Ye Qianxing was made to laugh and heartache by Little Lass's behavior.

"Wu wu, Brother Xing, you are really back, I miss you so much."

Xia Xiaoyu finally couldn't hold back, she cried out and hid this time in the heart All sorrows were vented.

Ye Qianxing hugged Xia Xiaoyu, and said in a softer voice than ever before.

"Xiao Yu, I'm sorry, I have caused you to suffer. From today, I won't make you worry about me again."

"I promise."

Ye Qianxing said firmly.

"No, Brother Xing, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be in danger, let alone..."

"Fortunately you It's okay, otherwise, even if I die, I won't have the face to see you."

Xia Xiaoyu said with a guilty expression.

"Silly girl, why should I blame you?"

Ye Qianxing stroked Xia Xiaoyu's head and said, Xia Xiaoyu buried her head in Ye Qianxing's arms.

An unprecedented sense of security came to my heart.

The two embraced and talked for a full morning.

Ye Qianxing told Xia Xiaoyu about the things he experienced during this period. Of course, he only picked some relatively peaceful experiences, otherwise Little Lass would definitely blame himself again.

Until Little Lass said he was hungry, the two finally left the room.

The three of Sutila had been waiting outside the room. They felt relieved when Xia Xiaoyu had finally recovered to her former vigor.

They are also worried about what repercussions Xia Xiaoyu left behind because of the depression during that period.

After Meimei finished a meal, Ye Qianxing called Sutila and the others, and the five brother sisters got together.

"I will find time to tell you about the experience during this period, but now, I have something to give you."

Ye Qianxing said, and then beckoned. , A cool big sword of ice blue appeared in his hands.

As soon as the cool sword appeared, there was a chill out.

Looking at the big sword, the four reveal an amazed look.

Especially Sutila and Zhou Lang, as boys, are obsessed with this cool sword.

"This sword is called Frostmourne. It can be regarded as a very high-grade spiritual weapon. Pull it up and I will give it to you. You have turned on the semi-awakened state. You can also fight, this Frostmourne can greatly enhance your combat effectiveness."

Ye Qianxing said, handing Frostmourne to Sutila.

Sutila was overjoyed, but then he shook his head.

"Qianxing, this is not so good, this sword is very precious at first sight, I..."

Although I refused, Sutila’s eyes simply couldn’t look away. This Frostmourne.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, you are still polite to me, your eyes are almost staring out, let you put it away, you put it away, my weapon is not inferior to this great sword."

Ye Qianxing has said so, and Sutila's character is relatively straightforward, so he is no longer polite.

He took Frostmourne solemnly on his face, and said.

"Thousand stars, there are too many to say, I will improve my strength as soon as possible, and I can fight alongside you in the future."

"Well, I am waiting for you. "

Ye Qianxing was also nodded, and then Sutila ran aside to play with Frostmourne.

Ye Qianxing saw a trace of envy in Zhou Lang's eyes, so laughed and said.

"When you have reached the semi-awakened state, I will also give you a spiritual weapon that is no worse than Frostmourne."

"en. "

Zhou Lang was heavily nodded. He didn't think Ye Qianxing's words were perfunctory.

Then Ye Qianxing looked towards Zhou Yue again, this little girl was looking at Sutila who was playing with the big sword with a smile on her face.

Ever since Sutila turned crazy for Zhou Yue in the labyrinth Secret Realm, the relationship between the two seems to have changed.

At least Ye Qianxing can clearly see the love in their eyes when they stand together.

I just don’t know if Sutila confessed.

"Cough cough, Yue Yue, I have brought you some good things here."

Upon hearing Ye Qianxing's words, Zhou Yue hurriedly looked over with a look of expectation.

She knows that if Ye Qianxing can say it is a good thing, then it must be very good.

Ye Qianxing was beckoned, and an ice stone exuding cold appeared in his hand.

"This is the Guanghan ice crystal. It has a great chance to help Xiaoyu awaken Jade Rabbit bloodline."

Ye Qianxing explained that he found this thing in the Sun National Treasury .

At that time, he saw that this Guanghan ice crystal should be useful to Zhou Yue's Spirit Pet, so he took it down.

"Awakening bloodline?"

Zhou Yue was startled, and then she was very excited.

Whether it is Ye Qianxing, Sutila, Xia Xiaoyu or Zhou Lang, their Spirit Pet has awakened to their bloodline, only her Xiaoyu has not yet.

Although Zhou Yue hasn't said anything, she is actually very disappointed.

After all, if this goes on, she might be dragged down.

Now I heard Ye Qianxing say that there is a way to help Xiaoyu awaken the bloodline, how can I keep her from getting excited.

"Quickly get Xiaoyu summon out."

Ye Qianxing laughed and said, Zhou Yue quickly got Xiaoyu summon out.

Ye Qianxing refines the Guanghan ice crystal and some auxiliary materials into medicine pill, and then gives it to Xiaoyu.

Ten minutes later, a terrifying cold breath was released from Xiaoyu.

Today's Xiaoyu is like Fairy on the Guanghan Moon Palace outside of Nine Heavens.

Spirit Pet: Jade Rabbit bloodline (activated)

attribute: Wind Element/Thunderbolt/God ice attribute

Evaluation: Six Star half-level (growth type)

Level: D2

Ability: 1. Storm control (condensation storm, Wind Element attack)

2. Wind and thunder pedal ( Physical attack, dual effects of wind and thunder)

3. Violent straight punch (pure physical attack)

4. Thunderstorm (contains electricity, wind and ice 3rd-layer attribute)

5. Vast-Glacial Palace que (domain skill)

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

Sure enough, Xiaoyu Has successfully awakened the Jade Rabbit bloodline and evolved into the Guanghan Fairy Rabbit.

"Big Brother Ye, thank you so much."

Zhou Yue was already excited and didn't know what to say at this time, Ye Qianxing was just laughed and didn't say much.

In the following days, Ye Qianxing had a relatively leisurely life.

Because he has joined the special warfare squad, he does not need to go to ordinary tasks at all.

The tasks that can be performed by the special warfare squad are the most special. There may not be one such task in a year, so it is very leisurely to become a member of the special warfare squad.

The above investigation has made it clear that Yang Miao is indeed a spy for the Spiritual God Sect, and Ye Qianxing has received a great commendation.

At the same time, he also gained thousands of points.

Because the mission was very important at that time, there were two thousand combat points allocated from above.

And because the task was mainly completed by Ye Qianxing, he took the majority.

Ye Qianxing is not at all polite about this. A thousand points of military exploits can be exchanged for a lot of good things.

Ye Qianxing was not stingy either. He exchanged a lot of spiritual suits and spiritual medicines, and distributed them to Xia Xiaoyu and Sutila. They changed shotguns to them, which increased their strength by more than one level.

On the contrary, he hasn't exchanged much for himself. It's not that he sacrificed himself. In fact, with his current vision, he really doesn't like these cheap things.

Ye Qianxing is also in the military treasury, but each one requires tens of thousands of points or even hundreds of thousands of battle exploits.

He can't afford it at all.

A little bit of time passed, and soon the two-month internship period ended.

The five Ye Qianxing also packed their bags and prepared to go to Imperial Capital to start their college career.

Before leaving, Murongyu and Ye Qianxing exchanged contact information.

And said that if all spiritual medicine is found, he will be contacted immediately.

Finally, after Li Jie, Mengya, Gangzi, Eagle Eye, Murong Yu, Murong Yan and other acquaintances bid farewell, everyone took a military plane and went to the Imperial Capital.

On the plane, Sutila was a little fidgety.

He was very excited when he thought of going to Imperial Capital University soon.

Imperial Capital University, the No. 1 Academy in the Kingdom of Heaven, and even the entire East Asian continent, is second to none.

"My father spent a lot of time to get this admission quota, hehe, I heard that Imperial Capital University is not only talented, but also good-looking girls."

Suila chuckled, but suddenly let out a scream.

It turned out that Zhou Yue's hand fiercely pinched the fat on his waist.

"the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear."

Ye Qianxing shook his head and sighed.

The girlfriend is right next to me, so I don’t care if I think about this kind of thing, but I dare to say it.

Ye Qianxing looked at the scenery outside the window. It was impossible to say that he was not nervous at all.

After all, that is Imperial Capital, the capital of the Kingdom of Heaven, at the feet of the emperor.

It is not comparable to Jiangnan City.

Maybe a D-Rank in Jiangnan City can control Spirit Master very well, but in a big city like Imperial Capital, it is estimated that it can only be regarded as an ordinary level.

"With my current strength, I am afraid it will be troublesome if I encounter danger in Imperial Capital. Unfortunately, Torch Dragon has to be hatched half a month, otherwise, it should be able to guarantee a lot. "

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

Imperial Capital is not better than Jiangnan City, where crouching tiger hidden dragon, fish and dragons mixed in together.

There used to be a sentence describing how deep the water in Imperial Capital is, saying that if you throw a brick down, you may have to knock down a large area of ​​Aristocratic Family children.

In Imperial Capital, there are so many powerful family powers.

Therefore, Ye Qianxing has to be careful.

Soon, the plane landed, and the entire group got off the plane and entered the city of Imperial Capital.

The prosperous scene stunned everyone, even Sutila and Xia Xiaoyu were a little dizzy. It was the first time they came to Imperial Capital.

There are only two people, Zhou Lang and Zhou Yue, who are indifferent. After all, they are members of Imperial Capital, so they are used to seeing this.

"Big Brother Ye, Imperial Capital University will only officially start enrolling students tomorrow. Do you want to go to my house for a day off?"

Zhou Yue asked.

Ye Qianxing shook his head and said.

"Don’t be so troublesome, I can find a hotel with Xiao Yu."

Although they have a good relationship with Zhou Lang and Zhou Yue, they are not familiar with the family behind them. So there is no need to trouble others.

Zhou Yue looked towards Sutila again.

Sutila scratched his head and said hesitantly.

"Then what, I'll also find a hotel with Qianxing and the others to rest for a night."

Although he and Zhou Yue have established a relationship, they want to go home with her. , It's still not very embarrassing.

Doesn’t this mean seeing your parents in disguise?

Sutila is not yet mentally prepared.


Zhou Yue sighed, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Then the entire group met at the entrance of Imperial Capital University tomorrow, and the two siblings drove away.

The three of Ye Qianxing randomly found a hotel with good specifications nearby and opened three rooms.

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