"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully creating the Spirit Pet. You can get one-tenth the power of Spirit Pet [Shadow Guard] and the number of fixed calls*1."

At this time, system The reminder sounded again.

Ye Qianxing instantly felt that his strength, speed and agility had improved.

Especially speed and agility, these two are the true capabilities of Shadow Guard.

"I choose assassination."

Ye Qianxing without the slightest hesitation said, assassination can hide the breath and is an excellent assassination skill.

Especially Ye Qianxing still uses daggers as weapons. With assassination technique and his space teleportation, his strength can definitely be improved.

And Shadow Clone Ye Qianxing doesn't need it at all. Shadow Guard is enough.

"Ding, the skill is successful."

Immediately, Ye Qianxing felt a strange feeling in the heart, and the unfathomable mystery in his mind was assassinated. How to use surgery.

Ye Qianxing's idea directly urges the assassination technique.

Next moment, his silhouette dimmed in an instant, and a mist seemed to cover him.

Ye Qianxing itself doesn't have any special feelings. He can see himself, so he left the room directly, intending to find Yue Ye Sword and Yue Ye Miki to try his new skill.

Soon, Ye Qianxing came to the door of Yueye Blade's room, the door was locked, and he knocked on the door.

"dong dong dong."

Soon, there was the sound of footsteps in the room, as well as the sound of Moonye Blade.

"Come on."

The door opened, and Moon Wild Blade moved towards the door and looked outside, but with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I heard you right, there was indeed a knock on the door."

Tsukino blade scratched his head, looked again, and finally closed the door.

And Ye Qianxing had just been standing in front of him and waved at him, but Yue Ye Jian couldn't see it at all.

"It seems that this assassination technique can still be used as an Invisibility Technique."

Ye Qianxing thought to himself, but actually because it is night, it can be used as an Invisibility Technique. .

If it is daytime, people with sufficient vigilance can still see some clues by looking carefully.

So, night is the paradise of assassin.

Ye Qianxing came to Miki Yueye’s room again, just about to knock on the door, but found that the door was not locked at all.

After opening the door, he found that Tsukino Miki was not there at all, but the light was on.


Ye Qianxing was a little confused. Suddenly, he heard the door opening behind him.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the scene where he almost had a nosebleed.

The door of the bathroom opened, and Miki Tsukino appeared in front of Ye Qianxing without an inch.

And as if she couldn't see Ye Qianxing, she moved towards the bed directly, and then threw herself directly on the bed.

This little girl... has the habit of sleeping naked.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing felt a warm heat coming out of his nose. He knew it was a nosebleed.

His assassination was directly and automatically disarmed under his heart.

And it just so happened that Miki Yueye moved towards Ye Qianxing and looked here.

The space suddenly fell into silence.



The next day, early morning.

Outside the gate of Yue Ye’s house, Yue Ye Miki, Yue Ye Sword and Ye Qianxing face each other.

Moonfield Miki looked at Ye Qianxing and blushed a little, but she felt ashamed when she thought of what happened last night.

She is a big girl with a yellow flower, so Ye Qianxing showed her all.

"Cough cough, everyone, we'll meet again some day, if there is an opportunity, maybe I will come and see you."

Ye Qianxing is facing The two cup one fist in the other hand said, and left straight away.

Seeing Ye Qianxing's back, Miki Tsukino's shameful and angry face disappeared, and her reluctance was revealed.

She is very sure now that she is really affectionate for Ye Qianxing.

A woman’s affection is a fascinating thing. They may not feel affection for a man who has grown up together, or they may feel affection for a man who has just known each other for a few days.

In their opinion, this may be love at first sight, or fate.

Ye Qianxing was very fast, leaving Qingzhou City in less than half an hour.

He did not choose to take the transportation, because he is now much faster than the transportation.

Before leaving, the Tsukiye family gave him a map of the country of the sun.

Following the map, three days later, he finally came to Edo Castle, the capital of the Sun Country.

What makes Ye Qianxing a little blushed with shame is that he has to pay even when he enters the city.

And because the Sun Kingdom is closed, the money of the celestial dynasty doesn't work here, so Ye Qianxing had to use assassination technique to hide his breath and sneak into the city of Edo secretly.

Walking on the road, Ye Qianxing began to feel a little distressed.

The lord of the country is the supreme leader of this country. You can easily see him wherever you are. If you can't see him at all, let alone let him help.

"gu gu gu..."

The belly also screamed disappointingly, Ye Qianxing began to regret it, and she had known that she should ask Yueye Blade to borrow some money.

God knows that there is no money from the celestial dynasty.

"A penny stumps heroes, it seems that Young Master, I have to have a supreme meal today."

Ye Qianxing sighed, at this time I just walked to a restaurant outside.

This is a restaurant that looks more classic, it should be retro style, and the specifications are not small.

Ye Qianxing walked directly in, and the waiter immediately led him to a seat.

Ye Qianxing ordered a few dishes casually, then sat down and waited.

At this moment, he suddenly heard someone chatting at the dinner table not far away.

"Have you heard that Lord Lord will hold a wedding invitation tour for the Millennium Princess, and invite all young talents in the sun to participate. Millennium Princess is the only daughter of Lord Lord, if she can become The husband-in-law of the Millennium Princess may still succeed as the lord of the country."

"Of course I heard that this news has basically spread throughout the Sun Nation, but unfortunately we are too old. I heard that The first entry requirement is that the age must not exceed 20."

"Nonsense, the Millennium Princess is only fifteen or sixteen years old. Would the country master choose her fifty or sixty-year-old old man? "

Listening to the chats of these people around, Ye Qianxing eyes slightly narrowed.

Hiring a pro-tournament? Millennium Princess?

Ye Qianxing has captured a few key words. As the only heir of the Lord of the Sun Kingdom, Millennium Princess, if she can become her husband and son-in-law, he can even inherit the position of the Lord in the future.

Ye Qianxing certainly does not want to be the so-called leader of the country, but if he wins this game, then he can get close to the leader.

Maybe I can ask him to help send myself back to the heaven.

Although the probability is not great, this seems to be the only way.

Just when Ye Qianxing was about to overhear some more about the recruitment of the tournament, the people at that table stopped talking and moved towards looking in one direction.

Ye Qianxing followed their gazes and looked over, only to see a woman in ancient clothes with a face covered by a veil entered the restaurant and sat at the dining table near them.

"Fuck, there are people playing cosplay?"

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