The girl roared in her heart.

"Speak up quickly, and I agree with it."

Ye Qianxing flushed at this moment, and every time he wanted to say something, he just held back.

It's really hard to say such a thing.

"If it's okay, I'll leave first."

Seeing Ye Qianxing, the girl hurriedly urged without saying anything.

Helpless, Ye Qianxing gritted his teeth and said.

"I want to... ask you to borrow some money."


The girl was stunned, borrowing money?

Don’t you want to confess to me?

"Cough cough, although borrowing money from a girl is really not good, but I really don’t have any money now. The invitational contest will be held tomorrow, and I have to find a place to live today."

Ye Qianxing said somewhat sorry.

The girl's face changed suddenly, and she snorted turned and left.

Ye Qianxing gave a wry smile. That's right. It's not long since you met, how could someone lend you money?

Just when Ye Qianxing was thinking about which flyover he would go to live tonight, a cloth bag suddenly fell from the sky.

Ye Qianxing opened it and saw it slowly filled with coins from the Sun Country.

If converted into the money of the celestial dynasty, it should be almost 20,000 to 30,000.

"Fuck, so generous?"

Ye Qianxing stared wide-eyed, this little girl is too generous, right? One shot is tens of thousands.

Definitely rich people.

When Ye Qianxing looked up again, the girl had disappeared, so he could only sigh.

I hope there is a chance to see you again, otherwise it is not good to always owe people so much money.

With money, Ye Qianxing will naturally not treat himself badly.

He first found a good restaurant and ordered a few dishes, and then he found a hotel with a good environment.

The next day, Ye Qianxing went to the Imperial Palace directly after asking the hotel staff about the location of the invitational contest.

The venue for the invitational contest is in the Imperial Palace. Originally, the Imperial Palace did not allow outsiders to enter, but this day is an exception. Even if you are not a contestant, you can enter the game.

So at this time, the gates of the Imperial Palace were crowded with people. In addition to young and talented people participating in the competition, more people came to watch the game from local or foreign places.

Even though the gate of the Imperial Palace is wide open, it is still difficult to squeeze in.

Helpless, Ye Qianxing had to use the assassination technique to hide the silhouette, and then a few space teleportations quietly entered the Imperial Palace.

"The first requirement for registration is that the age must not be more than twenty years old, and the second is that the Spirit Pet possessed is at least E-rank or above."

At the registration office, a person wearing guard armor People loudly shouted.

At the same time, hundreds of people lined up at the registration office.

Fortunately, Ye Qianxing sneaked in in advance, otherwise there will only be more people in line.

"Your Spirit Pet meets the requirements, but your age is over twenty years old and you are not qualified."

The staff at the registration office said with a serious face, and The youngster was crying.

"I'll have one more day, don't be so strict. You see, my Spirit Pet is ELevel 5, and it will definitely win the championship."

"The rules are like this, even if it is too much. It won’t work for an hour, just walk away, the people behind are waiting."

The staff coldly said, the young man originally wanted to say something, but seeing the guards next to him, the body trembled still left. .

"It's quite strict."

Ye Qianxing looked at all this, secretly sighed in his heart, but it was normal. This is the blind date of only one Princess of the Sun Country. It must be very strict.

"Age 18, Spirit Pet ELevel 3, qualified."

"Age 21, unqualified."

"Age 15, Spirit Pet F9 level, unqualified."

"I advise you not to have a fluke. Our inspection is very strict. You will only waste everyone's time by doing so."

The staff member said, but no one birded him at all.

Those who have the idea of ​​fish in troubled waters still fish in troubled waters, and don't waste their time anyway.

In this way, it took more than half an hour to queue up for registration, and finally it was Ye Qianxing's turn.

"Take out your identity certificate, summon your Spirit Pet."

The staff said in a flat tone, but Ye Qianxing was taken aback.

Proof of identity? He actually forgot this.

His identity certificate doesn't work in the Sun Country.

Just when Ye Qianxing was thinking about it, the staff showed an expression of impatientness.

"What are you doing? If you want to sign up, hurry up."

"Cough cough, I forgot to bring my ID card, but if you look at me like this, you know that I am definitely not twenty years old. "

Ye Qianxing chuckled and said, but the staff directly rewarded him with a roll call.

Ye Qianxing's mouth twitched, but he couldn't help but got up and left, thinking about other methods.

But when he was just walking two steps, the staff member suddenly stopped him.

"You are qualified, go to Hou Sai area."

"Ah? Why are you qualified again?"

Ye Qianxing was a little surprised, but the staff is again Impatient appearance.

"If you say that you are qualified, you are qualified. There is so much nonsense, just forget it if you don't want to go."

"Don't, don't, I'll go."

Ye Qianxing said hurriedly, following the direction of those qualified people moved towards Hou Sai District.

"Is that staff member conquered by my appearance and temperament?"

While walking, Ye Qianxing thought like this.

And think this probability is great.

Soon, Ye Qianxing came to the Husai District, which is actually a square.

The square is very large, enough to hold thousands of people. At this time, there are already hundreds of people on the square, all of whom are young, talented people under twenty years old.

Among them, the young, talented people who are fascinated and confident have summoned out of their Spirit Pet and looked at the peers around with pride.

In fact, anyone with a little brain will not expose their Spirit Pet at this time.

Otherwise, it is very likely to be targeted by others.

There is a high platform in the middle of the square. On the high platform stands a middle age person, square-faced, exuding the imposing manner of the superior.

He looked at his watch from time to time, as if he was counting time.

With the passage of time, from morning to noon, the square-faced middle-aged on the high platform finally spoke.

"Well, the registration time has passed. Those who can stand in the Hou Sai area now are all qualified to participate in the First Stage knock-out competition."

" First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming from all over the world to participate in our Millennium Princess invitational tournament."

The square-faced middle-aged man’s voice is very deep and his speech is very good.

"I won't talk about the extra nonsense. Because of the large number of people in this recruitment competition, the First Stage is a knock-out competition. Please summon your own Spirit Pets, and only your Spirits will be available at that time. Pet can bear the coercion released by King Tyrant Dragon, it is considered passed."

After all, the square-faced middle-aged directly opened the contract Space Gate.

At the next moment, a huge silhouette stepped out of the Space Gate, and the earth trembled.

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