"Big Brother Ye, do you really want to leave?"

When Ye Qianxing was about to leave, Yue Ye Jian was reluctant to leave.

Ye Qianxing not only saved his life, but also helped him evolve the wild dragon crocodile, and also prepared for him to take control of the Yueye family in the future.

He hasn't repaid such a great kindness.

"I am not from the Sun Country after all. There are all the people I care about in the heavenly dynasty, so I must go back."

Ye Qianxing sighed, he could see the thoughts of Yue Ye Jian Innocent children really can't bear him.

But he is absolutely impossible to stay in the country of the sun.

"Does my sister know?"

Tsukiye Jian asked again.

"You should know."

Ye Qianxing asked her how to return to the heavens, so Miki Tsukino should know.

"Then she didn't say anything? I can see that she looks at you differently."

Yue Ye Jian looked towards Ye Qianxing, although he is simple, But it doesn't mean that you don't understand anything.

From the moment Ye Qianxing rescued him, he found that elder sister looked towards Ye Qianxing's eyes changed.

Ye Qianxing did not reply to Yue Ye Jian's words.

He can naturally see that Tsukino Miki has other feelings for him, but after all, he is impossible to stay here for a long time.

Moreover, Tsukino Miki must also be impossible to return to heaven with him.

So, between them is impossible.

Because it is late, Ye Qianxing decided to leave tomorrow.

In the room, Ye Qianxing was a little awake, but on the one hand, she was really dissatisfied with Tsukiye Miki and Tsukiye Blade.

During this time, the two siblings took great care of him, and he could also see that they really regarded themselves as friends.

On the other hand, it is anxiety about tomorrow's knowledge.

I don't know how the Lord of the Sun Country is, and whether he is willing to help him.

Just when Ye Qianxing was tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep, a familiar and unfamiliar electronic sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ding, the mysterious treasure chest has been distributed, please sign for it."

Ye Qianxing kicked up and sat up, with a strange expression on his face.

The mysterious treasure chest, what a familiar and unfamiliar thing.

Think about it carefully, after obtaining this system, he has only got two mysterious treasure chests.

The most recent one seems to be a few months ago.

"System, did you remember to provide mysterious treasure chests?"

Ye Qianxing said somewhat mysteriously in his mind.

"System provides mysterious treasure chests from time to time. The time and frequency are uncertain. It may be a few days, it may be several years, or it may be forever."

The system is still that kind With an emotional voice, Ye Qianxing rolled his eyes.

Yes, you are the system, right?

"Quickly open the treasure chest and see what's in it."

Ye Qianxing laughed and said impatiently.

Although this is a bit tricky from time to time, I have to say that the things that treasure chests can open are really good.

"Ding, the treasure box is open, congratulations to the host for obtaining the following items."

Thousand-change mask: After wearing it, it can change to any person or item that has been seen. Evaluation: 4-Star level material.

Mysterious shadow: shadow from unknown existence, evaluation: 5-Star level material.

There were only two items in the treasure chest this time, but the ranks were not low, one with four stars and one with five stars.

Especially the latter, things that generally speaking cannot even be explained by the system are definitely very good.

"Keep the Thousand Change Mask first, mysterious shadow..."

Ye Qianxing suddenly remembered that he still had a shadowy assassin corpse in his hand.

Shadow assassin, mysterious shadow, the two are somewhat related.

"System, you previously reminded me that the corpse of this shadow assassin can be used as a creative material, and now you have drawn a mysterious shadow for me, is it intentional?"

Ye Qianxing in the heart asked, but the system didn't even kill him.

Ye Qianxing suddenly felt boring.

However, he still thinks that this should be the system's purpose. So, does this system also have its own ideas?

Or is this system actually controlled by someone?

Ye Qianxing once heard of such a conjecture, in fact, this world is a virtual world, and their humans, including evil spirits and Spirit Pets, are all characters in the game, also called NPCs.

They are actually just some existing playthings.

Their lives have long been set by certain existences.

Combined with this conjecture, Ye Qianxing has to think about whether his system is actually a bug or a plug-in?

"Huh, what are you thinking about, I am not qualified to think about these profound problems at all. Living well in the present is the most important thing."

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing fiercely Shaking his head to get rid of these strange thoughts.

If this conjecture is true, then it is irresistible at all, because perhaps this conjecture of my own at this time is already set by some existence.

Rather than thinking about these things, it is better to live in the present and be yourself.

"System, open the creation interface."

Ye Qianxing in the heart said, next moment, his consciousness seemed to be brought to a mysterious space.

There are several light clusters around him, and the things in the light clusters are all familiar to him.

The broken pocket watch, the mysterious shadow, the mask of a thousand changes, and the corpse of the shadow assassin.

The broken pocket watch was obtained by Ye Qianxing for the first time by opening the mysterious treasure chest. It is also a 5-Star level material.

But I don't know why, Ye Qianxing always feels that this pocket watch should be more than 5-Star level simple.

It may be of great use, so he has not used it yet.

After all, these materials need to be used in the right item, otherwise the high quality is useless.

Ye Qianxing stretched out the hand of nothingness, and moved the mysterious shadow and the corpse of the shadow assassin to merge them into one.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully creating Spirit Pet [Shadow Guard]."

Spirit Pet: Shadow Guard

attribute: Shadow Element

Evaluation: Four and a half stars (growth type)

Level: D2

Ability: 1. Assassination technique (hidden breath, sneak attack target, one-shot lore)


2. Shadow Clone (Each time a certain number of shadows are swallowed, a Shadow Guard can be split. As long as enough shadows are swallowed, the host can even have a Shadow Guard Legion, and the owner can control each one at will. Only Shadow Guard)

Weakness: Light System/Demon System

Promotion Condition:……

Evolution Route:……

Note : Shadow Guard is in a dead state, unconscious, and can be attached to the main silhouette at any time. When the owner encounters danger, it will take the initiative to show up for protection. At the same time, it can also accept the owner's order to carry out assassination.

After seeing the identity information of Shadow Guard, Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes.

This Shadow Guard is simply the strongest guard and assassin. It can guard by your side at all times, without sleep.

At the same time, it can also carry out assassination missions.

If it swallows enough shadows, wouldn't it be possible to have an assassin Legion?

Hidden in the shadows, who can find their existence?

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