Ye Qianxing was taken aback, a little confused.

Millennium Princess said he wanted to help him, how can you help?


Millennium Princess laughed, put her mouth to Ye Qianxing's ear, and said softly.

"I plan to take you to the palace treasury. There are many good things in there. Maybe I can help you."

The Millennium Princess breathes a fragrant fragrance in Ye Qianxing The lingering in his ears gave him an itchy comfort.

But after hearing these words from the Millennium Princess, Ye Qianxing quickly suppressed the evil fire.

"The treasure house of the palace?"

The treasure house of the palace gathers all the good things of the Royal Family of the Sun Country, and it can even be said that it contains the good things of the whole country.

If Ye Qianxing can enter, he will definitely find a lot of good things.

Although Ye Qianxing is not worried about not winning the game at all, since there is something for nothing, why not?

"This is not so good? After all, I'm an outsider and I can't enter the palace treasure house."

Ye Qianxing said with a bit of temptation.

"Don't worry, I have a pass, you can bring people in, as long as you don't take too many things."

Millennium Princess is very generous, as a Royal Family Princess, she doesn't even know what stingy is.

"Okay, then let's go quickly."

Ye Qianxing laughed and followed the Millennium moved towards one direction.

The Imperial Palace is very big. Ye Qianxing thinks that if he is alone, he might get lost, but Millennium has lived in the Imperial Palace for more than ten years and he is familiar with the road.

In a short while, they were outside a loft. The loft was very large. If it was filled with spiritual medicine treasure, there would be a lot of them.

"Her Highness the Princess."

There are two soldiers guarding the treasure house. Ye Qianxing can still feel that there are many eyes watching him around him.

It seems that the lord of the country still values ​​the treasure house quite seriously, and he has sent someone to guard it, both overtly and secretly.

"This is a pass."

Millennium directly showed a token, and the two guards opened the door directly when they saw the token.

Ye Qianxing went in and they didn't stop him.

As long as you have a pass, you can bring a person in.

Not to mention that Millennium is the only Princess in the Sun Country. The authority is so high that no one would dare to stop her even without a pass.

Entering the treasure house of the palace, Ye Qianxing's eyes were attracted by the dazzling array of items in front of him.

There are countless spiritual suits, spiritual medicine, etc. Ye Qianxing can see that he swallows.

He even had an urge to take away everything here, but after looking at the Millennium around him, he immediately dispelled the idea.

People kindly brought him in. If you take too many things, you won’t be embarrassed.

"This is..."

While thinking, Ye Qianxing walked forward.

Suddenly, his gaze was attracted by something gleaming.

This seems to be a bead, but it is heart-shaped, shining with golden light, just like a golden heart.

"I remember this thing, it seems that father got it by accident. It looks good and the quality is good, but father doesn't even know what it is, so I just threw it in the treasure house. "

When Qianxi saw Ye Qianxing staring at the golden heart, he explained it to him.

Ye Qianxing has a solemn face. Others don't know what it is, but Ye Qianxing, who has the eye of the system, can see all its information at a glance.

Titan's Heart: The heart of the ancient Titans contains the Titan bloodline and six-star materials.

This is actually the Heart of Titan!

Ye Qianxing, the heart of the Titans, is heard. It is rumored that the Titans are a mysterious race on Ancient God, also known as Giant Clan, with powerful power and bloodline.

The heart of a Titan is the aggregation of all the energy of a Titan's body.

This Titan Heart is only fist sized, indicating that the energy is dissipated in the precipitation of time.

But even so, even if there is only fist sized left, it is definitely a valuable treasure.

Otherwise, system will not give it a six-star rating.

You need to know that even those things you get from opening treasure chests are only at 5-Star level.

"Millennium, I want this golden bead, okay?"

Ye Qianxing forcibly resisted the excitement in his heart, deliberately pretending to be indifferent.

He didn't want to pit the millennium, but anyway, they don't know the value of Titan Heart, and they don't know how to use it. Putting it here is a violent thing, so it's better to give it to him.

"What do you want this for? Do you know its usefulness?"

Qianxi asked with some confusion.

"No, I want it because I can't see it. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. If I don't study something thoroughly, it will be uncomfortable."

Ye Qianxing said in a fabricated manner, but Millennium could not see the slightest clue.

Maybe Ye Qianxing's acting skills are too good, or maybe Millennium believes in Ye Qianxing too much.

In fact, Ye Qianxing doesn't want to deceive Millennials so much, but if she tells the truth if she is unwilling to give it, it will be a big loss.

"Oh, so, take it, father hasn’t studied it since he threw it into the treasury. It should have been given up. If you want to, then give it to you. If you find it out, remember Tell me."

Millennium smiled slightly, Ye Qianxing suddenly felt a little moved and guilty.

Maybe I can only compensate her in other ways in the future.

Ye Qianxing cautiously put the Heart of Titan away and put it in his pocket, but actually put it in the system.

This thing is too precious, and Ye Qianxing can't worry about putting it in Xu Kun's belly.

The system also has Independent Space, but it is not very large, so Ye Qianxing generally only puts valuable materials in it.

Moreover, the use of Titan Heart later also requires system.

Continuing to search in the treasure house, Ye Qianxing discovered a few good-quality spiritual medicines, which can be used for him or Xia Xiaoyu and others.

Although Ye Qianxing has a thick skin, he still needs a face after all, so although there are still some things that I like, I don't want it.

His trip to find the Heart of Titan is worthwhile.

"Eh, by the way, I remember your skill is good, I know there is a spiritual outfit in the treasury, which should suit you." Ye Qianxing ran in one direction.

Soon, they came to the armory, which was full of spiritual equipment, all of which were of good quality.

At least much better than the spirit outfits awarded to them by the school.

Qianxi brought Ye Qianxing to the front of a sword stand. On the sword stand, a purple sword was inserted vertically.

Although it is a sword, it is actually only a few centimeters longer than a dagger.

Ye Qianxing's eyes started to shine when he looked at the sword. From the looks of it, he knew that the quality must be good, at least it was much better than the alloy dagger he was using now.

And its length is also in line with Ye Qianxing's habits. It can be used as a shuriken without hindering his assassination skills.

"The name of this sword is Lei Che. It is the weapon of a general in our country. He is called Chidori."

Millennium began to explain that when it came to the word Chidori At that time, her eyes were full of admiration.

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