So Ye Qianxing hurriedly moved towards and flashed to the other side, just to escape.

Vajra's eyes showed a hint of surprise, but then he quickly blasted a few punches.

However, Ye Qianxing can predict it every time before punching, and then easily dodge it.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ……

In this way, after swinging hundreds of punches in a row, Vajra panted a little tired, but never hit Ye Qianxing.

"Okay, it's okay."

Ye Qianxing laughed, very happy.

With the ability to predict, as long as his opponent's attack speed is not fast enough for him to predict, but his body reaction speed cannot keep up, he will definitely be invincible. .

Vajra is looking at Ye Qianxing bitterly, can you not ask me to test your new skills every time!

After taking Vajra back into the contract space, Ye Qianxing brought out Xiaokun Summon again.

At this time, Xiao Kun is still in a coma. He used Power of Space to forcibly transfer Ye Qianxing and exhausted all its energy. Ye Qianxing was very moved by this.

"Xiao Kun has Water Attribute, Sea God Trident is also Water Attribute, maybe it can blend."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, yes, Sea God Trident is what he left for Little Kun's.

Xiaokun is a rare space system Spirit Pet, so it is relatively difficult to promote it, which leads to Ye Qianxing's current Spirit Pets have reached D-Rank, only Xiaokun Still E-rank.

This is too unfair to it.

If Sea God Trident and Xiaokun are combined, it should be able to evolve.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing hurriedly collected Xiao Kun into the system creation space, and then entered it himself.

Enter the Land of Primal Chaos again, at this time, only Xiao Kun and Sea God Trident are floating beside Ye Qianxing.


Ye Qianxing collided the two, as a sea-blue color rays of light shone past, Sea God Trident and Xiao Kun began to blend .

In front of him, Xiao Kun's body began to change.

It started to grow legs and hands!

"Does Xiao Kun want to develop in the direction of a mermaid?"

Ye Qianxing was a little surprised, but as time passed, he found that he only guessed right. half.

It is not a mermaid, but a mermaid.

Because Xiao Kun has only grown two legs and two arms at this time, but overall he looks like a narwhal.

You can just stand up like a person.

"Fuck, Xiao Kun, you are the first Spirit Pet after evolution that is uglier than before evolution."

Ye Qianxing sighed, if it wasn't for Xiao Kun now in a coma. , If you hear Ye Qianxing, it is estimated that you will faint once more with anger.

No matter how ugly it is, you didn't get it!

Soon, the blue rays of light dissipated, and Xiao Kun finally completed his evolution, holding a Trident in his hand.

Spirit Pet: Void Sea King Kun (Kunpeng bloodline

Alien Space (You can open or close Alien Space, after being in Alien Space, it will be isolated from the real space.)

Annihilation (Single Super High Damage, Sea God Trident Full-time skills)

Poseidon domain (where there is water, combat power can be increased several times)

Conditions for promotion:……

Evolution route:……

weng!! !

Xiao Kun suddenly opened his eyes, and an imposing manner like a king's imposing manner was released from it.

Ye Qianxing also felt a force pouring into his body at this time. He knew that this was because of the return of Xiaokun's level and rank promotion.

As long as the Spirit Pet created by him, every level or rank upgrade can bring him back-feeding strength.

Otherwise, if he can only obtain one-tenth of the strength that was when he created Spirit Pet at the beginning, how can battle strength reach comparable D-Rank now?

Xiaokun’s evolution this time not only brought an increase in rank, but also a leap from E-rank to D-Rank.

Of course, this is mainly due to the huge Water Element energy contained in the Sea God Trident.

The improvement of Xiaokun's level also increased Ye Qianxing's strength by at least three stages.

Now even without those skills, he can be tough with a D-Rank evil spirit.

"Xiao Kun, you are awake!"

Seeing Xiao Kun's opened eyes, Ye Qianxing was sighed in relief.

Although Lin Ruoxi said that Xiaokun is only exhausted and there is no mortal danger, but Ye Qianxing will not feel at ease if he does not wake up for a day.

Now the mind that I mentioned can finally be put down.

"Many Thanks Master."

Xiao Kun feels his own improvement, is very happy, and expresses his gratitude in the soul dialogue.

Ye Qianxing waved his hand indifferently. Xiao Kun is his Spirit Pet. It is stronger, which means that Ye Qianxing is stronger.

As time passed day by day, soon, seven days passed.

And the Atlanta continent finally surfaced, everyone in Atlanta clansman was very excited, looking at the sun and clouds in the sky, breathing fresh air greedily.

Ye Qianxing also took a long breath, and they could finally leave.

"Two heroes, these are the submarines we developed. They are very strong and should be able to escort you back."

The witch gave a submarine to Ye Qianxing, Ya The Telan civilization used to be a very developed civilization, and this submarine was invented by them.

Ye Qianxing thanked him a lot, and under the watch of all Atlanta clansman, he took a submarine and departed.

In the ocean, this submarine is as small as a grain of sand.

Ye Qianxing doesn't have a map, so he doesn't know where to go, so he simply chooses a direction to drive.

This submarine has a radar system that can search for the presence of electronic equipment within a hundred kilometers nearby. Once the electronic equipment is detected, it means that there is someone.

So they can find their way back.

After driving one day and one night in the ocean, the radar finally detected the signal. They quickly moved towards the direction of the signal. After a few hours, they finally reached the land.

After going up, Ye Qianxing put the submarine directly into the belly of Xiao Kun, maybe it will be useful in the future.

After walking for a few more hours, he finally arrived in a human city.

After some inquiries, Ye Qianxing was pleasantly surprised to learn that this place turned out to be South Vietnam.

South Vietnam is very close to the Celestial Kingdom, and even the Southern Guard Pass of the Celestial Dynasty is at the junction of the two countries. It seems that Ye Qianxing's luck is not bad, and he landed in South Vietnam.

And the human city where he is now is not far from the Southern Guard Pass, only a few days away.

Ye Qianxing long let out a long relaxed breath, now that it’s all here, he won’t be in a hurry anymore.

Thinking that he was sleeping and sleeping on the sea breeze during this time, he decided to take a day off in this city, such as taking a hot bath or eating a big meal.

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