianxing was sighed in relief when he heard that Ye Qianxing had no worries about his life.

"How can it run out of power?"

Ye Qianxing asked again in doubt.

"Master, Xiao Kun, in order to save you, exhausted his last Power of Space and forcibly tore a Space Crack open and sucked you in. The Space Crack has space turbulence. You may be nine deaths and still alive, but if you stay in the collapsed space, you are definitely ten deaths without life."

"Xiao Kun said that you can only gamble like this. The final life and death is all yours. Luck."

Erbaiwu quickly explained.

Ye Qianxing looked towards Xu Kun, a look of gratitude.

He has the Indestructible Vajra Body and Immortal Body, he may not die if he enters the space turbulence, but he will definitely die if he stays in the collapsed space.

Xu Kun must also know this, so he took the initiative to make this decision.

Even the last trace of Power of Space was used up.

"I'm almost fine now, but I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome if I want to meet the sky, Sister Ruoxi, Xiao Kun will leave it to you, I will go out first."

Ye Qianxing said, Lin Ruoxi nodded solemnly.

After consciousness left the contract space, Ye Qianxing found that Miki Yueye was already sitting by the bed, holding a bowl of soup in her hand.

"Miss Yueye, how can I return to the Heavenly Dynasty?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

hearing this Miki Tsukino is frowned and sighed.

"The Sun Nation closed the external channels at the beginning of the new era, and it is almost impossible to force it out. If you must return to the heaven, you may only have to ask the Lord of the country."

"Is the country lord?"

Ye Qianxing was lost in thought, and it seemed that there was only one way.

Maybe people think they are from a foreign country and they will agree to their request.

After that, Ye Qianxing stayed at Yueye’s house for a few days, first because his body had not fully recovered, and second, he needed to learn some of the language of the country of the sun.

Always impossible, always hold a translator when you talk to someone.

Fortunately, the Sun Kingdom had a deep connection with the Celestial Kingdom before the cataclysm. At its root, the Old Ancestor of the Sun Kingdom was actually a member of the Celestial Kingdom.

Therefore, the language of the Sun Kingdom has some similarities with the Tian Dynasty, and it is not particularly difficult to learn.

In three days, Ye Qianxing has been learning almost all of the language here. Although he is not very fluent, he still understands some basic words.

In the past few days, Ye Qianxing also discovered that the Yue Ye family did not seem to be what he thought.

According to what Tsukino Miki said, the Tsukino family is one of the very best Great Family in this city of Cheongju, with great power.

In the Sun Country, family power is the most important. A strong family can even determine the survival of a city.

But not long ago, Helmsman of the Tsukiye family, her father, was suddenly assassinated.

As a result, the Yueye family was in chaos. Other families glare like a tiger watching his prey on the Yueye family, and inside, some collateral families also began to make chaos.

Therefore, the Tsukiye family fell directly from the first-class Great Family to the third-rate family.

All the burdens are on a little girl, Miki Tsukino, if it weren't for the help of some elders who were loyal to the family, I am afraid that the Tsukino family would really be over.

Tsukiye Miki also has a younger brother, about seventeen years old, named Tsukiye Blade.

Under Ye Qianxing's understanding during this period of time, he learned that Yue Ye Jian was about to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony.

In the Sun Country, the coming-of-age ceremony is the most important thing, especially these Great Family, the coming-of-age ceremony is more important.

Because if you want to inherit the position of the family patriarch, you must shine in the coming-of-age ceremony and gain enough prestige.

But Miki Tsukino is very worried, worried that some of the collaterals of the Tsukino clan will be involved in the coming-of-age ceremony. If something happens to the Tsukino Sword, then the heir of the Tsukino clan will be born among the collaterals.

Tsukino Miki is just a female family member, she is not qualified to compete for the Position of Patriarch.

Ye Qianxing originally thought that after the injury was almost recovered, he would go to the capital of the Sun Nation to seek help from the country lord, but after learning about Tsukino’s difficulties, he decided to wait for her to resolve the crisis before leaving. .

After all, he was saved anyway.

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