Looking at the two people on stage, the audience on the surrounding stands cheered directly.

One is the well-known Kazuo Yamamoto, and the other is a new dark horse.

In this finals, who will win and who will lose?

"Interesting, I thought my final opponent would be Kudo Miyamoto or Renji Kudo. For this reason, I also thought of many ways to defeat them, but didn't expect that you actually appeared like this A dark horse."

On the ring, Kazuo Yamamoto looked at Ye Qianxing with interest.

Miyamoto's name in Edo Castle is not much lower than him. Ye Qianxing's ability to beat the opponent surprised him a bit.

"But I have seen your battle just now. Miyamoto's ban will lose to you only because your Spirit Pet occupies a powerful advantage of defensive power. Unfortunately, your advantage is not with me. It will work."

"Have you finished talking nonsense? Call it as soon as you finish it, and go home to eat after typing."

Ye Qianxing impatiently interrupted Kazuo Yamamoto believes oneself infallible. Monologue, this is what he is most annoying about, and he has to beep so many times in a fight.

When the surrounding audience saw that Ye Qianxing didn't give Yamamoto face so much, the corners of their mouths twitched suddenly.

As the person involved, Kazuo Yamamoto's face turned gloomy, and no one dared to talk to him like this.

"Very well, you and your Spirit Pet will become Ghoul's lunch later."

Kazuo Yamamoto coldly said, at this moment, Ghoul next to him It turns into a shadow directly, disappeared.

"This ability is similar to Shadow Guard but has several points of."

Ye Qianxing thought to himself, and at the same time let Vajra get ready.

Although Kazuo Yamamoto is more perverted, he has to say that his Spirit Pet is still good.

So Ye Qianxing also needs to be cautious.

"jié jié jié, what's the use of preparing your Spirit Pet, I don't plan to do anything with your Spirit Pet."

Kazuo Yamamoto sneaked up and stretched out. The tongue licked greedily at the corner of his mouth.

There seems to be a plate of delicious food about to be imported.

Ye Qianxing stood in place, Vajra also looked around all around vigilantly, but there was no movement.

Just when Ye Qianxing was about to speak, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"Want to do it to me?"

Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes.

When he thought of Kazuo Yamamoto's first round competition, he directly acted on the opponent's Spirit Master.

But Ye Qianxing didn't move. First, he didn't want to show his strength in front of so many people.

In two cases, he doesn't need to act in person.

"Oops, that dark horse may be dying."

Someone on the stand was cred out in surprise, because they saw a dark figure gathering behind Ye Qianxing.

In the end, he turned into a detestable ghost, moved towards Ye Qianxing and opened his mouth.

But Ye Qianxing seemed to feel nothing, and didn't even intend to turn around.

"Is the game over like this?"

In a deserted area, Millennium is watching the game on the ring from a distance.

She clenched her clothes tightly with her hands, her palms were full of sweat.

She also saw the evil spirit appearing behind Ye Qianxing. She wanted to remind Ye Qianxing loudly, but because it was too far away, the voice couldn't pass.

"You must have nothing to do, you promised me, you still want Rachel to restore its former glory!"

Millennium muttered to himself .

"Go to hell, smelly brat."

Kazuo Yamamoto gave a grinning smile.

The evil spirit behind Ye Qianxing opened his mouth wide and moved towards his head and bit it directly.

weng!! !

At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and another dark shadow appeared behind Ye Qianxing.

I was holding a dagger fiercely and stabbing it into the throat of the evil spirit.

This scene stunned everyone present, and the audience suddenly became silent.

What is this dark shadow and when did it appear?

Yamamoto Kazuo's grim smile also directly freezes.

"How is it possible, you actually have two Spirit Pets!"

Kazuo Yamamoto roared incredulously.

Although some powerful Spirit Masters with spirit strength can contract two or more Spirit Pets at the same time, few people are actually willing to do so.

Even if it meets the conditions of the contract with more than two Spirit Pets, few people are willing.

Because cultivating Spirit Pets requires resources and energy, if you contract two or more Spirit Pets, you will need multiple resources, energy and time.

Most people still choose to put these time, energy, and resources on a Spirit Pet.

Mainly cultivating one Spirit Pet, which is more valuable than cultivating multiple Spirit Pets at once.

The reason why Kazuo Yamamoto screamed out of control is that Ye Qianxing has two Spirit Pets, and both of them are D-Rank.

Doesn’t this mean that if he integrates the energy, time and resources of cultivating two Spirit Pets into one body, his Spirit Pets can even reach C-Rank?

"pu! ”

As the Shadow Guard pulled out the dagger, the evil spirit suddenly turned into a black mist and dispersed.

But Ye Qianxing didn't show any joy. He could see that the evil spirit just came out of ghoul, not its body at all.

Its body is still hidden in the shadows.

"Shadow Guard, find it, then force it out."

Ye Qianxing directly gave the order, Shadow Guard did not speak, but directly hid in the shadow.

One minute has passed, two minutes have passed...

Five minutes have passed, and finally, two dark shadows jumped up from the ground and were rolling together.

"It's Kazuo Yamamoto's ghoul, and the second Spirit Pet of that dark horse player!"

Suddenly someone pointed at the two dark shadows and shouted.

Ye Qianxing has a tick at the corner of his mouth. With Shadow Guard, he doesn't believe that he can't force you out.


Ye Qianxing yelled, Vajra listened to the order, and directly moved towards the ghoul that jumped up and waved the Heaven Supporting Pillar.

The Heaven Supporting Pillar fiercely hit Ghoul, and Ghoul suddenly screamed, and his body flew out directly.

Spit out several black air.

To Ghoul, this black air is like vomiting blood.

"Damn it!"

Kazuo Yamamoto's face was gloomy, and he could feel that Ghoul was hurt.

"ghoul, Spirit Attack."

Kazuo Yamamoto moved towards ghoul and roared, ghoul stood up immediately, and then let out a shrill cry.

After this sound enters the ear, it will have an impact on spirit strength. He used this trick to defeat Renji Kudo before.

After all, spirit strength attacks are very scary, and it is difficult for Spirit Pets to resist.

However, Ye Qianxing is sneaked.

"Actually, I still have such a Spirit Pet."

With Ye Qianxing tone barely fell, the Contract Space Gate opens, and the silhouette of Erbaiwu steps out of it.

It has become the appearance of a two-headed Hellhound. At this time, it has a domineering appearance that directly surprised the people present and swallowed.

"Three, you actually have three D-Rank Spirit Pets!"

Kazuo Yamamoto almost vomited blood, almost screaming out loud.

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