I don’t know how long it took before Ye Qianxing woke up from the chaos.

As soon as he regained consciousness, Ye Qianxing felt a pain all over his body.

"Huh, there is pain, it means that at least he is still alive, Young Master's life is really harder than Xiaoqiang."

Ye Qianxing teased in his heart, at this time he looked all around , I gradually see the environment I am in now.

I seem to be lying on a grass, surrounded by flowers and trees, it looks like a forest.

If it wasn't for the surrounding sea water and unable to breathe, Ye Qianxing would even wonder if he had already returned to land.

"No, relying on your own resilience to completely recover is not a half a month for ten days."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, now in an unknown area, He didn't dare to let himself have the worst condition.

So he quickly summon Lin Ruoxi out.

As soon as he appeared from the contract space, Lin Ruoxi was frowned.

She moved the magic wand in her hand, next moment, two bubbles appeared on her and Ye Qianxing, blocking the nearby sea water.

Lin Ruoxi can control Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Wind, Thunder to a certain extent, so it is not surprising that he can do this.

"Where is this place? It looks curious and different?"

Lin Ruoxi asked, whether it is flowers, trees or any surrounding scenes, they are tangible and real.

But how can such a place appear in the inner world of the sea?

And if they look up, they can still see the sun and clouds, but from the water pressure, it is definitely deep in the seabed.

"I don't know, but Sister Ruoxi, you should treat me first."

Ye Qianxing shook the head said with a wry smile.

Lin Ruoxi only noticed Ye Qianxing's situation and she was frowned immediately.

She could see that Ye Qianxing's injury was very serious at this time. Although there was no trauma on the surface, the internal organs in the body were basically displaced.

If this is changed to an ordinary person, it would have died a long time ago. I don’t know how many times.

Thanks to Ye Qianxing who got the Immortal Body from Lin Ruoxi, otherwise it would be impossible to survive.

Lin Ruoxi hurriedly released the guardian of nature to Ye Qianxing. A very rich life force penetrated every inch of Ye Qianxing's body and healed his injuries.

After healed for ten minutes, Ye Qianxing barely recovered. Although he did not return to the Peak state, he could protect himself if he encountered any danger.

"You really don't make people worry, you always make trouble."

Seeing Ye Qianxing's complexion, Lin Ruoxi sighed in relief, and then fiercely shaved Ye Qianxing. At a glance.

His eyes are full of worry, anger and distress.

Although she knows that Ye Qianxing will not die easily, she will also be in pain.

Ye Qianxing only gave a wry smile to Lin Ruoxi's complaint.

Was he the one who took the initiative to look for things? Obviously things always find him.

If you clearly sleep peacefully on the plane, you will encounter the eight-headed snake.

This really responds to that sentence, people do disasters at home from heaven.

After resting on the spot for a while, Ye Qianxing decided to walk around first to find out where he was now.

Lin Ruoxi naturally has no opinion, she just told Ye Qianxing not to take her back into the contract space.

After all, Ye Qianxing has not fully recovered yet, she needs her care, and it is seabed here, neither Vajra, Shadow Guard nor Erbaiwu can exert their strength here.

Xiaokun is suitable for being in the sea, but he hasn't woken up yet.

Therefore, the important task of protecting Ye Qianxing can only be handed over to Lin Ruoxi.

But Ye Qianxing didn't intend to really let her protect. Anyway, he has inherited the power of five Spirit Pets, and he can even compare to the evil spirits of D-Rank.

There is more than self-protection.

But if Lin Ruoxi insists on this, Ye Qianxing will naturally not refuse.

The two of them wandered in the forest, watching all around and observing all the movements in the jungle.

But because the sound is difficult to transmit in the sea, it is also difficult for him to hear any movement.


Suddenly, Ye Qianxing keenly perceives what seems to be happening not far away.

Because of a turbulent sea water moved towards them.

"Is there something fighting?"

Ye Qianxing heart startled, and glanced at Lin Ruoxi.

Lin Ruoxi is very sensitive to Life Aura's perception, so she also feels life fluctuation not far away.

"Let's go and take a look."

After a moment of thought, Ye Qianxing decided to go and take a look.

Lin Ruoxi also meant this, so the two quickly moved towards the direction where the aftermath of the battle came.

After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination, and the scene before them made them a little dumbfounded.

Just ahead, a fierce battle is taking place, and what really shocked the two of them was when they were fighting against each other.

One of them is a creature that looks a bit like a tiger, but its lower body is a fish tail.

The other side is even more peculiar. The upper body is a human, and the lower body is a fish tail.

It looks like a mermaid that only existed in a legend before the new era.

There are more mermaids than tiger fishes. There are three in total, two males and one female.

The upper body of the man is shirtless, while the woman only wears a sea-blue color armor cover.

Two jade-like arms and a white and flawless abdomen are exposed, coupled with the beautiful face mixed with Eastern and Western characteristics, and a sea-blue color hair.

Ye Qianxing can't help but feel a little throbbing in his heart.

The three human fish are holding harpoon-shaped weapons and fought fiercely with the tiger fish.

But they don't seem to be the tiger fish's opponents together. They can only fight and retreat. The three attack the tiger fish in a wheel-to-wheel war.

"Hey, what are you looking at!"

As Ye Qianxing watched the battle in front of him, especially when his eyes were concentrated on the female mermaid, there was a sudden sound around him. With an angry voice.

"So beautiful, so white, so big."

Ye Qianxing said subconsciously, and the next moment felt that a piece of meat on his waist was pinched fiercely.

At the same time, an icy intention came from around, Ye Qianxing only then realized that there was another person beside him.

Turning her head and looking, sure enough, Lin Ruoxi was looking at him with a bitter expression on her face.

"Isn't I beautiful, not white, or...Isn't that what?" Lin Ruoxi said aggrievedly, Ye Qianxing suddenly seeped a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

A woman's aggressiveness is really strong, even if the opponent is a strange creature that is half man, half fish.

As long as they are of the same sex, comparison is absolutely necessary.

"Cough cough, you are beautiful, you are white, you..."

Speaking of the back, Ye Qianxing looked at Lin Ruoxi somewhere, and then at the mermaid’s certain Place.

After a secret comparison, I didn't go on.

He is an upright child, and he will never lie.

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