"Fuck, there is an egg in the stomach of Baqi Orochi?"

Ye Qianxing smacked his lips, a little bit overwhelmed.

Why is there an egg in the stomach of Baqi Orochi?

Is it the egg of the eight-pointed snake?

But even if this big snake is a female, its eggs should not appear in the stomach!

"Could it be that it swallowed the eggs of other creatures? If so, then the parents of this egg are definitely not ordinary creatures."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart. , Because he has seen clearly, that egg is as big as two basketballs.

Even if the dragon egg is afraid, it is not so big.

Just how big a creature can give birth to such a big egg?

Of course, the most important thing is not that it is large, but...

In the stomach acid of Baqi Orochi, there is no sign of corrosion at all!

"This egg is absolutely extraordinary."

This was the only thought in Ye Qianxing's mind, so he temporarily gave up and left, but opened the eyes of system and started to analyze it.

Dragon egg: True Dragon egg, which can hatch dragon cubs containing complete True Dragon Bloodline, eight-star material.


Ye Qianxing can't remember how many swear words he exploded today.

But he really feels that what he has encountered today is probably more than the ups and downs he has experienced over the past ten years combined.

First, I encountered the S-Rank evil spirit eight different snakes, and then I met a True Dragon egg that was evaluated as an 8-star material by the system.

What does True Dragon mean?

How many Spirit Pets can be basically invincible at the same level just because they have such a dragon's bloodline, and True Dragon, the whole body is the dragon's bloodline!

"You know what is wrong if you lose your horse. Young Master is indeed the lucky one to be blessed by God. Not only did he survive the encounter with the eight-pointed snake, he also saw such a good baby."

Ye Qianxing almost couldn't help laughing. He didn't care about the pain anymore. He directly urged the Indestructible Vajra Body to the maximum, and then jumped directly into the stomach acid.

moved towards dragon egg over there, and then cautiously put it into the system space.

System space is limited, Ye Qianxing will only place some very important creative materials.

And this dragon egg is definitely his most valuable material now.

"Will this guy still swallow other good things?"

After taking away the dragon egg, Ye Qianxing wanted to try one's luck, and searched for a few minutes. I didn't find anything good, but it was very painful to be corroded by stomach acid.

He had to give up, and then used the space transfer skill to leave the belly of Baqi Orochi directly.

weng!! !

The space fluctuates, next moment, Ye Qianxing's silhouette appear out of thin air.

He hurriedly held his breath, used the assassination technique to hide his breath to the greatest extent, and then looked all around.

At this time he was in a deep seabed hole, all around was sea water, and there was a terrifying squeezing feeling.

Fortunately, Ye Qianxing is not an ordinary person, so he has not been crushed into minced meat by this super strong water pressure.

"With such a terrifying pressure, am I already in the deepest part of the seabed?"

Ye Qianxing swallowed, and the deepest part of the seabed must be thousands of kilometers away. Bar?

If this is to make him go upstream, I guess he won’t be able to reach the surface of the water even one day and one night, right?

This has to be swimming endlessly.

"Ai, there is no way, it can only do this."

Ye Qianxing sighed, but it can only go upstream.

When he was just about to leave the hole, suddenly, something seemed to be stepped on under his feet.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly looked up to the ground.

I saw an electric eel right under my feet. With this step, the electric eel burst into an electric shock.

Ye Qianxing felt the numbness in an instant.

He was about to collapse, and he was about to run away when an electric eel appeared.

Of course, this little electricity was nothing to him, but it awakened the Eight-Different Big Snake, with its sixteen scarlet eyes staring at Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing was so suppressed by the terrifying aura released by the eight-pointed snake.

"Damn it, withdraw!"

Finally, Ye Qianxing still forcibly broke through the imposing manner of the Eight Disciplinary Snake, and directly used the spatial displacement moved towards one direction.

The eight-qi big snake let out an angry roar, and directly moved towards Ye Qianxing and chased it over there.

Ye Qianxing rushed desperately, constantly using the spatial displacement skills, and at this moment, he did not care about the energy consumption in his body. As long as he could escape this disaster, it would be worth it.

Ye Qianxing turned his head and looked behind him while escaping, only to see that the eight-pointed snake was always tens of meters away from him, unable to approach but also unable to shake off.

"Is this playing cat and mouse with me?"

Ye Qianxing feels that his personality has been insulted, and this big snake clearly treats him as a mouse Up.

He almost couldn't hold back even turning around to fight it desperately.

But in the end Ye Qianxing still controlled himself, although he was insulted, but anyway, this can at least bring himself a glimmer of survival.

"If Young Master can go back alive today, I promise, one day I will come back for revenge!"

Ye Qianxing thought bitterly in his heart, stimulating all his energy to carry on the space Displacement.

I don't know how long I ran, Ye Qianxing felt that he was almost exhausted, although he had an Immortal Body, there was no need to worry about breathing in the water.

But his energy is also limited after all. Once he is unable to move in space, then he still cannot escape.

"Is it really hard to avoid calamity?"

Ye Qianxing took a deep breath, he was not reconciled and would never give up.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that a vortex appeared in front of him, and under the vortex there seemed to be a bottomless hole.


Ye Qianxing made up his mind that there is a glimmer of survival when you enter, and there is only a dead end if you don't enter.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing no longer hesitated, directly moved towards vortex, rushed over, and plunged in.

When the Baqi Big Snake was chasing over, it happened to see Ye Qianxing entering the vortex. It hesitated for a moment, but still did not go in, not because it did not dare, but...

Compared with its huge body, this vortex is too big, it can't get in at all.

This is why Ye Qianxing chose to enter vortex.

As soon as he entered the vortex, Ye Qianxing felt his body began to spin uncontrollably.

At this time, the energy in his body has basically been exhausted, unable to complete the spatial displacement, so he can only allow vortex to spin around with his body.

Turning around, Ye Qianxing felt a dizziness hit his heart.

In unconsciously, he fainted.

"I hope my Immortal Body can take me away..."

This is the last thought in Ye Qianxing's mind. He can only pin all his hopes on Enter Immortal Body.

Immortal Body, as long as you are not attacked by one strike certain kill, you have a chance to recover.

If it were not for such a perverted physique, Ye Qianxing would not dare to take such a big risk.

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