"roar! "

As soon as Vajra appeared, the imposing manner burst out and instantly crushed the Crypt Rock Dragon.

Although the Crypt Rock Dragon has a pure Earth Dragon bloodline, Vajra has the dual powerful bloodline of the Ape and the Ancient Titan, each of which is not inferior to the Earth Dragon bloodline.

"Rock Dragon, don't be afraid, it's just a bigger monkey, hit it to death!"

The Fat Tiger roared, bracing himself and Crypt Rock Dragon .

The Crypt Rock Dragon roared and rushed towards Vajra, and Vajra suddenly showed a humane disdain.

It squeezed the Heaven Supporting Pillar in its hand, fiercely flicked it.

With only a muffled sound, the huge body of the Crypt Rock Dragon flew out, knocking over a wall of the restaurant.

Fat Tiger was stunned when he saw this scene, just one move, his Spirit Pet lost?

Ye Qianxing sneered and walked in front of Fat Tiger, Fat Tiger eyes shrank, and hurried back.

Unexpectedly, there was a stool behind him, and he tripped directly.


Fat Tiger fell straight on his four legs and let out a cry of pain.

Ye Qianxing stepped on his chest.

"You just said that in front of you, it is the dragon who has to hold it?"

Ye Qianxing asked with a playful expression, Fat Tiger's expression extremely bad.

He finally understands that he has encountered a stubborn stubble.

"Big brother, uncle, I was wrong. I have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai. Please forgive me."

Fat Tiger begged with a sad face.

Ye Qianxing sneered, took out a card from his pants pocket.

"Here is one million, compensation for you."

Upon seeing this, Fat Tiger waved his hand again and again.

"No, no, don't make compensation, it's all my fault, how can I let you make compensation?"

How can Fat Tiger dare to receive Ye Qianxing's money?

Ye Qianxing stared at him fiercely.

"If you ask you to accept it, you will accept it, why do you waste so many words!"

The fat tiger body trembled, hurriedly trembling and took the bank card, but at the same time he was puzzled .

Is this uncle in front of him a master with money and nowhere to spend?

I said that I don’t want any money, so I forced it to myself.

But soon he saw an evil smile on Ye Qianxing's face, and his heart suddenly became cold.

Although Ye Qianxing doesn't know what Ye Qianxing wants to do, he knows it's definitely not a good thing.

Sure enough, Ye Qianxing spoke quickly.

"This million is considered to be the renovation cost of your restaurant, the medical expenses of you and your brother, and the nutrition cost of the crypt rock dragon, Vajra, get it for me. "

Hearing Ye Qianxing's order, Vajra strode to the Crypt Rock Dragon's side and carried it directly on his shoulders.

Then walk to the side of Ye Qianxing and put it down again.

"Da, sir, what are you doing?"

Panghu asked nervously, what does the nutrition cost of Crypt Rock Dragon mean?

"I have to bleed some blood for your crypt rock dragon later. Even if that one million is its nutrition cost, you can't embezzle it."

Ye Qianxing laughed, take out Lei Che and have a big bucket.

He held Rae Che, moved towards the Crypt Rock Dragon and inserted it in, and then pulled it out.

Suddenly blood gushed out like a fountain, Ye Qianxing hurriedly took the bucket to pick it up.


The Crypt Rock Dragon struggled painfully, but was directly hit by Vajra in the neck with a punch, forcibly knocking it out.

Fat Tiger's face keeps twitching, especially when he sees this big barrel, he feels even more unlovable.

This is also called a little blood?

Although the Crypt Rock Dragon has a large body and has enough blood, if you want to fill such a big bucket, you have to shed half of its blood.

Good guy, this is to supplement the Crypt Rock Dragon. One million is far from enough.

But Fat Tiger is also daring to be angry at this time, but his life is still at the feet of this uncle.

The bloodletting took more than ten minutes to finally fill the vat. Ye Qianxing nodded with satisfaction, and then let go of the fat tiger.

"Remember, that one million bought nutrients for your Crypt Rock Dragon. Don't swallow it privately."

When leaving, Ye Qianxing gave it back Do not forget to exhort.

Fat Tiger burst into tears without tears, and lost half of his blood. To restore it, it is impossible to do it without spending eighteen million.

"You have committed sins!"

In the end, Fat Tiger could only look up to sky and heave a deep sigh.

He often walks by the river, and there are no shoes that don’t get wet. Over the years, he has done a lot of bad things, and he finally got retribution.

"Qianxing, if I say that one million is not necessary to give him, you can't say anything if you don't give it."

On the way, Sutila complained a little To say.

Although one million is not too much, it is definitely not too small. It is not worth wasting on that guy.

"Tila, we are such great people, how can we eat the King’s meal? You are not conscious of your mind."

"You have to study like me, but we are A good person with morals."

Ye Qianxing said with a straight face, and Xia Xiaoyu who provoked him couldn't help but puchi laughed.

Sutila is a black thread, I'll go, you still have morals?

I put more than half of the blood in the family, and it is estimated that even if I buy nutritional supplements, I will not be able to recover in a few years.

"Why do you want this blood anyway?"

Sutila asked with some confusion.


Ye Qianxing showed a mysterious smile.

After shopping on the street for a while, the three of them felt that it was not interesting, so they planned to go back to the hotel.

Ye Qianxing suddenly stopped when he walked into an alley.

"What's the matter?"

Sutila and Xia Xiaoyu asked with some doubts.

Ye Qianxing did not answer, but frowned, shouted in the direction moved towards the shadow.

"You have been following for so long, should you show up?"

As soon as Ye Qianxing said these words, Sutila and Xia Xiaoyu's expressions changed at the same time.

The former is ready for battle in an instant, and is vigilant all around.

Sure enough, not long after Ye Qianxing finished speaking, a pa pa pa applause rang.

Next moment, a white silhouette walks out of the shadows.

This is a young man who looks twenty-five or sixteen years old, wearing a white robe, looks very elegant.

She also held a fan in her hand, fanning the wind from time to time.

"Hahaha, really amazing, my hidden strength is still very strong, I didn't expect it was discovered by you."

white robed youth clapped and exclaimed. , With a smile on his face.

Sutila watched him vigilantly. It seemed that the white robed youth should have been followed for a while, but he didn't notice it at all.

This shows that this person is by no means ordinary.

"Since we left that restaurant, you have been following us. Are you a fat guy in that restaurant?"

Ye Qianxing is not as good as Sutila's performance Be vigilant, he can feel that although the white robed youth has been following, but it has not revealed the killing intent.

After hearing what Ye Qianxing said, white robed youth complexion changed.

He originally thought that Ye Qianxing had just discovered himself, but didn't expect to find out from the very beginning.

He suddenly lost faith in his concealment ability.

Actually, it's not that white robed youth's concealment technique is too bad, but Ye Qianxing has always been following a Shadow Guard.

No matter how powerful the concealment ability of white robed youth is, can it be better than Shadow Guard?

"My friend, don't worry, I am not from that restaurant boss, and I am not malicious to you, but I am interested in seeing you and the brother, so I want to meet the two. "

White robed youth try to show a kind appearance.

"Oh, I know now, you can go."

Ye Qianxing nodded, indifferently said.

The white robed youth was slightly taken aback, do you know this?

"Cough cough, my friend, since you want to know each other, then you need to know the other person's name at least."

white robed youth said with some embarrassment.

"No need."

Ye Qianxing said again, white robed youth suddenly showed a black line on his forehead.

Is the rejection so straightforward?

How did he know that although he did not show maliciousness, what Ye Qianxing hated most was being plotted against by others.

Having been followed, Ye Qianxing didn't say anything, but he was still very upset.

"If there is nothing wrong, we will leave."

Seeing white robed youth's cheeky face, Ye Qianxing's heart was relieved a lot.

I will take Xia Xiaoyu and Sutila to leave.

The white robed youth hurriedly stopped.

"Wait a minute, in fact, I'm here to discuss and discuss with your friends."

To discuss? Hearing this Ye Qianxing stopped again.

Since this white robed youth has seen Vajra’s Crypt Rock Dragon that can completely abuse the fat tiger, he should be very clear about his strength and dare to challenge himself. Is he still a C-Rank? Spirit Master?

As if seeing Ye Qianxing's inner thoughts, white robed youth quickly explained.

"My friend, I don't want to challenge your Spirit Pet, but I want to challenge you."

"If I guess right, you should be half awakened, right?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly narrowed his eyes when he heard the word half awakened.

Mentor Jiang Lin said before that whether it is semi-awakened or awakened, it is very rare, so very few people know about it.

At least for the people Ye Qianxing has met so far, only the two sisters Murongyu and Murongyan know the state of awakening.

"Since you know that I am half awakened, but still dare to challenge, so are you?"

Ye Qianxing became interested in this white robed youth.

"Yes, so, can you fight me?"

White robed youth slightly smiled, Ye Qianxing took a deep breath, and finally nodded.

"Okay, that's what you want."

Tone barely fell, Ye Qianxing and white robed youth burst out with a powerful imposing manner at the same time.

Xia Xiaoyu feels nothing, but Sutila is frowned.

Both are half awakened, he can feel that the imposing manner exuded by this white robed youth is much better than himself.

Not even more than Ye Qianxing.


Ye Qianxing and white robed youth almost said in unison, and at the same time moved towards each other and rushed over.

"peng peng peng!"

First, I fought a few hand-to-hand punches without any battle skill, and the two were evenly matched.

In terms of strength, they are the same.

"Take me this fist again, Baji collapse!"

The white robed youth yelled, with a fist wrapped in a strong wind, and moved towards Ye Qianxing crashed.

"This strength has increased by at least twice!"

Ye Qianxing eyes shrank hurriedly crossed his arms and made a defensive posture.

Just listening to the muffled sound of peng sound, the white robed youth this fist suddenly blasted on Ye Qianxing's arms.

The latter suddenly felt a huge force hit, and his body couldn't help taking a few steps back, even his arms were slightly numb.

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