"By the way, Millennium, what did you just want to say, what are you happy about?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly thought of something and looked at Millennium with a smirk.

Millennium immediately showed a shy look, and just thought he was dead, so he said his inner thoughts.

Now I am embarrassed.

"Cough cough, I want to say that my laundry hasn't been dried yet."

When Millennium forcibly rounded out his own words, Ye Qianxing was curl one's lip.

You are a Princess, and can you do laundry?

Lies can't be so unrealistic, right?

But Ye Qianxing didn't reveal it either. He knew the idea of ​​the millennium.

But he also knew that the two of them were impossible.

Millennium is impossible to leave the country of the sun, and he is also impossible to stay in the country of the sun. If you really say it, it will be bad for both parties.

So, it's good for the two of them to play dumb like this.

Suddenly, Millennium noticed the body of the lord lying on the side, and his face suddenly changed.

She hurried to the body of the lord, but she only felt cold.

Ye Qianxing is also sighed.

"Let’s change your sorrow, your father, in fact, it’s been long ago... Over the years, an evil spirit called Heavenly Dog has occupied your father’s body."

Ye Qianxing sighed, explained to her.

Millennium looked sad, but still forced a smile.

"I know, I watched the scene just now."

She secretly followed square-faced to the secret room, and then dived while square-faced left. Come in.

From the moment Heavenly Dog left the body of the Lord, everything was seen in her eyes.

"Actually, I should have thought of it long ago. Since ten years ago, Royal Father’s personality has changed. It's full of weirdness."

Millennium gave a wry smile. She grasped the hand of the country's lord. Although it was cold and biting, she still didn't let go.

"I actually called father who killed my father and enemy for more than ten years. I'm really unfilial."

"It's not your fault. After all, who knows there will be Heavenly? What about the existence of this creature like Dog?"

Ye Qianxing patted Millennium's shoulders, comfortable.

be that as it may, but I want millennials to figure out how easy it is.

Ye Qianxing just spent a few hours in the secret room with Millennial, before Millennial finally managed to spirit slowly recovers.

"Although the Royal Father is dead, the country cannot live a day without monarch, what should the country of the sun do?"

Ye Qianxing hearing this also fell into contemplation, the country lord this can be considered Suddenly died suddenly.

And he did not make a will at all during his lifetime. That is to say, once the outside world knows that the Lord of the country has died violently, the Sun Nation will definitely be in chaos, such as the Yamaguchi Group and other strong Great Influence, he will definitely take advantage of it. Taking this opportunity to cause chaos.

"Maybe I have a way."

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing seemed to have thought of something and said quickly.

"What can be done?"

The Millennium Princess asked puzzledly.

Ye Qianxing did not directly explain, but took out the mask from the system and put it on.

Thoughts move, his face and body suddenly began to change.

In about half a minute, Ye Qianxing has become a country lord.

This is exactly the Thousand Change Mask that Ye Qianxing opened the treasure chest some time ago. It can be transformed into any person or object that the wearer has seen, and it is difficult to find.

"This...what's going on?"

Millennium was shocked, looked at the familiar face, and then looked at the father lying on the ground. Corpse.

She was stunned, why are there two fathers there?

Ye Qianxing took off the mask again and instantly changed back to the original state.

Let Millennials speak of magic. At that moment, even Millennials almost couldn't help it.

"Millennium, I will use this mask to transform into your Royal Father's appearance later, and then announce in the court hall that I will inherit the title of Lord of the Kingdom to you, so that you can accept the sun naturally. The country is over."

Ye Qianxing said his way.

Although Millennium is just a woman, she is the only heir of the Lord after all.

As long as she becomes the lord of the country, let her succeed to the throne in a strong way, at least the royal family will not be chaotic.

Even if forces like the Yamaguchi Group want to make trouble when the time comes, they will definitely be suppressed by the royal family.

No matter how strong the Yamaguchi team is, it is definitely not an opponent of a country.

"But, I don't know if I can..."

Qianxi was a little nervous, Ye Qianxing grabbed her hand.

Feeling the warmth from Ye Qianxing's hands, for some reason, Millennium feels unprecedented peace in her heart.

"It’s not whether you can, but you must be able to. You are the only heir of your Royal Father. You can only inherit the position of the Lord of the Sun Kingdom. Although this may be very tiring, this is The foundation of your family."

Ye Qianxing said with a serious face.

"Presumably your Royal Father is alive in the sky, and that's what it means."

Millennium looked at Ye Qianxing's firm gaze, and finally he was nodded heavily.

From today, she will no longer be the innocent Princess before.

She will replace her Royal Father and guard this eternal foundation.

After that, Ye Qianxing helped to bury the body of the lord, and then transformed into the lord of the lord. In the presence of countless ministers and elders of the Sun Nation, Ye Qianxing announced that he would inherit the throne to the Millennium Princess.

Sure enough, it was directly opposed by many old school veterans, but Ye Qianxing had already guessed it.

Finally, under the strength of Ye Qianxing and those who supported the millennium ministers, the conservatives had no choice but to agree.

After all, if the millennium is not allowed to inherit, then the seat of the sovereign will be directly vacant.

And Millennium has also directly become the first queen in the history of the Sun State.

In the next few days, Ye Qianxing did not leave in a hurry, but secretly guarded the millennium.

Help her solve some things when she is not used to it.

Until a week passed, the throne of the millennium finally stabilized, and Ye Qianxing also began to prepare to return to the heavenly dynasty.

Millennium directly arranged a plane for Ye Qianxing and assigned him a professional pilot.

"Will you come back in the future? I mean, maybe you can bring the people you care about in the heavens." Speak out what was in my heart.

Ye Qianxing is shook the head. Let’s not say that he is impossible to settle in the country of the sun. Even Xia Xiaoyu, Sutila and the others are definitely not willing.

"If there is a chance, I might come again."

Finally, Ye Qianxing said so, although the probability is small.

But fortunately, there is hope.

Finally, Ye Qianxing boarded the plane and left the country of the sun in the eyes of the millennium.

The Kingdom of the Sun is not too close to the heavens. Even an airplane has to fly for several hours, so Ye Qianxing fell asleep directly on his seat.

I don't know how long I slept, Ye Qianxing was awakened by thunder in the end.

Accompanied by the violent vibration of the aircraft.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly opened his eyes, only to find that the pilot was tightly frowned.

At this time, it was already dark outside, with dark clouds in the sky, and even faintly seeing electric flashes and hearing thunder.

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