Jingtian Gouri was also frightened by Ye Qianxing's hand.

Defeated several of his capable men in minutes, even those warriors who have been battle-tested by the military might not be able to do it, right?

After all, no matter how powerful a person is, his physical strength has its limits.

The so-called "double fist is harder than four hands" is the truth.

"hmph, no matter how good you are, can you be good with Spirit Pet?"

"Come out, flat-mouthed fairy bat!"

Ida Gouri With a yell, the Contract Space Gate opened wide beside him, and a black bat flew out.

This bat is not big, which is about twice the size of a normal bat, and has a flat mouth like a duck's bill.

This is as wretched as it is.

Spirit Pet: Flat-mouthed Fairy Bat

Attribute: Poison System/Wing System

Evaluation: Two and a half stars

Level: E9

Abilities: Fangs, Ultrasonic Attacks

Weaknesses: Rocks

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...


"The master is wretched, and the Spirit Pet is wretched, so things are gathered together."

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, the flat-mouthed monster bat seems to understand Ye Qianxing's scolding it ugly, Suddenly I was unhappy.

moved towards Ye Qianxing just spout a purple thing.

This is a fang, an attack method of the flat-mouthed fairy bat.

"The little bat of a trifling E-rank, dare to impudent with me?"

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, directly grabbed Ida Gouri and blocked him.

He is not good at showing his Indestructible Vajra Body in front of everyone, so he had to do this.

The fangs just pierced Jingtian Gouri’s butt, and Jingtian Gouri let out a scream of vomit.

Next moment, his face turned blue, obviously poisoned.

The flat-mouthed fairy bat was stunned when he saw it, and hurriedly flew to Jingtian Gouri's back to suck the toxin from his wound.

Ida Gouri immediately showed an expression of enjoyment and pain.

After sucking for a few minutes, Ida Gouri's face finally looked better.

"Do you want to continue playing?"

Ye Qianxing asked with a smile, Jing Tian Gouri immediately took a few steps back.

"hmph, if you have a seed, wait for Lao Tzu, I will get someone to get you!"

After all, Jingtian Gouri ran away on the ground, he Those little brothers also hurriedly followed him.

Seeing Jingtian Gouri ran away, Ye Qianxing hurriedly moved towards the girl in costume and said.

"Let's go quickly."

"Go? Why do you want to go?"

The girl in costume asked puzzledly.

"You are stupid, didn't he just say that he is going to bring people here? Don't stay here and get beaten."

Hearing Ye Qianxing's words, a girl in costume Froze.

This plot is wrong.

In this case, don’t you generally have to stay and beat up the people who came from Jingtian Gouri, and finally wipe out the evil organization behind them in one fell swoop, and eliminate harm for the people?

Ye Qianxing gave this little girl a straight glance. It's really like watching a lot of martial arts dramas.

He stopped explaining, he grabbed the hand of the girl in costume and ran out of the restaurant. Because of the incident with Gori Ida before, the Boss didn't dare to ask them to collect the money.

After running for dozens of minutes, Ye Qianxing stopped.

"They should not be able to find it here, eh, why are you blushing?"

Ye Qianxing said, but saw that the veil on the face of the girl in costume has faded. I don't know if it was blown off by too much wind while running, or if she took it off by herself.

I have to say that Ye Qianxing's guess is correct. This girl in costume is indeed extremely beautiful. It seems that she is not a pure Sun Chinese, but has a Western hybrid.

Combining the advantages of the east and the west, the beauty is still very high.

At least in Ye Qianxing's opinion, her beauty is no less than that of Miki and Xia Xiaoyu.

At this time, her white face actually had some flushing.

"Can you let go of my hand first?"

The mixed-race girl said shyly, Ye Qianxing only then realized that he was still holding the other's hand.

Although they are of mixed race, they must have lived in the Sun Country since childhood, learning the traditional concept of Sun Country, men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things or something.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly let go of the mixed-race girl's hand, but I have to say that her hand is very soft and warm, and the touch is very delicate.

Ye Qianxing still a little bit reluctant to let go.

"That...thank you."

The blush on the face of the mixed-race girl quickly disappeared, said with a smile.

This smile adds a bit to her appearance.

"It's okay, I am a person who is enthusiastic, likes to help others, and I don't even look down on people who bully girls in broad daylight."

Ye Qianxing said indignantly , With his serious expression, what he said seemed to be true.

"Listening to your accent, it seems that you are not a local, or maybe you are not from the Sun Country?"

The girl blinked and asked, Ye Qianxing had to Surprised at her carefulness.

I just said so many things with Jingtian Gouri, he didn't hear the clue, but didn't expect this Little Lass but did.

"Well, I come from the heavenly dynasty. I came to the Kingdom of the Sun because of an accident. I heard that the Kingdom of the Sun was blocked. If you want to leave, you must ask the Lord for help, so I came here."

Ye Qianxing had no choice but to tell the truth, anyway, it's nothing shameful.

"Is it true that I have never left the kingdom of the sun? I have only heard of the sky, but I have never seen it. I heard that the sky is very big, is it true?"

The girl asked curiously.

"The land is vast and rich in resources, even after the cataclysm, the celestial dynasty is still a big country standing in the east."

Ye Qianxing said with some pride.

Ye Qianxing didn't have this idea when he didn't come to the Sun Country. Only after he came did he realize that the heavens were really too big.

The girl suddenly showed the color of yearning, but then she seemed to think of something, and a disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"Did the country master agree to help you?"

The girl asked again.

Ye Qianxing shrugged with a wry smile.

"I haven't even seen him yet, but I just heard that the country's main sponsor is holding a family recruitment competition for the Millennium Princess. I want to try it. Maybe I can see the country's main because of this."

Ye Qianxing directly expressed her thoughts, and when the girl heard Ye Qianxing's words, there seemed to be a flash of splendor in her eyes.

But the splendor disappeared immediately.

"It's getting late, I have to go home."

The girl looked at the sky and said, Ye Qianxing nodded.

But when the girl was just walking a few steps, Ye Qianxing suddenly stopped her.

"By the way, I don't know what your name is?"

The girl turned her head and said with a sweet smile enough to fascinate all men.

"I'll tell you next time I meet."

As she said, she continued to turn and leave.

Ye Qianxing curls the corner of his mouth, can I meet again next time?


Ye Qianxing suddenly stopped the girl. The girl did not turn around this time, but her face blushed.

"He always tries to stop me. Isn't he like me?"

"He is handsome, martial arts is so good, and so enthusiastic , Such a good man in Human World is rare."

"What if he confesses to me, should I agree, or should I agree, or should I agree?"

While thinking, the girl turned around slowly, blushing and lowering her head.

"Is there anything else?"

The girl asked in a low voice.

However, Ye Qianxing was somewhat hesitant to speak, which made the girl believe her guess.

"Say it out, and I agree with it."

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