"This person is a bit fierce."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart and looked at the ring again.

At this time, the square-faced middle-aged yelled number two again.

On the second stage, a young man with an inch head and a young man with long hair were on stage. The young man with long hair was very handsome and his hair was dyed blue. All the women watching the battle screamed.

Not only women, many men also discuss spiritedly.

"Kazuo Yamamoto, a genius child of the Yamamoto family, I heard that his Spirit Pet is a ghost, with very strange abilities. There are few rivals within the same level."

Someone who recognized the young man with long hair was cred out in surprise, Ye Qianxing hearing this couldn't help but look at the young man with long hair.

After visiting the palace treasure house yesterday, Millennium Princess also talked to Ye Qianxing about the thirty-two players this time. Several of them need to be focused on. One is Kazuo Yamamoto. .

Kazuo Yamamoto, the number one genius of the Yamamoto family, originally he was only one of the most unremarkable children in the Yamamoto family.

Because his this lineage was only a collateral in the Yamamoto family, father died very early, which caused the family to not take him seriously.

The resources are not even comparable to those of a small family.

Without the supply of resources, it is very difficult to improve the strength of Spirit Pet, but Kazuo Yamamoto stood out in the family grand competition a few years ago and became a super dark horse.

That time, he strongly defeated all the younger generations in the family and became the number one genius of the Yamamoto family.

And the Yamamoto family finally began to pay attention to him.

Under the huge accumulation of resources, Kazuo Yamamoto's strength has increased sharply, and there is a faint tendency to compete for the number one Heaven's Chosen in the nation of the sun.

For many young, talented people, this recruitment contest is to compete for the Millennium Princess.

But for real Heaven's Chosen like Kazuo Yamamoto, their ultimate goal is to win.

Because this competition has gathered almost all young, talented people in the country, if they can get the first place in this competition, then they will be equivalent to the number one genius of the Sun Country.

"Damn it, I ran into the demon Kazuo Yamamoto directly."

The corners of the young man's mouth twitched.

He also knows something about the name Yamamoto Kazuo, don't look at his feminine look, he can be cruel.

People who challenged him in the past, unless their strength is evenly matched with him, were injured in the slightest and died in the worst.

Yes, it is the Spirit Master, not the Spirit Pet.

As long as it loses to Kazuo Yamamoto, Spirit Pet will die, and even the Spirit Master will suffer.

With the Yamamoto family as the backer, wiping his butt, Kazuo Yamamoto doesn't persuade him at all.

"Although it is rumored that Kazuo Yamamoto is very strong, the rumor is only a rumor after all. My Spirit Pet is DLevel 3. Even if I can't win, I should be sure to get out."

I thought, as the number one genius from his hometown, it would be impossible for him to directly admit defeat.

Too shameful, when the time comes passed back to his hometown, where to put his face.

"Come on!"

The young man loudly roared brought out his Spirit Pet summon, which was a giant pincer mantis.

Somewhat similar to the sword beetle, except that its claws are not knives, but giant tongs.

There are many sharp teeth on the giant pliers. If they are caught by this thing, it is estimated that even a steel plate will have to be clamped in half, right?

The inch-headed youth was ready for spare no effort, but found that Kazuo Yamamoto was just standing there, looking at him with a smile on his face.

But never summon out his Spirit Pet.

"You...why don't you make a move yet, don't you want to compare it?"

asked the young man with an inch head in confusion.

Is this Kazuo Yamamoto just having a false name, and he was scared when he saw his giant pincer praying mantis?

Yamamoto Kazuo did not change his smile, but became even more gloomy.

"Do you still need to compare? You have already lost."

Lost? Lost even if you don't compare?

The inch-headed youth was a little confused, and immediately felt that this Yamamoto father must be playing tricks on himself.

"dressed up as God, playing the Devil, since you don't make a move, then I will come!"

The young man loudly roared with an inch head is ready to order the giant pincer mantis to do it.

However, at this moment, the young man's pupils suddenly shrank, and he discovered that a shadow appeared in front of him at some unknown time. It was obviously not his own shadow.

The inch-headed young man swallowed and slowly turned around. At the next moment, he saw a terrifying face appear in front of his eyes.

ferocious-looking, long head with double horns, dry skin, and a pair of eyes full of blood.


The young man with an inch head was about to scream, but the terrifying evil spirit had already clasped its paws on his neck.

"No, I admit..."

He lost consciousness before entering the word.

The sharp claw of the evil spirit struck his neck directly, and the wind blew gently, and the whole head of the young man fell to the ground.

Hiss! ! !

Everyone on the stands couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air. This was the first Spirit Master to die in the arena.

If only Spirit Pet is killed, it is excusable, but unless Life and Death Battle can not harm the rules of controlling Spirit Master is universal in the world.

Kazuo Yamamoto dared to kill people in front of everyone, which is too...

"Sorry, I didn't have time to stop it."

Kazuo Yamamoto was just lightly Said such a sentence.

But who would believe that you didn't even give people a chance to surrender before you had time to stop it.

Seeing that the master is dead, the giant pincer mantis suddenly became angry and moved towards the evil spirit rushed over.

The evil spirit didn't even look at it, and melted directly into the shadow.

The giant pliers mantis hits nothing, but the evil spirit appears behind the giant pliers mantis.

"Let's go with your master."

Kazuo Yamamoto said indifferently. At the same time, the evil spirit sharp claw had been drawn out, and the giant pincer mantis was directly cut in half.

Ren and Spirit Pet's blood splattered on the ring, and everyone had a chill on their backs.

Especially these players in the Hou Sai area, are in the heart pray not to meet this guy, if you do, then you must give up before the game starts.

As for dignity and so on, in the face of life-threatening, it is a fart.

It can be said that among the nearly thirty players in the Hou Sai District, only a few do not show fear.

Ye Qianxing is certainly one of them.

He could see that this evil spirit of Kazuo Yamamoto is actually similar to his Shadow Guard. It can blend into the shadow and complete one strike certain kill through a sneak attack.

However, if you meet Spirit Pet with strong defensive power, its advantages will be reduced a lot.

However, this evil spirit seems to be wearing a spiritual outfit, so its claws are very powerful, and its defensive power cannot hold it until it reaches a certain level.

But Vajra's physique should be fine.

"Gaba Gaba."

While Ye Qianxing was thinking about these things, suddenly, a chilling scene appeared on the ring.

I saw that the evil spirit was eating the dead young man with a small head and the corpse of the giant pincer mantis.

And the speed is very fast. In less than half a minute, the corpses of one man and one praying mantis were eaten clean, with no bones left.

In this scene, many people who can't bear it directly vomited out. Those women who originally admired Kazuo Yamamoto had a cold back and were afraid to look at him.

Kazuo Yamamoto gave a wry smile.

"If you want to eat, you shouldn't eat it in front of so many people. You make me lose my good image in their hearts."

I said so, but Kazuo Yamamoto didn't even stop it.

And Ye Qianxing frowned at the evil spirit.

He discovered that after eating the two corpses, the level of the evil spirit has increased for a while!

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