Ye Qianxing began to search around for the memory of his parents.

There are too many memory bubbles in the inner world. Fortunately, Heavenly Dog doesn't seem to be in a hurry, and doesn't rush him.

Ye Qianxing is naturally less anxious. While searching for the memories of his parents, he is thinking about how to drive away Heavenly Dog.

"The division of these memory bubbles seems to be regular."

After searching for more than a thousand memory bubbles, Ye Qianxing found that this It's only one ten thousandth of the bubble in the sky.

There are too many memories, too complicated.

But Ye Qianxing soon discovered the pattern. These memory bubbles seem to be arranged according to category and date.

The system is in a part of the area, the Spirit Pet knowledge is in a part of the area, and the memory bubbles about Xia Xiaoyu and the others are also in the same area.

Finally, Ye Qianxing directly looked for the "people" section.

However, according to the date, the memory of the parents is at a very young age, so just look for the front.

Fifteen-year-old memory, ten-year-old memory, five-year-old memory, three-year-old memory...

At the very edge, Ye Qianxing saw a pure white bubble. There is no image of this bubble.

Calculated by date, the memory in this bubble should be the memory of his parents before he was three years old.

"Why is there no image!"

Ye Qianxing's eyes were almost red, and finally found it, but there was no image.

"You show me images!"

Ye Qianxing almost roared, and then moved towards the bubble and smashed it past.

This is the first time that his anger has completely controlled his mind, but his full expectations collapsed in this brief moment, and Ye Qianxing felt like he was about to collapse.

He is going to die anyway, he is not afraid of anything.

"bang! !!!"

One punch fiercely moved towards the bubble fiercely, but before he touched it, Ye Qianxing felt that his fist seemed to be invisible. The force blocked it.

And when Ye Qianxing was about to increase his strength, he suddenly felt a strong counter-shock force.

Ye Qianxing flew out directly.

At the same time, he was shocked to find that this imageless bubble suddenly burst into a burst of dazzling rays of light.

"What happened, boy, what did you do!"

In an instant, Ye Qianxing's inner world broke out with a huge shock.

Heavenly Dog, who was waiting patiently, suddenly complexion greatly changed, even he has not experienced this situation.

How can a person's inner world suddenly experience such a big shock?


The rays of light burst out from the memory bubble quickly spread throughout the inner world, and Heavenly Dog immediately uttered a tragic scream.

But Ye Qianxing just feels dazzling, not painful.

I don’t know how long it took, but when Ye Qianxing regained his sight again, he found that he had returned to the real world.

Moreover, he was surprised to find that he could control his body again.

"Heavenly Dog!"

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing saw a silhouette appearing in the corner, it was the Heavenly Dog.

Judging from his appearance, he seems to have suffered serious injuries.

"Damn it, kid, what the hell did you do? That powerful spiritual Formation cannot be released by you!"

Heavenly Dog moved towards Ye Qianxing angrily roared, tight Then came a violent cough, accompanied by coughing up blood.

"Spiritual Formation?"

Ye Qianxing was taken aback, he didn't know what Spiritual Formation was.

But it just happened when he touched the memory bubble just now, could it be caused by that bubble?

"Dad, mom, are you protecting me?"

Ye Qianxing in the heart asked, but no one answered.

"Damn it, I don't believe in evil anymore, come again!"

Heavenly Dog was furious when seeing that Ye Qianxing was not a bird at all, and moved towards Ye Qianxing and rushed away.

But how could Ye Qianxing do what he wanted this time? He was too careless before. Now that he knows this guy's methods, he will naturally not make any more mistakes.

"Hellfire, Nether Flame Strike!"

Ye Qianxing can see that this Heavenly Dog is definitely a Spirit Physique, so hellfire will definitely hurt him.

But when Ye Qianxing was about to release the hellfire, the door of the secret room suddenly opened.

Millennial watching this scene, suddenly cred out in surprise.

"Be careful!"

After all, Millennium directly moved towards Heavenly Dog and rushed over.

"en? courting death!"

Heavenly Dog glanced, waved his hand, and suddenly a wooden chair in the secret room shattered.

The broken leg of the chair moved towards the rushing millennial shot, directly penetrating her abdomen.


When Ye Qianxing saw this, his eyes instantly became red, and his eyes widened.

Two hellfires shot directly from Ye Qianxing's eyes, hitting Heavenly Dog's body.


Heavenly Dog suddenly screamed.

Hellfire has extremely high damage to Spirit Physique, let alone that it was shocked by the strange rays of light in Ye Qianxing's inner world.

"Heavenly Dog, I killed you!"

Ye Qianxing looked at the millennium collapsing in a pool of blood, and suddenly rose in the mind with anger.

The black flame hellfire instantly spread all over the body, and the moved towards Heavenly Dog rushed away suddenly.

"Damn it, this kid actually has such a means to withdraw!"

Heavenly Dog cursed secretly, flew up directly, penetrated the secret room and escaped.

Ye Qianxing is basically impossible to catch up, and he will not catch up.

After restraining the hellfire, Ye Qianxing hurried to Qianxi's side.

At this time, the millennium looked pale, fell in a pool of blood, but was not in a coma.

"Die, before, I want to say something to you..."

Millennium said weakly, she could feel that she was about to die.

"Don't say anything, I won't let you die!"

Ye Qianxing covered the wound on Millennial's abdomen with his hand, and hurriedly summon Lin Ruoxi out.

"Sister Ruoxi, save her."

Ye Qianxing said anxiously, Lin Ruoxi didn't talk nonsense when he saw it, and directly introduced Life Power into Millennium.

"I, I know, my injury is definitely not alive. There is a word, I have always wanted to tell you that, actually, I like..."

When it came to the happy character, the voice of Millennium suddenly stopped.

Her pale complexion returned to rosy, the wound on her abdomen no longer bleeds, and even no scars remained.

"I, I... Am I okay?"

With a shocked expression on Millennial's face, he hurriedly got up and moved his hands and feet, and found that he was just like a okay person.

She looked at Ye Qianxing and Lin Ruoxi in surprise, with an incredible expression on her face.

She obviously felt that she was going to die, but she recovered in just this way!

"It's just a small injury. It's not difficult to heal. Even if the heart is damaged, I can save it if I don't die."

With that, Lin Ruoxi is still white Ye Qianxing At a glance.

This guy just lost one's head out of fear so much that she thought there was a major event.

Ye Qianxing also smiled awkwardly, just because he was too worried, so he didn't think about it at all.

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