The sky is already bright, and after checking the time, it is already 7:30 in the morning.

"It's time to go to Imperial Capital University to report. The cream of the crop university gathers all the geniuses and young talents from across the country to control the Spirit Master. I am really interested in it."

Ye Qianxing's mouth is hooked rise.

He wondered a bit, is he considered a cream of the crop among the Spirit Masters of the younger generation in the heavenly dynasty?

Leaving the hotel, Ye Qianxing and the three moved towards Imperial Capital University.

When they came to the gate of Imperial Capital University, everyone's eyes were attracted by the magnificent gate.

Let alone the No. 1 Middle School in Jiangnan City, the aristocratic Academy in Jiangnan City is not as luxurious as the Imperial Capital University.

"It really deserves to be the No. 1 Academy in the celestial dynasty."

Su Tila praised, Ye Qianxing and Xia Xiaoyu were also nodded again and again.

"Big Brother Ye, Xiaoyu, Tira."

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

Everyone turned around and saw two familiar faces appeared in front of them.

It is Zhou Yue and Zhou Lang's two siblings, they have agreed to gather at the school gate.

"Let's go, let's go in and sign up."

Seeing the crowd, Ye Qianxing said.

Everyone was nodded, and at this moment, a mystifying voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh, Zhou Yue, Zhou Lang, why are you two siblings staying with this group of country bumpkins from other places?"

The tone of this voice is obviously full of unkindness, Ye Qianxing and the others quickly moved towards the direction where the sound came from.

I saw a group of young girls wearing gorgeous costumes coming over, and the one standing in the front was a man and a woman.

This man and woman are both about eighteen years old, and they look pretty good.

As for the sentence just now, it was said from the girl's mouth.

"Zhou Xuan, I don't allow you to insult my friend."

When Zhou Yue saw the visitor, frowned, he said in an uncomfortable tone.

"Impudent, Zhou Yue, this is how you talked to your cousin?"

Seeing Zhou Yue dare to confront herself, Zhou Xuan suddenly complexion sank, coldly snorted and said.


Zhou Yue pointed at Zhou Xuan, but she couldn't say anything.

At this time Sutila took Zhou Yue's hand and blocked it behind him.

"Why did you yell at Yueyue!"

Sutila coldly said.

Sutila is also half awakened now, and from time to time he exudes a powerful pressure.

Zhou Xuan was first startled by the pressure released from Su Tila, and then even more upset.

I was shocked by a country bumpkin from outside.

"Why? Just because I am her cousin, but you, you are her who, I teach my cousin, what does it matter to you?"

"I...I It's..."

Sutila just wanted to say that he was Zhou Yue's boyfriend, but he couldn't say it.

After all, this is Zhou Yue’s cousin. After I said it, didn’t I show my relationship with Zhou Yue in a disguised form?

Sutila is not yet ready for this.

Seeing Su Tila's expressionlessness, and seeing him holding Zhou Yue's hand, Zhou Xuan seemed to have thought of something.

A sneer suddenly appeared.

"Zhou Yue, although your lineage is not to be seen by grandfather, you are also our Zhou Family at any rate. It’s really a shame for us Zhou Family to interact with such a country bumpkin outside of the city."

"Who do you think is the country bumpkin!"

Su Tila clenched her fists, angrily roared, and Zhou Xuan couldn't help but step back a few steps in fright.

"Okay, Xuan Xuan, don't be so close to these rude country bumpkins. If they get a little sour smell from them, it won't be easy to wash."

At this moment, the young man beside Zhou Xuan spoke.

"That's right, people are gathered in groups, only you two siblings can stay with this kind of country bumpkin. We really can't smell this smell, let's go."


Zhou Xuan glanced at Ye Qianxing and the others with disdain, then twisted her butt and walked toward the school gate.

"Damn it, how come there are people like this!"

Su Tila was panting for breath, and even Xia Xiaoyu was very unhappy at this time.

After all, people have been talking about being a country bumpkin, who would be happy.

Ye Qianxing silently took out a banana from the portable space, quickly ate the flesh inside, and then moved towards Zhou Xuan's raised feet and threw it.

The banana peel flew to Zhou Xuan's feet accurately, but she didn't notice it at all.

So, Zhou Xuan just heard a puff, and she fell a dog and gnawed shit.

This scene attracted the attention of many freshmen and old students outside the school, and even many people couldn't help laughing.

"Who is so unqualified, throwing banana peels, and having the ability to come out for this Young Lady!"

Zhou Xuan got up in embarrassment with the help of her friends, moved towards all around Swearing, like a shrew.

When the people around saw this, they backed away, for fear of being bitten by a mad dog.

Seeing that no one had come forward, Zhou Xuan had to stamp her feet with anger and moved towards Academy and ran inside.

"Hahaha, good strength, it’s upset to look at her expert first class."

Su Tila also laughed heartily up, and gave Ye Qianxing a thumbs up. .

"Sorry, everyone, because I made you wronged."

At this time, Zhou Yue said with some guilt.

"It's none of your business, it's just that some people don't have the quality." Sudila hurriedly said, Ye Qianxing and Xia Xiaoyu were also nodded.

"By the way, Yueyue, I heard that guy said, you don't seem to be very welcome in your house?"

Ye Qianxing asked suddenly.

The same Zhou Family members, Zhou Xuan eyes high above the top, Zhou Yue and Zhou Lang seem to be closer to the people.

And obviously they can stay at Imperial Capital, why did they come to Jiangnan City?

"Ai, it's not just me. My this lineage is very low in the family status. My father is good at doing business, but his aptitude is very ordinary in controlling spirits. My grandfather is Zhou Family patriarch. But they pay the most attention to Spirit Pet, so this lineage is not to be seen for us."

Zhou Yue sighed, because of this, although both belong to the Zhou Family lineage, she and Zhou Lang are always Being bullied.

Even some branch disciple can ignore them.

Later, she and Zhou Lang couldn't bear this kind of life, so they left Imperial Capital and came to Jiangnan City.

"Your grandfather is too bad, isn't it good to be good at doing business? If you don't have money, where can you get so many resources."

Yue lineage embraces injustice.

Ye Qianxing didn't say anything. In fact, this is normal. In this era, he still respects the Spirit Master.

The evaluation of a family is often not whether it has money or not, but how much and how strong the Spirit Master is.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go in and sign up."

Seeing that everyone's mood seemed a little weak, Zhou Yue hurriedly changed the subject.

Registration is actually very simple, it is to pay the tuition and then receive the status token and dormitory keys.

But they do not plan to live in school. Although the house price of Imperial Capital is expensive, everyone is not short of money.

So they plan to rent an apartment outside.

After signing up, it is not considered that the enrollment procedures have been completely completed.

Because each Spirit Pet has its own attributes, Imperial Capital University has also divided the corresponding departments of Academy, such as Fire Element Academy, Water Element Academy, Frost Academy and so on.

After registering, freshmen also need to choose one or more attribute academies suitable for their Spirit Pet.

For example, Xia Xiaoyu, her Spirit Pet Fire is Fire Element Spirit Pet, suitable for Fire Element Academy.

And Sutila's big white is Five Elements Attribute, you can choose to go to any or all of the five series of Academy of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

Zhou Yue’s Xiaoyu is the three series of wind, thunder and ice, and Zhou Lang’s Xiaoba is the third series of water, soil and dragon.

As for Ye Qianxing, he is more complicated. There are Erbaiwu of the Demon System, Vajra of Metal Element, Lin Ruoxi of the Nature System, Shadow Guard of the Shadow System, Space and Water Element. Kun, time and dragon are too empty.

But there is no Spirit Pet of Fire Element, which means he cannot choose Fire Element Academy.

Next, they need to register information at the attribute Academy of their choice.

"Let’s accompany Xiaoyu to register at Fire Element Academy, anyway, we will go one by one if there is more time."

Ye Qianxing suggested, Sutila and the others naturally There is no opinion either.

And Sutila’s Dabai also has Fire Element, so you can also go to Fire Element Academy to register.

Just when everyone walked out of the registration office, ready to move towards Fire Element Academy.

A familiar silhouette came to face him.

Seeing that familiar face, Ye Qianxing and the others were all dumbfounded.

Because that is someone they never expected to be here.

"Jiang...Tutor Jiang Lin?"

Everyone wondered if they were dazzled. How could Mentor Jiang Lin appear at Imperial Capital University?

Shouldn't she be in Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School?

In contrast to Ye Qianxing and the others' surprise, Jiang Lin behaved extremely calmly, as if she expected to meet Ye Qianxing and the others.

In other words, they met Jiang Lin deliberately?

"Are you surprised? Actually, I am a student of Imperial Capital University, and I will graduate soon."

Seeing everyone so surprised, Jiang Lin faintly smiled and said.

"Are you also a student?"

Ye Qianxing and the others were even more shocked when he said this, and Sutila couldn't help but shout out.

Jiang Lin's expression suddenly changed, and Sudila swept across Sutila with a penetrating chill.

"Do you want to say that I am too old to look like a student?"

Feeling the imposing manner emanating from Teacher Jiang Lin, Sutila couldn't help swallowing wildly.

He has no doubt that if he dared to nod, Jiang Lin might make him regret living in this world.

"Teacher Jiang Lin what you said, how could I think so, you look younger than us."

Sutila quickly showed his kindness Look, pay said with a smile.

Jiang Lin's face was restored.

"Tutor Jiang Lin, since you are a student of Imperial Capital University, why go to Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School as a teacher?" Ye Qianxing asked a little strangely.

"I went there to complete a task. Now that the task is completed, I will come back naturally."

Jiang Lin shrugged and said.

Complete a task? Now the task is complete?

Ye Qianxing suddenly felt something wrong. Why was it so coincidental? They just came to Imperial Capital to sign up, and Jiang Lin came back.

And also specifically came to find them.

"Tutor Jiang Lin, shouldn't the task you mentioned have something to do with us?"

Ye Qianxing asked a little uncertainly.

Jiang Lin smiled and snapped her fingers.

"Sure enough, you are still smart, but you are only half right. It is not you, but you."


Ye Qianxing more I'm wondering, what tasks are related to him?

"I won't go around with you anymore. The task I said is actually related to your semi-awakened state..."

Jiang Lin didn’t sell anymore, but directly followed Everyone said the reason.

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