
As the rays of light flashed, when Ye Qianxing looked again, the Sea God Trident had already appeared in the system space.


Ye Qianxing burst into laughter suddenly.

However, at this moment, the earth shook violently.

"What's going on?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly cred out in surprise, and Lin Ruoxi frowned.

"The witch said that if the Sea God Trident is pulled out, the Atlanta continent will be unblocked. It should be like this. Let's go back to the Sea God Temple!"

People moved towards the upper side frantically.

An hour later, they returned to where they were separated from Amy.

However, I was surprised to find that Amy's fish tail started moving towards the legs and the trend changed.

"You really succeeded, the curse is gone!"

Amy looked excited, but Ye Qianxing stared at Amy's legs blushingly.

At this time, her fish tail has completely transformed into human legs, but because there is no cover from clothing, so...


Lin Ruoxi jade hand pinches Ye Qianxing fiercely on the waist.

I don't know how many times she pinched Ye Qianxing, but she also collected Ye Qianxing's thoughts.

Amy doesn't feel anything, because her lower body has been fish-tailed since she was born, so she doesn't understand certain things at all.

"Two warriors, let's go back to the Sea God Temple."

Amy said, and the entire group immediately moved towards Sea God Temple and ran in the direction.

But because Amy has just developed her legs, she is still very uncomfortable, and her speed is much slower.

When I returned to the Sea God Temple, it was already a few hours later.

The mermaids outside Sea God Temple have also grown legs at this time, and are playing with their legs excitedly.

Entering the Sea God Temple, the witch is already standing there waiting for Ye Qianxing and Lin Ruoxi.

"You really didn't disappoint me."

When I saw Ye Qianxing, the witch smiled.

"What is the situation now, why is there such a big shock?"

Ye Qianxing asked in confusion.

"The seal has been removed, and the Atlanta continent has begun to float. At this rate, it should be able to rise to the surface in two or three days. When the time comes, you will be free to leave."

The witch has a smile on her face.

Although she is a witch, she has never seen the outside world either.

Ye Qianxing finally sighed in relief, and finally he can leave.

"By the way, I said, as long as you help us to lift the curse, you can promise you a condition, and now you can propose your condition."

The witch said suddenly.

Ye Qianxing hearing this stared into the eyes of the witch, and finally spoke for half a minute.

"I heard that you know everything, is it true?"

Ye Qianxing asked, the witch was nodded, and then pointed to a crystal ball on the table.

"This is the fortune-telling crystal inherited by our witches for generations. Through it, we can know anything, such as your appearance, which was fortune-telling by the first generation of witches through the fortune-telling crystal."

hearing this Ye Qianxing and Lin Ruoxi looked towards that crystal ball at the same time, is there such a magical treasure?

Can things be predicted even tens of thousands of years from now?

Ye Qianxing subconsciously used the eye of system for analysis.

Divination crystal ball: Users can see through the crystal ball and see the future. Heavenly Dao is clearly understood, but those who divulge the will of heaven will also receive a certain backlash.

Evaluation: six stars.

Is Heavenly Dao clearly understood? It sounds pretty awesome.

"Then I think about it, I want you to do a divination for me."

Ye Qianxing said with a serious face.

"Divination? What do you want to divination, future or marriage?"

"Neither, I want to know who my parents are."

Ye Qianxing shook the head said, and upon hearing his words, both the witch and Lin Ruoxi were stunned.

Especially Lin Ruoxi, the eyes looking towards Ye Qianxing at this moment are full of softness.

She grew up with Ye Qianxing and watched Ye Qianxing's life under the fence with her own eyes.

No one wants to be an orphan, and Ye Qianxing does not want either.

Although Ye Qianxing has always been indifferent in front of others, Lin Ruoxi knows best that Ye Qianxing still cares about his parents.

"It's that simple? Are you sure you don't want to change one?"

The witch was a little surprised, because it couldn't be simpler if she only used to foretell a person's life experience.

"One of my promises is very precious, you should change it."

The witch kindly persuaded her that even if it is to tell her the future, it is more important than knowing her own life experience. OK.

After all, my life experience is just the past, and even if you know the past, you can’t change it. On the contrary, if you know the future, you can still have a chance to hide from it.

If it's just for divining a person's life experience, it's not even a divulge the will of heaven at all.

"No need, that's it."

Ye Qianxing said firmly, the witch looked at his firm eyes and stopped persuading him.


In the end the witch was nodded.

She closed her eyes and stretched out her hands to rub on the crystal ball.

Still mutter incantations in the mouth.

After a while, the crystal ball began to release dazzling rays of light, and the witch's face turned pale.

Her expression became more and more painful, and half a minute later, the witch opened her eyes suddenly.

Then the pu' sound spit out a mouthful of blood and fell directly to the ground.

And the crystal ball in her hand shattered at this brief moment.

"What's wrong with you?"

Ye Qianxing was frightened by this scene, and hurriedly helped the witch up.

The witch's face became very pale, and her breath became very weak. Even the original cyan hair became a little gray.

It's as if I'm a few dozen years old all of a sudden.

Lin Ruoxi immediately injected her with Life Power upon seeing this, and the witch finally got a little better.

"Why did your Life Power suddenly disappear so much out of thin air?"

Lin Ruoxi asked, her attention had been on the witch just now.

She is very sensitive to Life Aura. Just now, she felt that the life force in the witch's body was rapidly consuming.

But she didn't feel where it was consumed.

It's like a bottle of water. You pour it out, but you know that it will end up somewhere.

But the life force in the witch's body seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Because Heavenly Dao needs to pay the price of life clearly understood, my Life Power was taken away by God."

The witch raised her head and said, her voice was very weak. .

Then she looked towards Ye Qianxing again, her eyes full of terrified look.

"I have seen your life experience, but I can't say that just prying has caused such a big backlash. If I tell you, it is divulge the will of heaven, I am afraid I will not It's dead."

Ye Qianxing hearing this brows tightly knit, and it was about to succeed, didn't expect this kind of thing unexpectedly happened.

"The only thing I can tell you is that your life experience is not simple, and your parents are not simple."

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