And because one side of the double-faced Buddha is Thunder Element, Thunder Element restrains the ghost system.

This makes ghoul very passive.

Finally, the double-faced Buddha just forced Ghoul to make a big move.

"ao wu!"

Ghoul let out a piercing roar, and the double-faced Buddha hurriedly covered his ears, but still showed pain on his face.

"Spirit Attack?"

Ye Qianxing watched this scene in the Hou Sai District, feeling a little surprised.

This ghoul even knows Spirit Attack. It seems that the double-faced Buddha is going to suffer.

While the double-faced Buddha was covering his ears with his hands, ghoul directly hid in the shadow and passed under the double-faced Buddha with the sharp claw stabbed upward.

The double-faced Buddha suddenly uttered a heart-piercing scream.

"Double-faced Buddha, perform wind and thunder combo!"

Kudo Neiji immediately ordered, and the double-faced Buddha immediately began to spin on the spot, and countless thunders and wind blades were in the ring. On wanton attacks.

Ghoul never came out, but he was very good at forbearing.

As soon as the double-faced Buddha skill ended, Ghoul suddenly jumped out of the shadow, and his claws moved towards the double-faced Buddha fiercely.


The paw left five scratches on the surface of the thunder, and the double-faced Buddha screamed and slapped a palm at the same time.

The ghoul was knocked into the air directly, but then ghoul was hidden in the shadows.

In the end, Renji Kudo still chose to surrender, because he could see that Ghoul was simply playing guerrilla with him instead of a frontal attack, only a sneak attack.

In this way, he will lose sooner or later, it is better to admit defeat now, so as not to hurt the double-faced Buddha.

"Kazuo Yamamoto, although I lost this time, I must beat you next time."

When he stepped off the ring, Kudo Renji didn't forget to let out his cruel words.

However, he is the only player who survived the battle against Kazuo Yamamoto in the ring.

In the second game, it was Ye Qianxing and Miyamoto's turn.

After taking the stage, Miyamoto gave a wry smile.

"I know I lost this time, but I won't admit defeat easily."

"Well, I will try to make diamond stick be merciful."

Ye Qianxing also said, and then the two summoned out the Spirit Pet of both sides.

"Koga Ninja Frog, Feishui Shuriken!"

Miyamoto Kan immediately shouted, several streams of water condensed in the hands of Koga Ninja frog, and finally turned into several water Sword.

moved towards Vajra.

Vajra dumped the Heaven Supporting Pillar and easily broke up these few Water Swords.

Koga Ninja Frog did not hesitate at all, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Vajra.

Just when Vajra slammed the Heaven Supporting Pillar, its legs jumped up, avoiding Vajra's attack, and two daggers struck the Diamond Body vigorously.

However, this attack was just two white marks on the Diamond Body.

"Sure enough, the Koga Ninja frog's attack can't hurt it at all. Its skin is like gold plated."

Miyamoto gave a wry smile, expressing resignedly.


This time Vajra directly slammed a fist, moved towards Koga Ninja Frog fiercely and hit it.

The Koga Ninja frog quickly drew away, but Vajra kicked again at this moment.

Vajra seemed to have anticipated the position where Koka Ninja frog would dodge, so this kick hit the latter.

The Koga Ninja Frog flew out directly.

"Fuck, Vajra, it's amazing, it will be predicted."

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but compliment. He didn't intervene in Vajra's battle just now.

Vajra is all fighting autonomously, and he can predict it. It's almost impossible.

The Koga Ninja frog flew out more than ten meters and almost fell off the ring. Fortunately, two daggers plunged into the ground, which was able to stop.

"What a great power."

Miyamoto Jin and Koga Ninja Frog are connected with each other, and they naturally feel the power of Vajra's foot just now.

Ye Qianxing specifically asked Vajra not to use all his strength, otherwise the Koga Ninja Frog would fly out of the ring directly.

After the Koga Shinwa took a breath, it turned into an afterimage again, volleying slightly towards Vajra.


Vajra waved the Heaven Supporting Pillar and made a whistling sound. This time, the Koga Ninja Frog did not hide.

The Heaven Supporting Pillar hit it directly, but unexpectedly, the Heaven Supporting Pillar passed through.

The silhouette of the Koga Ninja Frog turned into a starlight and disappeared.

"Is this an afterimage? No, it's a stand-in!"

Ye Qianxing was a little surprised at this scene. If it weren’t for the eyes of the system, he still couldn’t see just now. That Koga Ninja Frog is a stand-in.

And the real Koga Ninja frog has appeared behind Vajra, a short sword moved towards Vajra's shoulder directly.

It is also Miyamoto's order to come here to prevent it from hurting Vajra's life.

However, even if this short sword is moved towards Vajra's neck or head, it is useless.

With Vajra's defensive power, unless it is a power Spirit Pet that exceeds D-Rank or has an extremely sharp spiritual weapon, it is difficult to really hurt him.

The two daggers in the hands of Koga Shintowa are just ordinary spiritual outfits. It can be done by breaking some E-rank or D-Rank Spirit Pet defenses, but it is not a threat to Vajra. big.

The dagger pierced Vajra's shoulder, but it made a white mark and couldn't penetrate it at all.

Vajra directly opened his big hand and pinched the body of the Koga Ninja Frog.

"You lost."

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, being caught by Vajra, it is impossible to break free with the power of the Koga Ninja Frog.

"That's not necessarily."

Miyamoto gave an evil smile, Ye Qianxing quickly moved towards Vajra and looked over there.

The body of the Koga Ninja Frog turned into a starlight and disappeared.

"Double substitute?"

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but cred out in surprise, and Miyamoto looked at Ye Qianxing in shock.

Obviously he didn't expect that he could actually see Koka Ninja Frog's substitute technique.

"Interesting, Miyamoto ban, you are indeed a powerful opponent."

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but praised. If Vajra does not have such a powerful defensive power, Ye Qianxing still I'm not sure I can beat him.

Not only the skills of the Koga Ninja Frog are too weird, but Miyamoto's own abilities are also very difficult to deal with.

He could actually let the Koga Shinwa use the double double surrogate strategy, and if he changed to another opponent, he might have already lost the game.

"Unfortunately, even so, I still can't win. The defensive power of your golden ape is too abnormal."

Miyamoto gave a wry smile again, at this time A He Renwa's body finally appeared, but he didn't intend to attack.

"I surrendered, but I was very happy in this game."

Miyamoto said that it would be useless to fight any more, so I might as well save some energy for Ye Qianxing. , To deal with the next finals.

With the downfall of Miyamoto's ban, the square-faced middle-aged finally announced the victory of Ye Qianxing.

He will advance to the finals and play the final battle with Kazuo Yamamoto.

After resting for half an hour, Ye Qianxing and Kazuo Yamamoto finally stood on the ring.

"Next will be the finals for the recruitment of the pro-tournament. The winner of this game will directly become the husband-in-law of the Millennium Princess!"

square-faced impassionedly Said.

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