Seeing that the country lord has not spoken but just stared at himself, Ye Qianxing finally took the initiative to speak.

"My lord, I don't know what is important to talk to me?"

Hearing Ye Qianxing's voice, the muddy eyes of the lord finally moved.

He made a laugh, but it was very gloomy, and it was very uncomfortable to hear.

There is always a strange smell on his body, not a bad smell, but it makes Ye Qianxing uncomfortable.

"You are the first place in this contest, hehe, yes, very young and very vigorous."

The voice of the country lord is very hoarse.

"I came to you because I have something very important to say. You can see the way I am now. I am dead soon."

Ye Qianxing didn't speak, if anyone couldn't see it, wouldn't he be blind.

"I don't have a son in my life, only a daughter like Millennium. After I die, she and women may not be able to assume the responsibility of the country's lord, so I organized a invitational tournament for her."

The voice of the country leader is full of sadness.

"As the husband and wife of the millennium, you must take this responsibility for the millennium."

"The Lord, I..."

Ye Qianxing just wanted to say that he is not actually a member of the Sun Country, and he does not intend to stay in the Sun Country.

But the Lord didn't let him finish, so he suddenly reached out and grabbed Ye Qianxing's wrist.

The hands of the Lord are not cold, there is no warmth, just like... a corpse!

Ye Qianxing was suddenly startled, lifts the head, but happened to meet the turbid eyes of the Lord.

At this moment, his eyes are no longer turbid, and his eyes turn into vortex, swallowing all the whites of the surrounding eyes.

In the end, his eyes turned black, extremely black, like an abyss.

Ye Qianxing's pupils also shrank at this time. He stared into the eyes of the Lord, as if staring into the abyss, unable to extricate himself, and a sense of fear spontaneously emerged.

Ye Qianxing wanted to remove his eyes, but he couldn't.

He found that his body was out of control.

"I just wanted to find a young body to make do, didn't expect, the Life Power in your body is so abundant, this is simply Immortal Body!"

The Lord laughed wildly, but it was not the old voice.

Even, his voice did not come from his mouth, he did not even open his mouth.

The voice also passed directly into Ye Qianxing's mind.

"You are not a human!"

Ye Qianxing forcibly seized control of his body, but he could barely say a few words.

"Of course, I am not a humble human like you, I am a great Heavenly God, of course, you can also call me Heavenly Dog."

That voice again Enter Ye Qianxing's mind.

Heavenly Dog? What is this thing?

Ye Qianxing said that he did not understand, but he knew that he was trapped.

This guy intends to forcibly seize his body.

"As long as your soul is wiped out, I can completely control your Immortal Body. Then I will use the body of the Lord to declare to the outside world and directly pass on the throne to you, hahaha, to there. At that time, I was still the lord of the above ten thousand people of the Sun Country, and I could enjoy immortality!"

"By the way, there is also the Millennium Princess, which looks really beautiful, if it weren’t for this one. I’ve done her for a long time if the body and the heart are too weak, but it’s okay. If you have taken your body, she is the wife I am married to by Mingzhong.” From Heavenly Dog’s words, Ye Qianxing can Hear a message.

He was not originally the Lord of the Kingdom, but he took the body of the Lord, just because this body was about to die.

That's why I decided to open a recruiting contest to select young, talented people and then carry out body possession.

Not long after Heavenly Dog finished speaking, Ye Qianxing saw an illusory silhouette floating from the body of the Lord, and then directly into his body.


Ye Qianxing could clearly feel that something had forcibly entered his body.

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing's scene changed, and he found himself in a strange place.

There is no sky, no sun and moon, but all around can be clearly seen. In midair, there are many bubbles floating, and there seems to be faintly discernible images in the bubbles.

"Welcome to your own inner world."

As Ye Qianxing was looking all around, suddenly a silhouette sounded behind him.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly turned his head and saw a very strange-looking humanoid creature appeared behind him.

It has a red face, a long nose, a tall stature, and wears the unique monk clothes of the Sun Kingdom.

"My inner world?"

Ye Qianxing murmured, and he discovered that the images in the bubbles floating around were actually his own memories.

"Are you Heavenly Dog?"

Ye Qianxing calmed down as much as possible, and then moved towards the monster asked.

"Not bad."

Heavenly Dog nodded, then continued.

"I have a principle in my actions. If I want to take away someone's body, then before destroying his soul, I will give him a chance to look back on his past memories."

"So, you can look back at your life through these memory bubbles now."

Ye Qianxing squinted at the Heavenly Dog, and he still has this perverted hobby.

However, Ye Qianxing hadn't thought of a way to save himself at this time.

You can think about it while looking back on your memory.


Ye Qianxing nodded, then moved towards those bubbles and walked over.

He found that in the inner world, he is not restricted by the outside world, that is to say, he can even fly here.

So Ye Qianxing moved towards the nearest memory bubble and flew over.

The image in this memory bubble is a fragment of his life in Lin Family before he obtained the system.

At that time, he was being spanked by Mother Lin with a stick, just because he came home late.

Fly to another memory bubble again, this is the scene where he and Erbaiwu are playing.

There are also scenes of meeting Xia Xiaoyu in an orphanage, scenes of being bullied at school, scenes of obtaining system, scenes of meeting Sutila...

There are even some Ye Scenes that Qianxing had basically forgotten appeared in the memory bubble.

"Wait, if this is all my memory, can I find the memory of my childhood?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly thought, part of his childhood The memory is gone, it is the memory of being with my parents.

It is precisely because of the disappearance of this memory that his spirit strength is weaker than ordinary people.

Who are your parents? Why did they leave? Why did that memory disappear?

These doubts have always existed in Ye Qianxing's heart, and they have always been his regrets.

At this moment, I appear in my inner world. If I can find those memories, then even if I die, it may reduce a lot of regrets.

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