Ye Qianxing was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the girl in ancient costume with interest.

Although her appearance is hidden by the veil, she can still vaguely tell that she should be young and her appearance should not be ugly.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing's powerful hearing suddenly heard a sound of Xisuo Suo not far away.

The people at the table who were talking about the invitational match all turned their attention to the girls in costume.

The eyes are full of obscene colors, Ye Qianxing doesn't have to think about what they want to do.

Sure enough, soon, several people at that table moved towards the girl in costume and walked over.

"Yo, beauty, playing Pulei, do you want your big brother to play with you?"

One of the middle-aged man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek is full of lewd faces Sitting across from the girl in costume with a smile, her voice was very wretched.

The guests around were all watching, but every one who planned to intervene in this matter put on a lively expression.

The beauty in costume didn't even glance at the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, but instead looked at the menu in front of her intently.

"Little Sister, it’s pretty cold, and she wears a veil. Is she too ugly to show up?"

The man with the pointed mouth monkey cheek continued, the girl in costume Finally lifts the head.

She glared at the man. Girl cares about her looks the most. This guy actually dares to say that people are ugly. Isn't this intentional?

"Get off."

A cold voice came from the girl's mouth, but the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill had no intention of leaving.

"I have a good temper, but my big brother likes it. Come on, pull your veil away and let my big brother see what you look like."

With that, the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks You must reach out to pull the veil on the girl's face.

The girl slapped the hand of the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek directly, and the loud slap showed that the girl's this slap was not weak.

The backs of the hands of the man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks are red, but he does not look painful at all, instead he smells his hands.

"Well, fragrant."

The girl looked towards the man's eyes full of disgust, Ye Qianxing felt disgusting at this scene.

"This is the capital of the country. At the feet of the country's lord, you still dare to rob the people of the girls?"

The girl coldly said.


The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks laughed arrogantly.

"Little girl, do you think the Lord will take care of so much nosy? I tell you, even if I give you in front of everyone here, the Lord will not condemn Me, because I am a member of the Yamaguchi team."


Hearing the words Yamaguchi team, the audience was in an uproar.

The Yamaguchi Group is not a family, but a superpower composed of a group of families.

Looking at the entire Sun Nation, except for the family of the leader, the Yamaguchi Group is the most powerful.

There were even rumors that the Yamaguchi group might overwhelm the Royal Family.

It is not the powerful Spirit Master who can join the Yamaguchi group, that is, it has a deep background.

Even if a member of the Yamaguchi group kills a civilian in the street, they will not be punished.

This is the class division of the Sun Country. Nobles are always higher level than commoners.

"So, little girl, obey me obediently, maybe I'm happy to accept you as a concubine."

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill smiles wryly, while the girl in costume is Frowned.

She was coldly snorted and got up to leave.

The man with sharp-mouthed monkey gills hurriedly stood up, and the henchman who was following him quickly surrounded the girl in ancient costume.

"If you dare to move me a bit, it will be too late to regret." The costume girl coldly said, but the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek remained unmoved at all.

He knows all about the nobles of Edo Castle, and he is sure that there is no such person in front of him.

That's why I dare to be so confident.

"Hahaha, I have never regretted Jingtian Gouri, but I want to try what it feels like to regret."

The man with the pointed mouth monkey gill smiled arrogantly and approached step by step. Girl in costume.

At the same time stretch his perverted hand to the veil on the girl's face.

A killing intent flashed in the girl's eyes, and everything was seen by Ye Qianxing.

Facing the siege of Ida Gori and the others, the girl not only did not panic at all, but revealed the killing intent, which shows that she is not afraid of these people at all.

It can also be seen from this that her identity is absolutely outstanding.

"If she can get her favor, maybe it will be helpful for the future."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, while the girl hadn’t taken any action, Ye Qianxing sprinted directly into Fei Jingtian Gouri's younger brothers.

Then he arrived in front of the girl in costume and buckled the perverted hand of Gori Ida.

"Under the broad daylight of a few big men, it's shameless to act on a little girl."

Ye Qianxing uses his barely understandable Sun Country The language says that the tone is a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, just like the Young Hero who draws his sword to help in a martial arts drama.

The killing intent in the eyes of the girl in costume was immediately removed, and the eyes looking towards Ye Qianxing were a little confused.

Everyone in the restaurant watched the excitement indifferently, but only he stood up to help, which seemed extremely abrupt.

"Who is that person, even the Yamaguchi group dare to provoke them?"

"I guess he is a second-year young man who has watched a lot of passionate anime and wants to learn heroes in anime. Save the beauty of the bridge."

The surrounding customers discuss spiritedly, and every expressions looked towards Ye Qianxing is full of look of ridicule.

In the face of powerful women who are robbing people, they are indifferent and watch the excitement. When they see people who are helping them, they ridicule each other. Is this the mentality of the so-called nobles in the Sun Country?

"smelly brat, are you courting death, do you dare to take care of Lao Tzu's affairs?"

Ida Gouri also showed dislike, and is about to take down that girl The veil was over, and a middle-aged teenager was killed halfway through.

This affects his interest very much.

Especially Ye Qianxing's face did not appear in his memory, indicating that this is not the Young Master of Edo Castle either.

In this case, he naturally won't have the slightest fear.

Jing Tian Gouri directly threw away another fist, and moved towards Ye Qianxing's face was just a smash.

"Fuck, even dare to hit Young Master's handsome face?"

Ye Qianxing was instantly angry, and his other hand clasped Jingtian Gouri’s fist. Then squeeze hard.


With the sound of broken bones, Ida Gori suddenly screamed like a pig.

This one scared the customers around who watched the show.

How much effort is it to crush a person's bones easily?

"What are you guys stupefying about!"

Ida Gouri moved towards several of his subordinates angrily roared, and several of his subordinates suddenly reacted and rushed towards Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing sneered, holding both hands on Jingtian Gouri's shoulders, supported by his body, flew up and rotated 360 degrees.

The little brothers surrounding them were kicked flying directly.

Ye Qianxing's hand stunned the girls in ancient costumes behind him. Is he learning martial arts?

Didn’t you hear that those so-called martial arts are deceptive?

With the advent of the new era, people no longer believe in the so-called martial arts.

But what Ye Qianxing did at this time made the girl in costume couldn't help but believe in martial arts.

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