After serving the dishes, looking at the table full of delicacies, the three foodies suddenly lost their eyes and began to eat and drink.

The surrounding guests were all attracted by the sound they made from eating, and the eyes of the three looked towards Ye Qianxing were full of contempt.

"At first glance, it looks like unqualified out-of-towners. They eat a meal and devour it."

"We have to be considerate of them. After all, they have not received any education, and it must be the first time to eat. This kind of food."

Some people have started frigid irony and scorching satire, these are all locals of Imperial Capital.

Born to have an expert mindset, thinking that people from other places are all country folks.

"You guys!"

Sudila's violent temper was the first to stop, and she was about to get up and curse.

Ye Qianxing hastened to hold him.

"Okay, the dog bites you, do you want to bite it back? The mouth is on them, so they can say whatever they want."

Ye Qianxing indifferently said Sudila had no choice but to endure it.

Just when the Ye Qianxing three ignored those people and continued to taste the delicious food, a brawny man who was big and thick came over.

There were several bodyguards behind him.

"Hey, some customers say that your eating is unsightly."

The brawny man came and knocked on their table and said.

Ye Qianxing frowned, those people really like to be nosy, and they actually reported to the boss of the store.

But he didn't want to cause trouble, so he took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

"Okay, we will pay attention."

"It's not something you will pay attention to now, because the sound you eat makes many customers feel bad This experience has also caused a lot of loss to our store, so we need to compensate."

Brawny man continued, Sutila really couldn't help it.

He stood up abruptly and shouted furiously.

"Why, we also spent money to come in, it is our freedom to want to eat, I also said that you now let me have a bad experience, will you give me compensation?"

"Why, it seems that you are trying to make trouble?"

The brawny man raised his brows, and the younger brothers behind him came forward and stared at Sutila.

Sutila was extremely angry and laughed, just this group of scum, he is a Spirit Master who has started a semi-awakened state, and he can easily end the abuse.

Just when he was about to teach these eyesless guys, Ye Qianxing stopped him again.

"How do you want us to compensate?"

"Simple, one million at a price."

brawny man chuckled and said.

"One million!"

The star-eyed boss of Sutila, although he is not short of money, he can get one million.

But the compensation is only one million yuan, which is simply stealing money.

It's estimated that it was only 1 million if you smashed your shop?

Ye Qianxing is also frowned, but he doesn't want Sutila to be as angry, but confused.

As long as you are not a fool, you are impossible to pay a million for compensation. The fool knows that.

But this brawny man still raised one million, indicating that his true purpose is definitely not as simple as compensation.

Sure enough, seeing Sutila and Ye Qianxing look like this, brawny man laughed again.

"Of course, I also know that you come from those small places in the country, and you definitely can't afford the money. I don't make it difficult for you, so I plan to give you a chance."

"What Opportunity?"

Ye Qianxing asked with interest, wanting to see what this brawny man is thinking.

"Send me the little girl next to you to play, not only compensation is free, but I also free you from today's meal, how about?"

brawny man With a wretched smile, he looked at Xia Xiaoyu with beaming eyes.

It is the first time he has seen this pure and beautiful girl even if he has been in clubs for more than ten years.

hearing this Ye Qianxing's eyes suddenly showed a cruel look, and he finally understood that the real purpose of this guy was Xia Xiaoyu.

Now that he knows the purpose of this guy, Ye Qianxing will naturally no longer be polite to him.

"Two choices, one million in compensation, and send this chick to play for two days, you choose one."

Brawny man said with an obscene smile, at the same time Already dreaming about the scene of interacting with Mei Niu in my heart.

He has guessed that Ye Qianxing, the poor from other places, are richer than impossible, so he will definitely choose the latter.

"I choose to compensate one million."

Ye Qianxing unexpectedly chose the former, which caught the brawny man off guard.

After seeing a smile drawn at the corner of Ye Qianxing's mouth, Su Tila sneered again and again. Given his knowledge of Ye Qianxing, he would definitely not just let it go.

"You, are you sure?"

Brawny man asked suspiciously.

"Of course, after all, the decoration cost of your store and the medical expenses of you people are almost worth one million."

Ye Qianxing nodded said, brawny man hearing this is a little puzzled.

He hasn't understood the meaning of Ye Qianxing's words yet.

Before he thought about what Ye Qianxing meant, he saw a fist gradually enlarged in front of his eyes.

Immediately, he felt a pain in his nose, the bridge of his nose was broken, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

"Brother Hu!"

Seeing this, the younger brothers behind brawny man rushed out to raise the brawny man.

The brawny man is still dazed at this time, with a direct nosebleed.

"How could it be, why did I fly out suddenly?"

asked the brawny man, several brothers looked at each other, one of them said hurriedly.

"Brother Hu, that kid shot you."

They just saw that Ye Qianxing suddenly slammed a punch, very fast, directly hit Brother Hu's On the bridge of the nose.

Bring Brother Hu out.

You know, Brother Hu is a Big Fatty of more than one hundred and sixty catties.

How much effort can it take to knock it away a few meters away?

Brother Hu shook his head, and finally came back to his senses. At this time, his little brother hurriedly covered his nosebleed with the few toilet papers.

"You little bastard, dare to beat Lao Tzu and grab them, Lao Tzu will break their three legs!"

Brother Hu shouted angrily, but the younger brothers did not dare Step forward.

Ye Qianxing's strength just shown made them a little bit embarrassed.

Seeing the little brother not moving, Brother Hu was immediately angry and slapped each of them on the back of the head.

"A bunch of trash, I can't help but use Spirit Pet!"

Only then did the younger brothers react and put out their Spirit Pet summon one after another.

They are all E-rank Spirit Pets. Ye Qianxing and Sutila looked at each other, both showing disdain.

They don't even have a summon for Spirit Pets, they just moved towards those Spirit Pets and rushed over.

"Fuck, are they crazy, they don't use Spirit Pet?"

"Ai, they are dead, Brother Hu, but the tyrant on this street, these few But the country folks from other places won’t be in charge of them even if they are killed."

The surrounding customers ran out of the store because of fighting, but because of their nature to watch the excitement, they stayed Come down.

At this moment, seeing Ye Qianxing and Sutila rush to the Spirit Pet of the other party to death, they all shook their heads.

There is only one wearing white robed youth eyes slightly narrowed looking at Ye Qianxing and Su Tila, a bright light burst in his eyes.

"courting death."

Brother Hu also showed a hideous look when he saw it, but at the next moment, his face instantly changed to shock and fear.

Not only him, but the crowd watching the excitement outside the store was also dumbfounded.

In less than half a minute, those Spirit Pets had collapsed to the ground, screaming again and again.

And Ye Qianxing and Sutila stood unscathed.

These Spirit Pets were actually defeated by the two of them with their own abilities.

"Fuck, I'm not dreaming, are these two Superman, they can beat Spirit Pet?"

Someone murmured incredulously.

And the white robed youth in the crowd has a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth, his mouth is slightly opened, and a faint mosquito moan comes from his mouth.

"Awakened? Interesting."

Look at the restaurant again, and easily resolve the slight changes in expressions of Ye Qianxing and Sutila of these Spirit Pets.

Not to mention Ye Qianxing, even with Sutila's current strength, it is no problem to deal with some Spirit Pets in the early stages of E-rank.

This is still on the premise of not using Frostmourne. If it is used, it is estimated that even D-Rank Spirit Pet will be able to fight.

"How about, do you have to compensate?"

Ye Qianxing moved towards Brother Hu coldly smiled, Brother Hu was suddenly shivered all over his body.

But then he forced a cruel expression.

"No wonder it's so arrogant, it turns out that it has several points of ability. Although I don't know how you can defeat these Spirit Pets, but you dare to provoke me, even if you are a dragon, you have to keep it for me! "

The fat tiger was coldly snorted, and then put out a handprint, and the Contracted Space Gate opened wide behind him.

"Crypt Rock Dragon, go to battle!"

With the fat tiger shouting loudly, next moment, a huge body stepped out of the Space Gate.

The yellow-brown dragon scales spread all over the body, which is the power of the dragon. At first glance, it looks a bit like a dragon.

Spirit Pet: Crypt Rock Dragon (Earth Dragon subspecies)

attribute: Dragon/Rock

Evaluation: Four-star half-class (growth type) )

Level: D5

Ability: Crazy Dragon Strike, Earth Dragon Stabbing

Weakness: Water Element

Promotion conditions:...

Evolution route:...

Note: Contains Earth Dragon bloodline, which meets the conditions for incubating dragon egg

"Is Earth Dragon bloodline?"

Looking at the system's prompt, Ye Qianxing's eyes flashed with joy.

The system also warmly reminds that it meets the dragon egg incubation conditions. Isn't this just letting him do it in disguise?

Ye Qianxing's eyes suddenly flashed an evil smile.

"Rock Dragon, kill them for me!"

The Fat Tiger shouted in anger, the Crypt Rock Dragon suddenly roared, and a terrifying Dragon's Might descended on this area.

Even the people outside the store can't help but step back a few steps.

Earth Dragon is also a kind of dragon. Although it is only a low-level dragon, it also has an orthodox bloodline.

Its Dragon's Might is much more orthodox than those Spirit Pets that only contain a trace of the dragon's bloodline.

"Thousand stars, leave it to me."

Sutila’s eyes flash with a cold light, it’s about summon.

Ye Qianxing waved his hand to stop him.

"Dabai's current strength is still unable to crush this Earth Dragon, let me do it."

Dabai is now only DLevel 5, which is about the same level as the Crypt Rock Dragon.

Although it is inevitable to be able to beat the latter, it cannot be crushed.

Ye Qianxing doesn't want to waste time.

"Vajra, come out to work."

Long Chen loudly shouted, and a golden silhouette quickly appeared behind him.

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