After listening to Lin Ruoxi’s explanation, Ye Qianxing was scared into cold sweat.

If this corpse was not treated just now, wouldn't it mean that they would soon be surrounded by countless monsters in the abyss?

"Hehe, Sister Ruoxi, you are really smart."

Ye Qianxing patted her flattery quickly, and Lin Ruoxi rolled his eyes again.

The two continued to dive. In order to prevent the embarrassing thing from happening just now, Ye Qianxing simply urged the assassination technique to hide his breath.

Assassination is more effective in this extremely dark environment.

And Lin Ruoxi also has the means. She can control Life Power and simply hide her Life Aura directly.

In this way, no one will find that she is a living person now unless she is in front of her.

Because she doesn't have a trace of aliveness on her body.

In this way, the two of them dived for more than half an hour, and neither encountered the attack of the sea monster again.

On the contrary, Ye Qianxing even discovered a lot of sea monsters. They all seem to be in a dormant state. They only wake up when they smell the breath of living people.

Just in case, Ye Qianxing chose to bypass them.

Although this is safer, it is more time-consuming.

A full hour passed, and they only dived a few hundred meters.

According to the display on the locator, they are now a full kilometer away from the bottom of the abyss.

"Sister Ruoxi, it’s too slow to go on like this. Why don’t we go down at full speed, and we can dive to the end in half an hour at most, when the time comes, we will use the black hole bomb to chase the sea All monsters are killed."

Ye Qianxing said, Lin Ruoxi just wanted to refuse, but he thought about it carefully.

It’s really too slow to go on like this. As it gets deeper and deeper, the strength of those sea monsters gets stronger and stronger.

Their concealment ability may be invalid on those powerful sea monsters.

So Lin Ruoxi finally agreed with Ye Qianxing's idea.

"Sister Ruoxi, hold on to me."

Ye Qianxing grabbed Lin Ruoxi's supple as if boneless smooth hand, and then directly exited the hidden state.

"Space transfer, give me a rush!"

Ye Qianxing directly urges the space transfer and quickly moved towards the bottom to rush away.

On the way, many sea monsters asked about their vitality, and they hurried to catch up.

But their speed is Ye Qianxing's opponent, they can only chase slowly behind.

Such a big battle caused a lot of noise, causing many sea monsters far away to hear the sound.

In just half an hour, Ye Qianxing followed hundreds of sea monsters behind them.

There are even D-Rank and C-Rank that are above C-Rank.

If besieged by them, it is estimated that Ye Qianxing's Immortal Body will not work well.

"To the end!"

Ye Qianxing breathed a sigh of relief until his feet finally stepped on the bottom.

After more than ten consecutive use of space transfers, even he couldn't support it.

Fortunately, it lasted until he landed.

"Hehe, chase the Young Master, it’s cool to chase you, reward you with a ball!"

Ye Qianxing sneered, press the button of the black hole bomb, and moved towards the group of sea monsters. Throw.

At the same time, he grabbed Lin Ruoxi's hand, urged the space transfer with all his strength, and instantly appeared 100 meters away.

bang!! !

Next moment, a huge explosion sounded a hundred meters away.

The bomb was turned into a Black Hole Vortex, which forcibly sucked away all the seawater in that area, creating a vacuum zone.

Hundreds of sea monsters, regardless of their strength, were all sucked into the black hole.

The energy in this black hole is very violent, and every sea monster sucked into it is instantly crushed into dust.

"Fuck, the formidable power of this bomb is really big. After going out, ask the witch if there is any extra, take it out and see who dares to mess with me."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, if this black hole bomb is taken to the sky, whoever dares to provoke him will reward him with a bomb.

After being shocked, the two stopped procrastinating and proceeded according to the prompts on the locator.

After swimming for almost ten minutes, they found a faint blue fluorescence coming from a short distance away.

At the bottom of this all black, no daylight abyss, even a trace of starlight is extremely abrupt, not to mention that the fluorescence is much more dazzling than starlight.

"Go, right there!"

Ye Qianxing said, and the two hurriedly moved towards blue and ran in the direction of fluorescence.

A few minutes later, both of them stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

That is an altar. In the center of the altar stands a Trident about two meters long.

Although it is only two meters long, whether it is Ye Qianxing or Lin Ruoxi, it seems that it has a length of 10,000 meters.

"Is this the Sea God Trident?"

Ye Qianxing looked at this Trident with scorching eyes, and the system's eyes moved and began to analyze.

Sea God Trident: The hand-held weapon of a certain mansion called the Sea God, which contains a powerful curse, and to a certain extent, it has Absolute Control power against water.

Evaluation: Seven-star material.

Poseidon’s weapon? Is there really a divine residence in this world?

Ye Qianxing's pupils shrank sharply. Even in this new era, he had never heard of the existence of God's Mansion.

But when you think about it carefully, evil spirits, Spirit Pet, and spiritual medicine all exist. Why is there impossible in the mansion?

This new era can no longer be viewed with science.

"Regardless of whether there is a so-called divine residence, but since it can be evaluated as a seven-star material by the system, it is definitely not simple, really didn't expect and unexpected harvest."

Ye Qianxing's heart began to excite, and he looked at the Sea God Trident with scorching eyes.

Lin Ruoxi is in touch with him, so he knows what he thinks at this time.

"Be careful."

But Lin Ruoxi didn't stop, but just ordered.

Ye Qianxing nodded, because there is blue fluorescence, he can see clearly around him, and there is no sea monster.

So there should be no danger.

So Ye Qianxing turned three steps into two steps, stepped directly on the altar and walked to the side of Sea God Trident.

He just put his hand on the Sea God Trident, and when he tried hard, he realized that he couldn't pull it out.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Ye Qianxing didn't believe in evil anymore, and he increased his strength a bit, but still couldn't pull it out.

So he directly used the power of his whole body to pull out fiercely through gritted teeth, but he still couldn't pull it out.

It's as if it is stuck into the interior of the altar.

"I regret it. I knew I would not use the black hole bomb, otherwise I might blow up this altar now."

Ye Qianxing gave a wry smile and tried again A few times, but it didn't work at all.

He even took out Vajra summon and let it pull out.

Vajra's strength is even several times that of Ye Qianxing, but Sea God Trident is still completely motionless.

"I have come here, is it doomed to fail?"

Ye Qianxing's face is full of unwillingness.

"Why don't you try to use system to take it away?"

Lin Ruoxi suddenly walked to Ye Qianxing's side and reminded.

Since Lin Ruoxi became the Spirit Pet of Ye Qianxing, she knew the existence of system.

Ye Qianxing frowned when he heard Lin Ruoxi's words.

Yes, how can I forget the system?

So he put his hand on the Sea God Trident again, and said silently in his heart.


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