The coming-of-age ceremony of Tsukiye Blade arrived soon, and it was held in the Tsukiye Family.

According to the original strength of the Yue Ye Family, the noble family of Cheongju City will send people to observe this coming-of-age ceremony to show respect.

And now, the Tsukiye family has declined, and only a few families that have been friends with them have come back to join in.

"Don't worry, sister, my Spirit Pet belongs to E-rank. It won't be a problem to defeat a F-rank evil spirit."

Martial Practice of the Moonfield Family Above the Stage, Tsukiye Jian said casually.

Tsukino Miki has a worried look on her face.

Yueye Sword is still small, with a relatively simple personality, and doesn't understand some things.

But Tsukino Miki knows that it is not the evil spirits, but the people who need to be careful about this coming-of-age ceremony.

Some people from their Tsukiye family.

Since the patriarch of the Tsukiye family was assassinated and killed, the Tsukiye family fell overnight.

Basically the larger industry has been divided up by other families, and now we can only struggle on whilst at death's door.

But even so, some clansman, clansman of the Tsukiye family, are uneasy and begin to seek the Position of Patriarch.

Tsukiye Sword is still young, and Tsukiye Miki is only women. The only two siblings of Tsukiye Clan’s direct line are their two brothers and sisters. As long as Tsukiye Sword is dead, then Tsukiye Clan will become the bag of these collateral families.

In the Sun Country, the status of women is very low, and now Miki Tsukino can still control the Tsukino family in the name of Tsukino Blade.

Once the Tsukino Blade also has an accident, then Tsukino's family is really going to be over.

"Don't be careless, be careful about everything."

Tsukino Miki sighed, but she didn't explain too much to Tsukino Blade.

He didn't want to let the younger brother, who should have been in the innocent stage, know too much about the sins in the world.

All people have ugly hearts, let her take care of them all.

"I hope they don't overdo it."

Tsukino Miki thought in her heart.

I just hope that those people can still have a conscience, for the sake of the same blood of lineage, don't overdo it.

At this time, Ye Qianxing was with Miki Tsukino. He was not Tsukino Blade, and he knew everything about Miki Tsukino's worries.

Staying here is also trying to see if there can be any help, which can be regarded as repaying Miki Tsukino's life-saving grace.

At this moment, in a secret room, two people are sitting opposite each other.

"How are things going?"

One of the young people in their twenties asked, and sitting across from him was an old man in his 50s or 60s.

The old man wore a steward costume, and in fact his identity was indeed the steward of the Tsukiye family.

"Empty Young Master, don't you worry about the old man doing things? Everything is done. After this coming-of-age ceremony, you will be the next patriarch of the Tsukiye family."

steward chuckled said.

"Hahaha, rest assured, I will never treat you badly when I become the patriarch of the Tsukiye family."

The youth is also laughed heartily, patted Steward on the shoulder and promised.

The laughter of the two people resounded in the secret room.

Yue Yejia, Martial Practice Stage.

At this time, there were scattered people, some of whom belonged to the third- and fourth-rate families in Cheongju City, and some were clansman, a clansman of the Yueye family.

Today, the Tsukino family has fallen to the point where only a few third- and fourth-rate families come to join in.

Before the change, this place must be a vast crowd, very lively.

None of the second-rate families who had flattered and fawned the Yueye family have come here now.

Seeing this scene, Tsukino Miki couldn't help flashing a lonely line in her eyes.

This is the world.

"There is such a saying in our celestial dynasty that we are not afraid of not having firewood. I believe that with the efforts of your siblings, the Tsukiye family will be able to repeat the glory of the past."

Ye Qianxing was comforted by the side, while Miki Tsukino showed an awkward but polite smile.

On the Martial Practice Stage, an iron cage was released by the staff. Inside the iron cage was a calf-sized lizard.

Ye Qianxing does not need to use the eye of the system to recognize that this green lizard is called the green lizard, and it is just an FLevel 5 low-level evil spirit.

"Sister, I said you don't need to be nervous, just a small FLevel 5 lizard. Let me solve it in minutes."

Tsukino Blade's face doesn't matter, Tsukino Mei Ji was relieved.

But at the same time, there is a trace of doubt. Have those people really found out with their conscience?

Ye Qianxing was also a little surprised, so just in case he opened the eyes of system to check.

Evil Spirit: Scaled Dragon Lizard

Attribute: Dragon/Poison

Evaluation: Four and a half stars

Level: E9

Ability: poison mist, dragon's breath

Weakness: Rock type

Advancement conditions:...

Evolution route:...

Note: It was disguised as a green lizard in a special way

After looking at the message from the Eye of System, Ye Qianxing complexion changed.

Sure enough, this is a conspiracy.

"Yueyeblade, wait!"

Ye Qianxing hurriedly shouted in his unfluent Sun Chinese language, and Yueyeblade looked back at Ye Qianxing suspiciously.

Tsukiye Miki also looked at Ye Qianxing suspiciously.

"There is a problem with this lizard."

Ye Qianxing said again, although the grammar is a bit wrong, it is barely understandable.

"make a fuss about nothing, what can be wrong with a little lizard, just wait to see me come back triumphantly."

Yue Ye Jian said disdainfully, and then moved directly Go towards Martial Practice Stage.

He has the arrogance of his age. Ye Qianxing looks about the same age as him. Naturally, he will not believe Ye Qianxing's words.

"Yeah, what's the problem with that lizard?"

Miki Tsukino asked worriedly.

"That is not a green scale lizard, but a scaly dragon lizard. Although the two are essentially lizards, they are very different. The scaly dragon lizard has Dragon Clan's bloodline, which is powerful, and this one The scaly dragon lizards are at least E9 level."

Ye Qianxing said truthfully, watching Moonye Blade has entered the arena, he browses tightly knit.

Once inside, you can't come out unless you solve the scaly dragon lizard.

hearing this Miki Tsukino's face also changed suddenly. She didn't ask Ye Qianxing why she knew this, because she had no intention of thinking about it.

At this time, Moon Wild Blade has entered the Martial Practice Stage and missed the opportunity to call him out.

"Then what should I do, if it is an E9-level evil spirit, then the seniors can only take action."

Tsukino Miki said, she was going to find someone help.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly stopped her.

"The venue is in Yueyejia, but someone can disguise the scaly dragon lizard as a green lizard, indicating that you must have an inner ghost on your side, and your status is not low."

Ye Qianxing said solemnly, after what he said, Miki Tsukino also figured it out.

But if you don't look for the help of those seniors, she and Moonfield Blade are basically impossible opponents of an E9 evil spirit.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Ye Qianxing patted Miki Tsukino's shoulder, said with a smile.

I don't know why, seeing Ye Qianxing's smile, Miki Tsukino feels very relieved.

But she and Ye Qianxing have only known each other for a few days, why do you feel this way?

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