
bang bang!

bang bang bang!

Seeing that a punch didn’t work, Vajra continued to blast a few more punches. Come bigger.

The ring was blasted out of a deep pit by it, and the backs of the warriors were directly sunk in it.

The court fell silent, except for the sound of Vajra Fist's head hitting the ground.

Everyone was stunned by the violent scene of Vajra.

Even the original sneer of Tanaka Field gradually turned into panic.

Now he even began to lose faith in the spirit armor.

Vajra didn't know how many fists had been smashed, and finally felt a trace of fatigue before stopping.

When they retracted their fists, everyone discovered that there was a pothole two to three meters deep in the center of the ring.

The entire ring is only about five meters high, and Vajra directly dismantled half of it.

Vajra's eyes widened moved towards the pit and looked into the pit, then he reached in and took a look, and finally took out the broken wooden parts.

Everyone knows that this is the part of the terracotta warrior.

It was actually smashed into pieces by Vajra.

"Ah, my war terracotta warriors, my spiritual armor!"

Seeing this scene, Tanaka field battle suddenly burst into tears.

He didn't know how much time and energy it took to train the warriors, and that pair of spirit armors used up all his savings.

But in this battle, all is gone.

"My God, this golden ape is too powerful, it was forcibly demolished for this warrior warrior, and the latter was not even able to fight back."

"It's really amazing. I guess this little-known teenager should rank in the top five in terms of strength among the dozens of young, talented people in this competition."

"It makes sense. , I think so too."

The surrounding discussion began to sound one after another, all of which were praises for Vajra.

"Ye Qianxing wins the second round of the second round."

The square-faced also took a deep look at Ye Qianxing, his vision is naturally higher than those of the audience many.

In the eyes of those audiences, Ye Qianxing's strength should be able to rank in the top five, and in his opinion, at least it can also be in the top three.

It is even possible to compete for this number one position.

Ye Qianxing stood on Vajra's shoulders and jumped off the ring. Tanaka Field was still crying while holding the pieces of the terracotta warriors, and was forcibly carried away by several staff members.

The game continues.

There are only eight games in the second round, which is much faster than the previous one.

Only eight people are left to advance to the third round.

And this third round will also determine the four who will participate in the fourth round.

This time Ye Qianxing still drew number two, and the name of the contestant was Lei Suzuki.

Ye Qianxing laughed when he saw the name, because now there are fewer and fewer players, so he almost remembers the remaining players.

This Suzuki Lei also remembered that he was a lucky guy. The players he met in the previous rounds were average.

This was fortunate enough to advance to the third round, but his luck ended here.

Among the eight people on the third round, Lei Suzuki was the best, and his Spirit Pet seemed to have been injured in the last game, so Ye Qianxing estimated that he would abstain in this game.

After all, he should have seen Vajra's violence in the last game. If he didn't want his Spirit Pet to have an accident, he would have abstained.

Sure enough, just as Ye Qianxing expected.

After the third round first round competition is over, Ye Qianxing has not yet made it to the arena, so Suzuki Lei directly abstained.

No one laughed at him, because they would also choose to abstain.

Just kidding, who is not afraid to meet such a violent golden ape?

"Ye Qianxing won the second round of the third round."

The square-faced middle-aged man was not surprised by this result, and announced directly.

And this also means that Ye Qianxing can directly enter the fourth round.

Soon, all four games of the third round are over, with four players left.

In addition to Ye Qianxing, one is Kazuo Yamamoto. His Spirit Pet ghoul is weird and difficult to deal with.

In addition, the opponents in these few games are not very strong, so those opponents directly chose to surrender.

This makes Yamamoto Kazuo feel very boring, but Ye Qianxing and other players are very happy.

Because he would not be able to say that the swallowing corpse was upgraded.

The other two contestants, one named Miyamoto Ken, Spirit Pet is a Koga Shinobu, a humanoid frog, holding two short swords in his hands.

As for the other one is called Kudo Renji, his Spirit Pet is called the Double-faced Buddha.

This double-faced Buddha made Ye Qianxing look at it twice. Although his name is Buddha, it looks more terrifying than evil spirits.

It has a head, but two faces, one after the other.

Spirit Pet: Double-sided Buddha

attribute: Wind Element

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