The three Spirit Pets are all D-Rank.

How many people have to work hard to cultivate a D-Rank Spirit Pet for most of their lives. The young man in front of him seems to be only fifteen or six years old, how did he do it?

It really is constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!

"Kazuo Yamamoto, your ghoul, I accept it!"

Ye Qianxing sneered.

ghoul is howling, its howling can disturb the spirit of Vajra and Shadow Guard, but it has no effect on Erbaiwu at all.

"Double Nether Flame Strike!"

Two black flames of hell fire spurted from the mouths of Erbaiwu's two heads. Ghoul wanted to hide in the shadows, but Erbaiwu simply Don't give it a chance.


The shock from the soul directly stopped Ghoul's escaped body.

In such a moment, two hellfires have reached Ghoul.

Instantly burn ghoul's whole body.

ghoul suddenly screamed wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, and his body kept rolling on the ground.

It's a pity that it's useless at all. Hellfire's damage to the ghost system is simply unreasonable.

Don't say this is just a D-Rank ghost Spirit Pet, even a C-Rank ghost, as long as it is hit by the hellfire head-on, it will not feel good.

The legendary name that can suppress the endless evil spirits of the abyss and hell is not for nothing.

"We surrender, you stop me!"

With the hideous look of Kazuo Yamamoto, he roared moving towards Ye Qianxing.

He could feel that Ghoul was suffering tremendously.

"Sorry, once Hellfire touches Spirit Physique, even I can't take it back."

Ye Qianxing sneered, there is no preparation for it.

His sentence is half true half false. If he wants to, he can still recover the hellfire, but it is a little troublesome.

But he didn't want to, let's not say that this ghoul, as a ghost type Spirit Pet, can bring Erbaiwu a level promotion, and only what this guy did in the ring before made Ye Qianxing contemptuous.

lacking hatred and enmity, not only to kill the Spirit Pet, but also to kill the Spirit Master, so vicious and merciless, even Ye Qianxing can't stand it.

He is not the same as Kazuo Yamamoto. Although he has killed Spirit Pet and killed people, he did it to protect himself.

And Kazuo Yamamoto, only to kill, may also be to promote Ghoul.

Erbaiwu needs Devouring Soul to advance, but Ye Qianxing did not choose to kill the innocent.

This is the biggest difference between the two, Ye Qianxing only kills the person who should be killed.

If it wasn't for the ring, he even wanted to kill Kazuo Yamamoto.

"Impossible, impossible!"

"Ghoul can't die, he is dead, all my efforts over the years have been wasted!"

Kazuo Yamamoto almost Screamed frantically.

"Hehe, you only think about yourself, but have you ever thought about the people you kill? They and you are lacking hatred and enmity, why do you deprive them of their lives?"

Ye Qianxing sneered, some spectators in the stands hearing this are also nodded.

They knew before that Kazuo Yamamoto would kill innocent people in order to upgrade Spirit Pet, but they didn't dare to say anything.

What Ye Qianxing said and did at this time made them feel very refreshed.

Kazuo Yamamoto felt as if he couldn't hear Ye Qianxing's words, feeling that Ghoul's breath became weaker and weaker, and Kazuo Yamamoto actually moved towards Ghoul and rushed over.

Try to help him put out the hellfire.

"If you don't want to die, you'd better stay away from it, my hellfire is equally effective for humans."

Ye Qianxing coldly said, but did not stop it. .

The discouragement is that he sees Kazuo Yamamoto as a human being, and he has the final bottom line.

Sure enough, hearing this Kazuo Yamamoto stopped, which shows that he can still hear Ye Qianxing's words.

"You must have a way, I order you to take back your flames!"

Kazuo Yamamoto glared at Ye Qianxing and shouted hoarsely.

Ye Qianxing just sneered and didn't even want to say anything.

Command? What qualifications do you have to order me?

"If you don't do it, I...I will let you be buried!"

The expression on Kazuo Yamamoto's face was completely crazy at this time, and he put his hand into his trouser pocket. inside.

When he took it out again, a cold light huge dagger appeared in the hand of Kazuo Yamamoto.

Kazuo Yamamoto took the dagger and rushed towards Ye Qianxing with a roar.

The audience in the stands were shocked when they saw this. Is this Kazuo Yamamoto crazy? He actually brought weapons to the ring.

According to the rules, the Spirit Master is not allowed to bring anything other than Spirit Pet.

Not to mention the dagger which can kill people.

"Kazuo Yamamoto, stop!"

The square-faced middle-aged person reacted and shouted loudly.

But without Spirit Pet, he is only an ordinary person, and if it is a summon Spirit Pet at this time, time is too late.

Because Kazuo Yamamoto has rushed to Ye Qianxing's body.

Even the Spirit Pets of Ye Qianxing have no time to rush to protect him.

"Is the number one in this competition going to die like this?"

"It's a pity, he almost won."

This It is the inner monologue of all the audience in the stands. They don't think Ye Qianxing can escape in front of a madman holding a dagger.

Only the Millennium Princess in the distance is expressionless, she knows Ye Qianxing's skill.

Kazuo Yamamoto is indeed great, but no matter how great he is, he is only an ordinary person.

Ye Qianxing stood there, facing the dagger that Kazuo Yamamoto was holding, but he didn't show any expression at all.

There was no sign of trying to escape, as if she was shocked.

Just when the dagger was about to stab Ye Qianxing, he finally moved.

"get lost!"

Ye Qianxing furiously shouted and kicked directly.

Kazed directly on Kazuo Yamamoto's abdomen, kicked him ten meters away, and turned seven or eight somersaults on the ground in the middle.


When he stopped, Kazuo Yamamoto suddenly spits out mouthful of blood.

Then he passed out directly.

Ye Qianxing never let go of anyone who wants to kill himself. Even if he can't kill him with this kick, it will definitely make him a waste for the rest of his life.

I can only lie in bed forever.

"Fuck, this flying kick, very handsome!"

"Didn't expect that he is not only a powerful Spirit Master, but also really strong in combat."


"Kick Kazuo Yamamoto ten meters away with just one foot, oh my god, could he have been a soldier?"

The audience in the stands was stunned by Ye Qianxing's display. Now, many young girls are staring at Ye Qianxing.

The boys who know martial arts are the most handsome.

This is because Ye Qianxing doesn't want to cause too much shock, so keep his hands, otherwise he will go all out, let alone a trifling Kazuo Yamamoto.

Even an E-rank non-defensive Spirit Pet can be kicked to death by him.

It took a few seconds for the square-faced middle-aged to react, and the eyes looking towards Ye Qianxing were full of complex expressions.

At a young age, you can have three D-Rank Spirit Pets, and their battle strength is still that strong.

Such Heaven's Chosen, it is reasonable to say that the impossible membership is unknown, but he is unheard-of, which is really strange.

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