"What's the matter?"

Ye Qianxing frowned hurriedly asked.

"I don’t know, the weather suddenly changes, I need to lower the plane a bit, but in this case, if there is any dangerous evil spirit on the sea, we are in danger."

Pilot Said embarrassedly.

They had already measured the weather before they set off, so it seems that there will be no thunderstorms.

"Lower it a little, otherwise it will be bad if you are struck by lightning."

Ye Qianxing thought for a while and said that the pilot also meant it, so he soon started to operate .

The plane quickly landed to a distance of several tens of meters from the sea. At this moment, the plane shook suddenly.

Then it started to rotate automatically.

Ye Qianxing grabbed the handle quickly.

"What's wrong again!"

"The plane is out of control. There seems to be a strong magnetic field affecting the normal operation of the plane."

The pilot worked hard. Controlling the steering wheel, but it's useless at all.

Ye Qianxing brows tightly frowns, didn't expect even the return journey is so difficult.

"Is this the Devil Sea?"

The pilot seemed to have thought of something suddenly, cred out in surprise.

"What Devil Sea?"

Ye Qianxing was a little confused.

"It is said that a Sea Territory outside of the Sun Country is very evil. All the boats and planes will be out of control there, and the weather will change drastically. I always thought this was just a legend, didn't expect it to be true! "

"But our route obviously won't pass through the Devil's Sea!"

The pilots' expressions were very ugly. Did they unconsciously deviate from the route?

The plane was still spinning, and the pilot was too weak to control the steering wheel.

So Ye Qianxing shouted directly.

"Give me the steering wheel!"

As he said, Ye Qianxing grabbed the steering wheel directly. The pilot just wanted to say something, but he saw Ye Qianxing push it hard.

The steering wheel that was constantly moving was forcibly held by Ye Qianxing.

At the same time, the plane finally stopped spinning.

"What a great strength."

The pilot looked at Ye Qianxing dumbfounded, with a secretly sighed in his heart.

He tried his best to use every bit, but Ye Qianxing could hold it forcibly.

This gap is too big, right?

"Where shall we fly now?"

Ye Qianxing asked, but the pilot looked confused.

"I... I don't know. I have deviated from the course now, and the GPS system on the plane is also affected. I can't tell the direction anymore."

He was about to cry, he had never been to this place.

Ye Qianxing almost couldn't hold back the swearing, but he also knew that the pilot could not be blamed, so he had to turn his mind to think of a way.

"No matter what, let's move towards one direction and fly, leave this area first."

Ye Qianxing made a prompt decision and asked the pilot about the basic operations of flying the plane. Then directly moved towards one direction and flew away.

Because of the darkness outside, he can't even tell East, South, West, North.

"Toot toot..."

"Rumble toot..."

"Huh, huh..."

"crash -bang..."

The buzzing of airplanes, the thunder of the sky, the sound of wind whistled past, and the surging waves of the sea are all mixed together.

At this time the pilot was already scared not knowing what to do, and fortunately Ye Qianxing boldness of execution stems from superb skill, otherwise he would be scared enough.

Not long after the plane flew, Ye Qianxing suddenly felt a terrifying breath coming from below.

He looked down subconsciously, and suddenly eyes shrank.

I saw a huge black shadow slowly emerging from the water, and almost at the next moment, a huge giant creature suddenly rose up.

"Not good!"

Ye Qianxing yelled and turned the steering wheel quickly, but it was too late.

The giant creature rises up, allowing Ye Qianxing to see its overall appearance, which is actually a snake-shaped creature with eight heads.

Eight heads moved towards the plane bite at the same time, they can't hide.

"Could this be... the eight-pointed snake!"

When the pilot saw this, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes burst out of fright.

"It's the Eight-Different Snake, we are dead!"

Ye Qianxing also watched this giant basilisk frowned, and the system's eye began to analyze it.

Evil Spirit: Eight-Different Serpent

Attribute: Dragon/Devil

Evaluation: Six and a half stars

Level: S

Abilities: Swallowing the sky, Eight-Different Judgment, Eternal Sleep...

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

"S-Rank evil spirit, I *****!"

Looking at the information analyzed by the system eye, Ye Qianxing directly burst out swearwords.

Even almost gave up resistance.

What does S-Rank stand for? The world Disaster Level is basically the existence of a shot.

In the Evil Spirit Record, the Eight-Different Serpent is directly included in the top ten, which shows how much people attach to it.

Ye Qianxing has already begun to think about what he has done that hurts the world, and that Luck That Goes Against Heaven's Will can meet this kind of existence.

The Baqi Orochi suddenly jumped up, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed the plane in one bite.

The plane began to fall, Ye Qianxing grasped the handle vigorously, and then collided everywhere in the esophagus of the Baqi Orochi.

Fortunately in the misfortune, the eight-headed snake eats and does not bite, so Ye Qianxing can persist until now.

Ye Qianxing activated the Indestructible Vajra Body to the maximum, so that it would not be crushed under the huge impact.

I don't know how long the impact finally disappeared. In the end, they only heard a puff, and they fell into a pool of unknown liquid with the man and the machine.

"It hurts!"

Ye Qianxing felt a piercing pain as soon as he touched the pool of liquid.

This pale-yellow liquid seems to be very corrosive. Even Ye Qianxing’s golden light Indestructible Body at this time feels that it won’t last long.

"Is it the stomach acid of the eight-headed snake?"

Ye Qianxing speculated, this is the only possibility.

Ye Qianxing moved towards all around Look, the airplane is sinking slowly under the corrosion of stomach acid.

But it seemed that he should be able to hold on for a while, so Ye Qianxing hurriedly swam to the plane and climbed up.

This makes me feel much better.

"Fortunately I have Indestructible Vajra Body and Immortal Body, otherwise even if I resist the impact just now, I will definitely be corroded by this stomach acid and there will be no residue left."

Ye Qianxing patted Chest, said with lingering fears.

At this moment, he saw a corpse that had been corroded to almost nothing but a skeleton, and he could vaguely recognize the pilot.

He doesn't have the perverted physique of Ye Qianxing, and he is probably dead under that impact.

But this is also good, if you die from stomach acid is the real pain.

"I don't know if my luck is good or bad. I was able to meet the top ten S-Rank evil spirits in the Evil Spirit Book, and I actually survived."

Ye Qianxing secretly exclaimed, if you tell it to others, no one will believe it.

If you change to another person, you will never survive even if you escape the corrosion of stomach acid.

Because they were impossible to go out, in the end they could only become the feces of the eight-pointed snake and be excluded from the body.

But Ye Qianxing is not worried at all. He has Power of Space and can be teleported out completely.

The plane was sinking continuously under the corrosion. Just when Ye Qianxing was about to use his space power, he suddenly noticed something floating with faint rays of light not far away. .

"This seems to be an...egg?"

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