That’s how the whole night passed, and Ye Qianxing returned to the Housai District the next morning.

At this time, in addition to the thirty-two contestants, the square was still full of people, all coming to watch the game.

On the ring, the square-faced middle-aged man holding a microphone, saw that the thirty-two contestants were all there, and said.

"The rules of the game are very simple. There are a total of thirty-two Spirit Masters here. They will fight in pairs in a draw, until the final winner is the husband-in-law of Millennium Princess!"

"Then, please come to the stage to draw lots."

With that, a staff member has brought a fully enclosed box.

Thirty-two young, talented people one after another go on stage draw lots, Ye Qianxing quickly got a note with a name written on it in the words of Sun Country.

Jingtian Teng'an, there is a number after his name, the tenth.

"The number one player is on the court."

As the square-faced middle-aged voice fell, two young people around the age of eighteen stepped onto the ring.

Following their respective Spirit Pets by their side.

A humanoid creature wearing armor, but can't see what's inside the armor.

The other is a creature that looks a bit like a frog, but also looks like a human child.

Spirit Pet: Terracotta Warriors

attribute: Earth Element

Evaluation: Three-star half grade

Level: D1

Abilities: Swing (the warrior warriors swing a big knife in their hands to cut through all obstacles), strong armor (improve defensive power)

Weakness: Water Element

Promotion conditions:... …

Evolutionary route: …

Note: This Spirit Pet is in a dead state, exists unconsciously, and is not afraid of pain.

Under the eyes of Ye Qianxing's system, the information of that strange creature with full armor was revealed.

For the thirty-two young, talented people who can persist here, their Spirit Pets are estimated to be above D-Rank. Ye Qianxing is not surprised at this.

His surprise is that this is a dead creature without consciousness.

Without consciousness, without fear of pain, battle strength will be greatly improved.

Think about it, if a person who is not afraid of death fights you, no matter how good you are, he is not afraid at all, and you will feel uncomfortable.

As for the other Spirit Pet, it is also a bit strange.

Spirit Pet: Kappa

attribute: Water Element

Evaluation: Three-star half grade

Grade: D2

Abilities: Water Flow Bomb (compresses the water flow into bullets to attack the enemy), Kappa's Fury (boosts Kappa's battle strength by 100% in a short time)

Weakness: Wood Element

Promotion conditions: ……

Evolution route: …

Following the square-faced middle-aged's order, two young, talented people ordered their Spirit Pets to attack.

The terracotta warriors moved towards the Kappa and rushed towards him, holding a katana with cold light in his hand.

"This knife seems to be a spiritual outfit, and it should be able to bring it a lot of increase. These two Spirit Pets have their own advantages, and it is estimated that it is difficult to win."

Ye Qianxing in the heart thought.

The war terracotta warriors themselves are in a state of death. They are not afraid of life and death, and are blessed by spiritual equipment. The battle strength is definitely not limited to D1 level.

And the kappa should not be underestimated, their own level is higher than the war terracotta warriors, and its Water Element on the attribute restrains the war terracotta Earth Element.

There is also a skill that doubles the battle strength.

Even Ye Qianxing couldn't see whether these two Spirit Pets were stronger and weaker for a while.

"Water bomb!"

Kappa's two green hands kept rubbing, and a water bomb about the size of a ping-pong ball quickly solidified.

Kappa threw it towards fiercely, but the warrior slashed and cut the water bomb in half.

"Kappa, do it quickly, the wrath of the Kappa!"

The Kappa's Spirit Master shouted loudly, and suddenly, the Kappa roared towards the sky.

Its voice is very hoarse and it sounds uncomfortable.

As the howling stopped, Kappa's eyes became red.

It took the initiative to move towards the terracotta warriors and rushed over.

The war terracotta warrior slashed with a single blow, but the kappa dodged it sensitively. The kappa's green palm suddenly grew blade-like claws, moved towards the body of the war terracotta warrior fiercely and grabbed it.

"Strong armor!"

The armor on the warriors suddenly released rays of light, making a buzzing sound.

Kappa's claws caught on the armor, making a creaking sound, but there were no scratches on the armor.


The war terracotta warriors kicked directly, fiercely kicked the kappa and kicked it for several meters.

"Well, it seems that the war terracotta warriors are better. It not only has spiritual weapons, but also spiritual armor. Kappa can neither injure it, but also be easily injured by it. This is basically I am invincible."

"Even more how, the kappa’s battle strength has a limited time increase. Once it has passed, the kappa should fall into a period of weakness."

Ye Qianxing Muttered to himself, but the facts were not beyond his expectation.

Kappa is very agile, can avoid the attack of warriors, but it can't hurt it in any way.

This is very uncomfortable. Kappa’s Spirit Master said he was very anxious. If this continues, the time for Kappa’s rage will pass.

"This is not fair, your Spirit Pet has a spirit outfit!"

Kappa’s Spirit Master said it was unfair, but the square-faced middle-aged man just said lightly.

"Background is also a part of strength."

Kappa’s Spirit Master suddenly became speechless. He was just a child of an ordinary family in a small city. He became the one with his own efforts. Number One Person of the urban younger generation.

But didn't expect to lose in First Stage here, and still lose on the equipment.

He was fully armed, but he didn't have anything. How to fight this?

It’s like playing a hero in a six-god outfit against a hero who hasn’t even bought shoes. You have no useless skills, no matter how advanced you are.

Because you can't hurt the opponent at all, and if the opponent attacks you, half a tube of blood will die.

Soon, the kappa's rage state disappeared, and the kappa entered a period of weakness in an instant.

However, at this time, the warriors were still holding katana moved towards Kappa.

"What are you doing, we surrender!"

Kappa's Spirit Master suddenly turned pale in fright and said quickly.

But the warriors did not pay attention to him at all, the offensive was not reduced, Katana fiercely cut down.

Kill the Kappa who has lost combat power directly.

"Oh, sorry, you shouted surrender just now so suddenly, I didn't react."

The Spirit Master of the war terracotta warriors smiled ashamed, but whoever It can be seen that this guy was simply deliberate.

The Spirit Master of the Kappa directly spit out a mouthful of blood, and fainted in darkness before his eyes.

He and Kappa themselves have Soul Contract, and if Kappa dies, he will be backlashed.

In addition to the death of the kappa, he will fall directly from the position of number one genius in his hometown and become an ordinary person.

In order to train the kappa, he spent ten years and exhausted all the assets in the family.

Even his parents starved to death because of this, but didn't expect, all efforts in this brief moment all turned into powder and passed away with the wind.

It is estimated that even if this guy wakes up, he will degenerate from now on.

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