"Come here, take Kazuo Yamamoto to the hospital."

The square-faced middle-aged man looked at Kazuo Yamamoto who collapsed on the ground act recklessly. Although his eyes were full of disgust, he ordered the soldiers. Tow it away.

Then he looked towards Ye Qianxing again and announced.

"The overall champion of this invitational tournament is Ye Qianxing!"

Everyone in the audience called Ye Qianxing's name. No doubt, his name will be soon Spread throughout the country of the sun.

But at this time Ye Qianxing ignored these at all, he took Erbaiwu to the front of Ghoul.

At this time, the ghoul has been burned into a black charcoal by the hellfire, and he cannot die anymore.

Ye Qianxing picked up the dagger that Kazuo Yamamoto had dropped on the ring, and gave ghoul to the dissection directly in front of everyone, and took out its inner core.

"Very rich Soul Power."

Holding this inner core, even Ye Qianxing can feel the Soul Power contained in it.

Although ghoul mainly swallows corpses to upgrade, he also sucked his soul into his body by the way when he swallowed corpses.

That’s why its Spirit Attack is so powerful, but Ye Qianxing is cheaper at this time.

"Erbaiwu, just eat it."

Ye Qianxing threw the inner core directly to Erbaiwu, which contains pure Soul Power, no need to refining into a pill medicine. Can be taken directly.

Erbaiwu opened his mouth and swallowed it directly, and then he was directly promoted to level D7 in full view.

Spirit Pet: Hell Two-headed Dog/Erbaiwu

attribute: Demon

Evaluation: Six-star (growth type)

Level: D7

Ability: Dual shock (soul shock, effective for targets not higher than two levels, the greater the level difference, the worse the effect, the combat effectiveness of the stunned will be affected)

Double Nether Flame Strike (summon Nether Flame attacks, with both physical and soul attack effects)

Double Nether Flame Strike (Devouring Soul for level up)

Abyss summon (The demon who guards the hell has the privileges of the summon abyss Evil Spirit. As the strength of the hellhound increases, the summon Evil Spirit can become stronger)

Weakness: Mechanical Department

Promotion conditions: You can be promoted to C-Rank (710/1000) by smoking a thousand souls.

Evolution route: Use C-Rank canine inner core to evolve into Hell Three Headed Hound

Seeing Erbaiwu's current level, Ye Qianxing secretly marveled that this ghoul's inner core is actually worth more than 300 souls.

It can also be seen how many people and Spirit Pet were killed by this ghoul during his lifetime.

"I will avenge you, you will promote Erbaiwu, and we will not owe each other."

Ye Qianxing said from the bottom of his heart, he didn't know if those dead souls could hear him, but he asked for help. Worthy.

Soon, the middle-aged square-faced dismissed the audience, but left Ye Qianxing.

"Hehe, didn't expect you really won."

The Millennium Princess ran over and looked at Ye Qianxing with a smile on her face.

Ye Qianxing is a little puzzled. Why are you so happy that I won.

"If you can't even beat those people, I guess I won't be worthy of that Rachel, am I?"

Ye Qianxing laughed, to be honest, win this ring match There is no excitement at all for him.

He didn't even show true strength.

Let him fight these younger generations, this is simply bullying.

"hahaha, congratulations, for winning this competition, and at the same time you will become the husband-in-law of the Millennium Princess."

At this time, the square-faced of the audience is dismissed. The middle-aged came over, said with a laugh.

When hearing the word husband-in-law, Millennial couldn't help blushing.

But when she thinks that Ye Qianxing's participation in the recruitment tour is just to leave, she can't help but feel disappointed.

"Do I really like him?"

Millennium thought in the heart. Originally, she thought she was interested in Ye Qianxing only because of his skill.

But now, it seems something is different, she is actually a little afraid that Ye Qianxing will leave.

"By the way, according to the requirements of the master of the country, after the game is over, you need to meet the winner, so please come with me."

In square-faced Nian continued, with some respect in his tone.

After all, if Ye Qianxing really becomes the husband-in-law of Millennium Princess, then it is the Prince Consort of the Sun Country.

And because the lord does not have a son and only has such a daughter, it is very likely that Prince Consort will succeed the lord of the lord.

In other words, this man in front of him will be the future leader of the Sun Country, so he naturally has to be respectful.

"Meet the Lord?"

Ye Qianxing's eyes lit up. He was worried about how he proposed to see the Lord. Didn't expect the Lord to meet.

In this way, he will have the opportunity to talk to the lord about leaving the country of the sun.

"Okay, please lead the way, Mr."

Ye Qianxing nodded, Millennium also wants to follow, but the square-faced middle-aged shook the head.

"Millennium Princess, the country owner stated that he only saw Prince Consort and would not allow other people to go with you, including you."

Millennium hearing this suddenly puffed out, but it didn’t Dare to disobey the order, so he had to go away sulking.

But not long after Ye Qianxing followed the square-faced middle-aged, Qianxi followed secretly.

"hmph, I just want to see what you are going to whisper, Royal Father must be going to say bad things about me."

Under the leadership of the middle-aged square-faced, Ye Qianxing Soon he entered a room.

But there is no one inside.

"Where is the country master?"

Ye Qianxing asked puzzledly.

The square-faced middle-aged man was slightly smiled. He walked to a book screen and moved something.

Soon, another gate appeared on the wall.

"The lord of the country is in the secret room, he has something important and wants to talk to you."

said the middle-aged square-faced.

Important things? Or in the secret room?

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and at the same time there was a slight anxiety in his heart.

But when I think about it, if you want to leave the country of the sun, you still need the consent of the country's lord.

So after hesitating for a while, Ye Qianxing decided to go in.

After all, he has never done anything to offend the country lord. The lord It shouldn't be against him.

Passing through the dark corridor, and finally into a secret room, an old man who looks very old and has reached the level of dying years is lying on the bed.

"Master of the country, the winner of the invitational tournament is here."

The square-faced middle-aged moved towards the old man on the bed respectfully said.

The old man did not move, but said in his old voice.

"Okay, let him in, you can go out."


The square-faced middle-aged nodded, then smiled at Ye Qianxing , Then left the secret room.

Ye Qianxing and the lord on the bed were left in the entire secret room.

"Come here."

The voice of the lord rang again, and Ye Qianxing hearing this walked to the bed.

Looking closer, you can see more clearly that the lord is very old, and even his skin is dry.

The whole person does not even look like a person, but just a skeleton.

Seeing Ye Qianxing coming, the lord did not speak at all. Instead, he stared at Ye Qianxing with two dead fish eyes.

I don't know why, the eyes of the country lord are evil, making Ye Qianxing look very uncomfortable.

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