"General Chidori is the Legendary of our Sun Nation. With his personal strength, he can contend with Spirit Pet and evil spirits. Even the evil spirits who died under his sword are not less than a hundred. Only."

When Millennial said these words, his eyes were full of little stars, very admired.

But Ye Qianxing understands that, presumably this Qiandiao general has started the awakening state, so he is so strong.

But Millennium obviously doesn't know about the state of awakening, so he thinks General Chidori is a unique and unmatched powerful existence.

She continued to say happily.

"This Rachel sword is General Chidori's weapon. I don't know what material it is made of. I heard that it also contains Power of Thunder, which can be released when attacking."

Can still discharge? This surprised Ye Qianxing a bit.

He took out Lei Che from the sword stand, and sure enough, with a slight movement, the Lei Che's blade flashed one after another arc.

Ye Qianxing danced hard, the arc became more intense, and even made a crackle sound.

Ye Qianxing has no doubt that the Power of Thunder brought by Leiqi can definitely add several times its damage.

"Good sword!"

Ye Qianxing praised it, not just Power of Thunder, but the sharpness and the material alone are definitely not what his alloy dagger can mention on equal terms.

They are not even qualified to compare them together.

"Why is this Lei Che put in the treasury?"

Ye Qianxing asked casually while playing with Lei Che's sword.

Millennium's eyes dimmed in an instant.

"Because General Chidori is dead. Ten years ago, I sneaked out of the Imperial Palace and entered the wilderness, but was spotted by several powerful evil spirits. In the end it was General Chidori in time. Come here."

"Although General Chidori is very difficult to deal with, those evil spirits are also very strong. General Chidori is outnumbered, but in order to cover me, he insisted on leaving with those evil spirits. Fight."

"Finally, I fled back to the Imperial Palace and asked father to send someone to support. But when the support arrived, only the bodies of General Chidori and two evil spirits were found. In the end, father Jiang Qian General Bird was buried, and this Raeche sword was put in the treasure house."

As he said, Millennial's eyes were also covered with mist.

Over the years, she has been very self-blaming. If it were not for her willfulness, General Chidori might not have died.

"Don't blame yourself too much. If General Chidori knew that you survived and became a great beauty, you would be very pleased."

Ye Qianxing Touched Millennium's head, comfortable.

"Actually, I brought you to the palace treasury not only because you saved me, but the most important thing is that I saw the shadow of General Chidori in you. You are like him, you are very strong."

Millennium choked and continued.

"General Chidori likes to fight very much. As his weapon, Raeche must not be reconciled to stay here all the time. You are the only one I have seen except General Chidori with very strong strength. Man, if Lei Che is handed over to you, it shouldn't lose its reputation."

Upon hearing the words of the millennium, Ye Qianxing changed his joking expression and said very seriously.

"Don't worry, Lei Che is in my hands, it will definitely glow with its rays of light."

Ye Qianxing's tone and look are very firm, making Qian Xi felt as if he saw General Chidori.

After going around the treasure house for a few more times, Ye Qianxing still saw a lot of good things, but he just picked a few things that are not too precious.

After all, he took so many good things, even he would be sorry.

After leaving the palace treasury, Qianxi specially prepared a room for Ye Qianxing, which saved him from having to find a hotel.

At night, in the room, Ye Qianxing sat cross-legged on the bed.

He brought Vajra summon out, and then he beckoned, the Titan's Heart suspended beside him.

"Vajra, you are so lucky, I found a good thing during the day."

Ye Qianxing said, while Vajra had a smirk on his face.

Open the system creation interface, Ye Qianxing dances the hand of creation, and integrates the heart of Titan into Vajra's body.

If you change to someone else, even if you know the function and usage of the Titan Heart, it is useless, because the most important thing in the Titan Heart is the Titan bloodline in it, and the only thing suitable for it is to own the Titan. Spirit Pet of bloodline.

There are very few Spirit Pets who own the Titan bloodline, and Vajra does not own the Titan bloodline.

Ye Qianxing, who owns the system, doesn't worry about these at all. The system is called the creation system. Since Vajra does not have a Titan bloodline, then create a Titan bloodline for it.

As the Titan's Heart enters Vajra's body, Vajra instantly feels a huge energy flowing through its limbs and internal organs.

There is also an external bloodline that forcibly enters its bloodline.

It is very dangerous to forcibly inject bloodline into Spirit Pet, but with the system, the danger becomes zero.

Just when Vajra felt that the powerful external Bloodline Power was contending with its own bloodline, making it feel like it was about to explode, a magical force suddenly intervened.

This power is very calm, not only did not make Vajra feel painful, but the battle between the two bloodlines has eased a lot.

As time passed, the two powerful bloodlines became like the enemy into a brother, and they were all in peace.


At this time, Vajra let out a loud roar.

The roar was shaking, and the people around them thought that there was an earthquake, so they ran out of the room screaming.

Seeing Vajra getting bigger and bigger, Ye Qianxing shouted badly, and quickly put him into the contract space.

Otherwise, the roof of the entire room will have to be broken by it.

After Vajra was finally able to adapt to that power and restored to its original size, Ye Qianxing summoned it out again.

The eye of system opened, and Vajra's message appeared in front of him.

Spirit Pet: God-armed Titan Ape (has the Ape bloodline, 50% activated/Titan bloodline, 100% activated)

attribute: Ancient mutant Metal Element/Ancient Combat system

Evaluation: Six and a half stars (growth type)

Level: D5

Ability: 1, Indestructible Vajra (The body is cast by Vajra, defensive Power is very strong)

2. Titan fist (charged blow, able to hit 150% of one's own power)

3. Take the head (use the Spiritual Heaven Supporting Pillar to attack)


4. Celestial Phenomenon land (can be freely changed into larger and smaller, and the strength will increase sharply after becoming larger)

Promotion conditions:...

Evolution route: ...

Seeing Vajra's current information, Ye Qianxing almost couldn't help laughing.

The Heart of Titan gives Vajra a perfect Titan bloodline, and gives it an ancient attribute, which is forcibly improved by two and a half stars.

As for the rank is secondary, the current Vajra, if it is at full strength, the strength may be rare in D-Rank.

At the same time, it has two powerful bloodlines, ancient attributes, and a powerful spiritual heaven Supporting Pillar. Today's Vajra is simply Ye Qianxing's strongest battle strength.

Even Erbaiwu is inferior to him.

"It just so happens that the Spirit Pet I revealed is Vajra. His strength has improved, and tomorrow's game should be a victory."

Ye Qianxing smiled confidently.

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