Randomly found a restaurant, Ye Qianxing was satisfied after a full meal.

Picking up his teeth with a toothpick, Ye Qianxing is going to find a hotel to rest.

While walking down the street, a woman in her 20s and 30s came to face her. Ye Qianxing glanced at it casually, but was stunned on the spot.

The woman was also stunned, and the two of them stared at each other like this.

"Murong platoon?"

"Ye Qianxing?"

The two exclaimed almost in unison, Ye Qianxing didn't expect Murong The language will appear here.

And Murong Yu even didn't expect Ye Qianxing to be alive.

More than half a month ago, Ye Qianxing went to the Red Leaf City to support the seventh squad despite his opposition.

In the end, some survivors of the seventh squad returned, but Ye Qianxing had no news.

Everyone believes that he died in the collapsed alien space. After all, the collapse of the space is not a joke, and that situation is basically impossible to survive.

But now, Ye Qianxing actually appeared in front of Murong Yu alive, which made her feel like hell.

"You...Are you still alive?"

Murong said in a swallowed saliva and said, still asking in disbelief.

She stared at Ye Qianxing, trying to find the difference from his face to prove that he was not Ye Qianxing.

It just looks more alike.

"Murong platoon, what you said, am I still a ghost now?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly gave a wry smile. This woman really doesn't know how to talk.

Standing in front of you alive, you asked me if I was alive.

I want to reply, I'm actually a ghost, don't you have to be scared to death?

They look exactly the same, their voices are exactly the same, even their personalities are the same, Murong Yu finally had to believe that Ye Qianxing was indeed alive.

"Let's talk about it, what the hell is going on?"

In a quiet box, Murong Yu kept looking at Ye Qianxing.

Although she has believed the fact that Ye Qianxing is still alive, she is still very curious about how he survived.

"In fact, it’s not a complicated thing. After I sent out the seventh squad that day, Space Gate was closed, but fortunately I rushed out at the moment of closure, but I encountered The space turbulence was later teleported to an island."

"I took a rest on that island for almost half a month before recovering, and later returned by boat with the help of the residents of that island Yes."

Ye Qianxing half true half false said.

It's not that he wants to hide Murong Yu, but his experience is too complicated and unimaginable. Even if he says Murong Yu, he doesn't necessarily believe it.

Instead of this, it's better not to waste your tongue and just perfunctory.

After listening to Ye Qianxing's words, Murong Yu suddenly showed disappointment. She thought Ye Qianxing would tell some ups and downs.

It didn't expect it was that simple.

"What does a girl named Xia Xiaoyu have to do with you?" Murong Yu asked suddenly.

Ye Qianxing was moved in his heart.

Xia Xiaoyu?

"What's wrong with her?"

Ye Qianxing asked quickly, his face full of anxiety.

There are not many people he cares about and care about in his life, but Xia Xiaoyu is definitely one of the most important people.

Seeing Ye Qianxing being so anxious, Murong Yu waved his hand and said.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with her body, but since she came back, she has been depressed and unhappy. It is estimated that something is wrong with her psychology."

hearing this Ye Qianxing A pain in his heart, he knew that Xia Xiaoyu must think he was dead, too sad.

"Originally, she is not suitable for staying in the barracks in this state, so I want to persuade her to leave, but she is unwilling to live and die."

Ye Qianxing knows that Xia Xiaoyu must be thinking Stay here and wait for Ye Qianxing to return.

Maybe there is always hope in her heart, as long as Ye Qianxing's body is not seen, then he may still be alive.

With a kick, Ye Qianxing stood up abruptly, giving Murong Yu a shock.

"What are you doing?"

Murong Yu said angrily, while Ye Qianxing had a serious face.

"I want to go back, now, right now!"

Murong Yu looked at the determined expression on Ye Qianxing's face and moved in his heart.

This expression is the second time she saw it on Ye Qianxing's face.

The first time I learned about the disappearance of the seventh squad.

"You will be unhurried when you go back. For the past two days, our special team is going on a special mission. Would you like to join?"

"After all...you are also a special team A member."

Murong Yu said that Ye Qianxing had already agreed to join the special team.

Although he disappeared later, his identity information has been entered into the special forces.

"Special mission?"

Ye Qianxing was taken aback for a moment.

Murong Yu is not only a special fighter, but also a platoon long. Being a platoon long is enough to see her extraordinary.

And every member of the special team has the ability equal to or even surpassing Murong Yu.

So the special task that the special forces can carry out must be very important.

"Yes, this special mission is very important. If you are willing to join, then I will take you to meet the rest of the special team, when the time comes complete the mission and go back together."

"If I don't want to, I won't force it. I just want to go back to the Southern Guard Pass from here. Not only is the journey long, but there are also many obstacles along the way. There is no one or two days that can't be reached."

"Everything is up to you."

Murong Yu looked at Ye Qianxing, she actually hoped Ye Qianxing would agree.

For Ye Qianxing's ability, she is very optimistic. If they can participate in this mission, their success rate will be greatly improved.

After Ye Qianxing pondered for a while, he was still nodded.

Murong Yu is right. In this new era, going abroad requires very complicated procedures.

To do this well, he will not be able to return to the Southern Guard Pass until at least two days later. It is better to go back with the special team, which can save a lot of trouble.

"Okay, I'll take you to meet Captain and the others first, and let you get to know them."

Murong Yu said quickly, and the two moved towards a hotel. .

When he came to a room on the third floor of the hotel, Murong Yu knocked on the door five times regularly.

After half a minute, the door opened.

Ye Qianxing looked inside and saw five people sitting in a small room.

Four men and one woman, none of them seem very old.

Especially the only girl inside, she seems to be less than twenty years old, a few years older than Ye Qianxing at worst.

And the most striking thing about her is her long silver white hair, which is extremely abrupt.

The silver-haired girl grew up pretty well, and even Ye Qianxing looked at her with a sense of familiarity. When I think about it carefully, she and Murong Yu seem to be similar to each other.

Are they sisters?

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