Spirit Pet: ghoul

attribute: ghost system/shadow system

Evaluation: four and a half stars

Level: D7

Ability: Enter the shadows, beheaded

Weakness: Demon type

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

Note: The level can be increased by swallowing corpses. The higher the level of the swallowed object and the stronger the bloodline, the higher the level.

When Ye Qianxing checked this ghoul through the eyes of system before, he found that it was only D6 level. Didn't expect to eat two corpses and it became D7 level.

It's not easy to do. If you let him play a few more games, he might be able to rise to D9 or even C-Rank.

But think about it carefully, after these guys have seen Kazuo Yamamoto's cruelty, if they are not sure, they should know directly and won't give him a chance to swallow it.

In the subsequent games, there was no such harsh existence as Kazuo Yamamoto, and most of them survived.

Ye Qianxing also saw several other young, talented people whom the Millennium Princess had made him take seriously. After seeing their battles, Ye Qianxing had to admit that they were really good, but they weren’t even worse. Let yourself value.

As time goes by, it soon reaches the tenth, that is, he is on the court.

Ye Qianxing’s opponent is a young man named Jingtian Teng’an. This surname makes Ye Qianxing feel a little familiar.

It seems that Gouri Jingtian is also surnamed Jingtian. Will these two goods be a family?

Or just the same last name?

Soon Ye Qianxing's guess was confirmed. Above the stands, a wretched middle age person moved towards Jingtian Teng'an shouted.

"My dear nephew, this is the man who bullied you, Uncle me, and beat him fiercely!"

Everyone moved towards the wretched middle-aged, Ye Qianxing also watched Go, sure enough, it was the minefield Gori.

"Don't make noise, don't disturb the game!"

The square-faced middle-aged moved towards Jingtian Gouri roared, and Jingtian Gouri immediately sat down angrily.

"The game begins."

The middle-aged square-faced spoke again, but Jingtian Teng'an didn't do it directly, but looked at Ye Qianxing coldly.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, you are the one who bullied my Uncle last time. Since God arranged for us to fight, let me avenge Uncle."

Jingtian Teng'an coldly said, and there were some conversations from the audience.

"This is the number one genius of the Iida family. Although it is not more famous than the peerless Heaven's Chosen like Kazuo Yamamoto, it is not something ordinary people can deal with. It's the young man, I think I haven't seen it."

"It should have come from a small place. If you offend the people of the Jingtian family, it might not be better."

Everyone is not optimistic about Ye Qianxing, after all, no one knows him. , So only if he came from a small place.

How can people from a small place compare to the geniuses of this country?

"Actually, God arranged for us to play against each other, maybe he wanted me to beat both of your uncles and nephews."

Ye Qianxing smiled at him, without the slightest fear of it. color.

"The mouth is quite powerful, then, I will cut your tongue later."

Ida Teng'an smiled fiercely and directly summoned his Spirit Pet summon. come out.

"One-eyed Demon Monk!"

The contract Space Gate opened, and a monk-like creature appeared, saying that it was a creature rather than a human because it had no facial features on its face, only A huge eye.

There are still a few skulls hanging around my neck.

"Boy, congratulations, it will become a part of its necklace."

Jing Tian Teng'an sneaked, he actually said that these skulls are necklaces.

Somewhere in the stands, Millennium Princess is watching this game.

Although she is very confident in Ye Qianxing, she still can't help but feel a little worried. Her two small hands clenched her clothes tightly, and she was full of sweat.

Spirit Pet: One-eyed Demon Monk

attribute: Rock series

Evaluation: Four and a half stars (growth type)

Level: D4

Abilities: Stone Cannon (condensing rocks into cannonballs), Vajra Sutra (strengthening defensive power), Great Compassion Palm

Weaknesses: Water Element

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