"en? It's okay!"

The white robed youth was even more surprised. The power of that punch just now broke out at least twice his battle strength.

But Ye Qianxing could not be hurt.

"Come again!"

Ye Qianxing laughs facing the sky and once again moved towards white robed youth and rushed over, punched out.

The white robed youth quickly stepped away, obviously just backing away, but Ye Qianxing found that his backing trajectory was a bit wrong.

I can't hit him anyway.

"hmph, anticipation."

Ye Qianxing's heart is coldly snorted, and he directly uses the anticipation skills shared by the Torch Dragon of Taixu.

Suddenly, the next position of white robed youth appeared in his mind.

So he moved towards that direction and threw a punch.


The white robed youth stared sharply, and everything was under his control just now.

Who knows that Ye Qianxing suddenly played a card out of common sense, and actually moved towards the position where he was about to appear and punched.

Is it a prediction? Or was it purely an accident?

But he didn't have time to think so much at this time, because Ye Qianxing's fist was already in front of him.

He could only do his best to make a defensive posture, and was hit by Ye Qianxing's punch, and his body flew into the darkness.

"Want to engage in a sneak attack?"

Watching the white robed youth disappear into the darkness, Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes.

He is not afraid of playing sneak attack.


With a secretly said in one's heart, his silhouette instantly disappeared in place.

"Why are they all disappeared?"

In the alley, there were only Sutila and Xia Xiaoyu in an instant. Xia Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

"Brother Brother Xing should be fine, right?"

"Don't worry, Qianxing is so powerful, you will definitely win."

Tira said with confidence, sure enough, just a few seconds after he finished speaking.

A white silhouette flew out of the darkness and fell heavily to the ground.

Next moment, Ye Qianxing also emerged from the darkness.

"You lost."

Ye Qianxing said calmly.

The white robed youth got up, patted the dust on his body, and gave a wry smile.

"I can feel that you haven't been in contact with a formal martial cultivator, but you are still so powerful. I am willing to go down."

white robed youth moved towards Ye Qianxing cup one fist in the other hand said.

"I don't know if you are willing to join our awakened alliance. You have not yet accepted the martial cultivator to learn so much. If you can learn, your strength will definitely bring it up a level."

white robed youth said with fiery eyes, looking at Ye Qianxing as if looking at a treasure.

If such a genius can be pulled into the awakened league, he will definitely get a lot of rewards.

"Awakened Alliance?"

Ye Qianxing has never heard of this name.

"Yes, the awakened alliance is full of half awakened and awakened like us, and it is also one of the Peak forces of Imperial Capital. If you join us, you will not only be blessed, but also be a cultivation martial. Arts and some battle skills are clever."

"How about, are you heart-stirring, do you want to join us?"

See Ye Qianxing for white robed youth, it seems a little bit Interest, explained quickly.

Judging from his appearance, he looks like a wretched uncle who seduces underage girls.


Who expected Ye Qianxing to just say this casually, and then pulled Xia Xiaoyu directly to leave.

The white robed youth was dumbfounded, is it really that decisive?

Didn’t you still look interested just now?

"Eh, don't go, don't you think about it anymore?"

White robed youth asked somewhat unwillingly, but Ye Qianxing was not a bird.

"This is my business card. If you change your mind, you can contact me."

Seeing Ye Qianxing and leaving without looking back, the white robed youth quickly took out one The business card was then accurately thrown into Ye Qianxing's pocket.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing didn't take it out and throw it away, he sighed in relief and then disappeared into the darkness again.


"Qianxing, what the hell is the awakened alliance he said?"

On the way, Sutila asked inexplicably .

"How do I know."

Ye Qianxing shrugged. Mentor Jiang Lin didn't tell him this before.

"But I heard that guy said that it seems to be an awakened organization, Qianxing, you really don't plan to join?"

Sutila is actually still a little interested, and he is also Half awakened, but not strong.

His desire for strength is also very strong.

The white robed youth said that as long as he joins the awakened league, he can learn awakened's battle skills, so he has a little movement.

"We don't know much about this so-called awakened alliance now. What if it is a cheating place, we still have to figure it out."

"Anyway, I have That guy’s business card, it’s not too late to contact him when the situation of the awakened alliance is really figured out."

Ye Qianxing said, and put his hand into his trouser pocket and held the business card tightly.

It is impossible to say that he is not curious about this so-called awakened alliance, but he has always been very cautious.

He must not dabble in things he doesn't understand easily, otherwise he won't know when he was sold and helped others count the money.

"Well, it makes sense."

After listening to Ye Qianxing's explanation, Sutila was also nodded in agreement.

In this regard, Sutila, who is used to being a child of the rich family, is still far inferior to Ye Qianxing.

After all, he can have the family behind him as the backer for anything he has, and Ye Qianxing only has himself.

Soon, they returned to the hotel, each back to their own room.

As soon as he returned to the room, Ye Qianxing temporarily left behind the awakened alliance.

Then quickly took out the dragon egg and the bucket of dragon blood.

"Well, originally this dragon egg can hatch in less than half a month. Now with the blessing of this pure Earth Dragon blood, it should be hatched tonight."

Ye Qianxing speculated in his heart and threw the dragon egg directly into the bucket.

Nothing strange happened. The dragon egg was still as calm as ever. Ye Qianxing stared at it for ten minutes and found no change.

I felt boring, so I went to bed.

In the past of little by little, Ye Qianxing has entered a sleep state.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Qianxing felt a warmth on his face, and opened his eyes in a daze.

As soon as he opened his eyes, a purple object caught his eye.

Ye Qianxing suddenly woke up and saw the whole picture of the thing clearly.

The horns resemble a deer, the head resembles a camel, the eyes resemble a rabbit, the neck resembles a snake, the belly resembles a mirage, the scales resemble a fish, its claws resemble an eagle, its palms resemble a tiger, and its ears resemble a cow.

The whole body is purple dragon scales, about half a meter long, it looks like a kind of domineering with some cuteness.

Isn’t this the Divine Dragon in Myths and Legends?

As for the warmth he just felt, it was this small dragon who was licking his face with his tongue.

Ye Qianxing finally noticed at this time that the blood of the Earth Dragon and the dragon egg in the bucket were gone.

Could it be that this small dragon was hatched from a dragon egg?

Ye Qianxing hurriedly used the system eye to check the analysis.

Spirit Pet: Taixu Torch Dragon (Cub)

attribute: Dragon/Time/Ancient system

Evaluation: Seven-star (growth type) )

Level: B5

Ability: 1. Control time (fast forward, slow playback and even stop time within a certain degree)

2. Pre-judgment (Able to predict the opponent's next attack route)

3. Dragon Clan's will (can enhance its own or friendly combat effectiveness, and frighten the enemy)

Weakness: None for the time being

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

Sure enough, this small dragon is the Torch Dragon of Taixu.

After seeing its level, Ye Qianxing was dumbfounded.

He fiercely rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had made a mistake.


Ye Qianxing swallowed saliva and said, I couldn't believe it.

As soon as the Taixu Torch Dragon was born, it was already B-Rank. This is too... scary, right?

"Sure enough, he is a descendant of Divine Dragon, he was so strong right after he was born."

After a few minutes, Ye Qianxing finally accepted this fact.

At the same time, I was very excited. With the thigh of Torch Dragon, not to mention the Imperial Capital walk unhindered, at least there is no need to be terrified and over-cautious anymore.

"But I still have to pay attention to it. My identity is too false. If it is coveted by someone with a heart, it would be bad. After all, in the Imperial Capital, the crauching tiger hidden dragon has a B -Although there may not be many Spirit Masters for Rank Spirit Pet, it is definitely not there."

After being excited, Ye Qianxing still thought of this more important point.

Taixu Torch Dragon is enough to let others know its identity from the outside. A True Dragon will definitely attract the attention of others.

Even motivating murdering to seize the treasures is not impossible.

So Taixu Torch Dragon can only be used as a Life Protecting Talisman and killing move, and try not to show it in front of others.

"Ding, please make a contract with Spirit Pet as soon as possible, so that you can receive the power of Torch Dragon from Taixu."

At this moment, the system hint sounded.

Ye Qianxing's heart moved and he almost forgot about it.

Tai Xu was still an egg before, so he couldn't make a contract, and he couldn't get the one-tenth of his power back.

How strong can a B-Rank Spirit Pet's power back feed?

Ye Qianxing is starting to look forward to it.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly bit his index finger, and a drop of blood essence entered Taixu Torch Dragon's body.

Next moment, Ye Qianxing felt that his soul had an extra connection with the Torch Dragon of Taixu.

"Ding, it is detected that Taixu Torch Dragon has a very high affinity with the owner, and the degree of fit is automatically advanced to 85%, and the host can obtain one-seventh of the power of Taixu Torch Dragon Feed back."

As the voice of system fell, a terrifying force poured into Ye Qianxing's body, making him instantly stronger.

"System, why does it have a high affinity with me?"

Ye Qianxing asked with some confusion.

"Ding, when Dragon Clan breaks out of the egg, he will treat the first creature he sees as his mother, and the Torch Dragon cub will treat you as his mother."


system responded quickly.

"Take me as its mother?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Is it good for me to be a man? Is it okay to be a father? ?

But this can be considered a surprise. The Spirit Pet created by the system can reach 50% of its initial fit, which is just half-awakened.

The fit between Taixu Torch Dragon and him directly reached 85 percent, and even one-seventh of the power was fed back.

The most important thing is that Taixu Torch Dragon is B-Rank Spirit Pet. Although it is not a power type, one-seventh of the power is also a powerful group.

The original Ye Qianxing's battle strength was only about three levels of D-Rank, but now, he feels that his strength has even reached the level of C-Rank.

It can even compare with Vajra.

You must know that although Vajra is currently only D-Rank eight-stage, in terms of battle strength, even some C-Rank Spirit Pets are not its opponents.

It can be seen how strong Ye Qianxing's current strength is. At least when he meets that white robed youth again, Ye Qianxing is sure to defeat the opponent in seconds.

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