Meng Fang and Gangzi heard about their reputation, and they were suddenly excited.

I saw Ye Qianxing, Murong Yu and Murong Yan all running towards this side.

"Did they complete the task?"

Gangzi also showed joy.

Soon, Ye Qianxing and the three came to Mengya and Gangzi.

When it was discovered that one person was missing, Miao Fang and Gangzi's face suddenly changed.

"Where is Yang Miao?"

Meng Ya quickly asked.

Although Yang Miao has an unruly personality, after all, after ten years of getting along with each other, he is affectionate.

Now there are only Murong Yu, Murong Yan and Ye Qianxing, but there is no silhouette of Yang Miao alone. It stumps him...

Hearing the question from Mouth, Murong Yu's face sank instantly.

"Team Mongolia, Yang Miao is a traitor, this time the summon conspiracy of Lingshen Sect was actually leaked to us deliberately for the purpose of Profound Yin Physique of Xiaoyan."


Hearing Murong's words, Mengfang and Gangzi were shocked to the boss whose eyes were staring.

An unbelievable look.

Ten years of comrades-in-arms, how could they accept this.

"Impossible, Yang Miao may be a traitor!"

Gangzi exclaimed excitedly. He and Yang Miao have the best relationship.

"Impossible? The little goose almost died because of that bastard. If it weren't for Ye Qianxing's help, not only would we all have to die, but the summon ceremony of the spiritual gods would also be completed. At that time, it would be Southern Guard The catastrophe of Pass."

Murong said coldly, Gangzi still couldn't accept the truth.

In the end, he got his teeth and believed in Murong Yu, because Yang Miao told him the news of the conspiracy summon Lich King of the Spiritual God.

At that time, Yang Miao explained that he had a spy in the Spiritual God Sect. Now it seems that he is the real spy.

"Then how did you escape, and, is the summon ceremony ruined?"

asked the teeth.

"Fortunately, there is Ye Qianxing. He not only killed Yang Miao and the undead wizard, but also destroyed the summon altar. It can be said that this mission was successful thanks to him."


Murong Yu tells the truth, she even began to rejoice that she met Ye Qianxing, and persuaded him to join this mission.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Hearing this Meng Fang looked towards Ye Qianxing again and again.

didn't expect this young man who just joined the special warfare squad is so amazing.

At this time, Vajra, Erbaiwu, and Xiao Kun have worked together to solve the remaining spirit gods and demon, and return to Ye Qianxing.

"Good job."

Ye Qianxing smiled and stroked the heads of three Spirit Pets, and all three Spirit Pets showed an expression of enjoyment.

Tooth was even more shocked at this scene. He just wondered who sent these three powerful Spirit Pets.

Ye Qianxing didn't expect all of them.

At the same time, he also believed even more that Murong Yu said before that Ye Qianxing turned the tide of the battle.

"Go back first. As for whether Yang Miao is a traitor or not, we will investigate clearly after returning. We will never wrong a good person or let a bad person go."

Meng Fang took a deep breath and said.

At this time, Hawkeye has also solved the two monsters who chased him, and came back to join.

After the crowds were gathered, the entire group left South Vietnam in a special car.

I have to say that having a military background is different.

When I passed the border of South Vietnam, no one investigated Ye Qianxing's identity, which saved a lot of trouble.

At the same time, Ye Qianxing had to marvel that as a member of the Celestial military, he still had privileges.

If you change to the military of other small countries around you, you might still have to verify your identity.

One day later, they returned to the Southern Guard Pass.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly moved towards the tenth squad after getting off the car and ran away, just in time to see Li Jie training the warriors of the tenth squad in the compound.

Sutila, Zhou Yue and Zhou Lang are also among them, because Murong Yu agreed to transfer them to the tenth squad before.

"I tell you, if you don't work hard now, you will die the fastest when you are on the battlefield."

"If you don't want to die, you will give it to Laozi..."


Li Jie was reprimanding these warriors, but found that everyone's eyes were concentrated on the gate of the compound behind him.

Especially Sutila, Zhou Lang and Zhou Yue, their eyes were red at this time.

Li Jie turned around suspiciously, and was stunned.

Only a familiar silhouette and face appeared in his sight.

"Ye...Ye Qianxing?"

Li Jie asked uncertainly.

"Brother Jie, long time no see."

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, then looked towards the three people in the team and opened his hands.

"Why, I haven't seen you for a month, so I don't know each other?"

"Thousand stars!"

"Big Brother Ye!"

"Brother Xing!"

Only then did Sutila, Zhou Yue, and Zhou Lang finally reacted, and Qi Qi moved towards Ye Qianxing rushed over.

A group of people hugged together, so friendship, envy others.

"Qianxing, you are not dead yet, you are really very good."

Su Tila, a big man who bleeds and does not cry, his eyes are red at this time.

At that time, they went out first, but after a long time, they only waited until Xia Xiaoyu came out.

Until Space Gate closed, Ye Qianxing was nowhere to be seen.

They wanted to ask what happened to Xia Xiaoyu, but Xia Xiaoyu seemed to have lost her soul.

After coming out of Space Gate, he looked dull and said nothing.

Only tears kept streaming down from the corners of the eyes.

Although they didn't say anything, Sutila and the others also guessed that something happened to Ye Qianxing.

The four of them hugged each other for ten minutes before they finally separated. Zhou Yue seemed to have thought of something and said hurriedly.

"Big Brother Ye, you'd better go and see Xiao Yu, since your death... No, since you disappeared, she didn't say a word, and after returning, she just stayed in the house, not seen Anyone."

"We can only feed her even food."

"Yes, Qianxing, I suspect that Xiaoyu may be suffering from depression. Now."

Sutila also said solemnly.

They pay attention to Xia Xiaoyu all the time these days, for fear that she can't think about it.

But fortunately, she just often stays in a daze, does not speak, but she has no thoughts of suicide.

There must be a glimmer of hope in my heart, and I think Ye Qianxing is still alive.

Ye Qianxing's nose was sore after hearing what they said.

He can imagine the sadness of Little Lass, she must have been very guilty.

I don’t know if this incident will leave her with any repercussions.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing hurriedly moved towards Xia Xiaoyu's room and ran away.

"dong dong dong."

Knocked on the door, but there was no response. Ye Qianxing pushed gently, and the door opened directly.

A rickety back appeared in his line of sight. Xia Xiaoyu sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the corner, his body motionless, like a statue.

Seeing her thin back, Ye Qianxing felt a pain in her heart.

He walked behind Xia Xiaoyu and hugged her from behind, but he didn't react at all.

If it had been before, Xia Xiaoyu would have jumped with fright if he was held so suddenly.

But now, she has no reaction at all.

"Xiao Yu, I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time, I am back."

Ye Qianxing said softly.

At the moment his voice just appeared, he could clearly feel Xia Xiaoyu's body trembled violently.

Then, Xia Xiaoyu turned around, and the two looked at each other.

Ye Qianxing can clearly see that there is no blood on Xia Xiaoyu's face. This must be caused by chronic lack of nutrition and excessive sadness.

"Brother Xing, did you come to pick me up?"

"It's great, Brother Xing, I know you won't leave Xiaoyu."

"Brother Xing, we will be together forever in the future."

Without the surprise, crying, or fainting as imagined, Xia Xiaoyu said with a faint smile on his face.

She actually thought it was a dream, she thought it was Ye Qianxing who came to pick her up after death.

Ye Qianxing's eyes are red, and the man does not flick lightly when he has tears, but he is not sad.

Little Lass Because he has suffered so much, how can he not blame himself?

"Well, Xiao Yu, we will never be separated in the future."

Ye Qianxing smiled warmly. At this time, Lin Ruoxi was summoned by him and appeared behind Xia Xiaoyu.

Ye Qianxing gave her a look, and Lin Ruoxi understood, a green energy injected into Xia Xiaoyu's body.

"Xiao Yu, take a good rest, Brother Qianxing is here, guarding you."

Ye Qianxing stroked Xia Xiaoyu's head and said softly.

Xia Xiaoyu closed her eyes and entered a state of rest.

The Life Power that Lin Ruoxi gave her just now is not only replenishing her nutrition, but also eliminating her bad state.

If the physical injury is cured, but the heart injury is hard to heal, she must first let her rest.

During the period of Ye Qianxing's disappearance, Xia Xiaoyu hardly slept well.

Ye Qianxing gently put Xia Xiaoyu on the bed, and then sat on the side of the bed and looked at her.

That's it, three days have passed.

Xia Xiaoyu slept for three days and three nights, Ye Qianxing also sat by the bed and watched her for three days and three nights.

For Ye Qianxing's current physical fitness, there is nothing to be done without sleeping for three days and three nights except a trace of fatigue.

As for Xia Xiaoyu, Lin Ruoxi injects Life Power into her from time to time, so she doesn't have to worry about eating.

On the fourth day, Xia Xiaoyu on the bed finally opened his eyes.

The eyes that were so dull and dull, at this time finally recovered some anger.

She turned her head subconsciously and saw Ye Qianxing smiling and looking at herself.

"Brother Xing... Qian?"

After Xia Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, fiercely rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had hallucinations.

After rubbing her eyes, she still couldn't believe it, so fiercely pinched her thigh.

I found that there was no pain.

"Sure enough, am I dreaming?"

Xia Xiaoyu's eyes dimmed for an instant.

"I hope this dream will never wake up."

"Silly girl, you are not dreaming."

Ye Qianxing gave a wry smile, then looked towards Own thighs.

At this time, a white jade hand is pinching the flesh on his thigh.

"How could there be pain when you pinch my thigh?"

Xia Xiaoyu then reacted, then retracted her hand and pinched herself again.

Suddenly let out a scream.

"It hurts! This...this is not a dream."

"Brother Xing, you are really back!"

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