The speed of the shuttle is extremely fast, leaving the Kingdom of Heaven in just an hour and arriving outside the City of Freedom.

The City of Freedom does not allow foreign shuttles to enter, so Ye Qianxing can only park outside and put it in the portable space.

Walk into the city of freedom.

Entering the Freedom City requires a high cost, which is directly collected by City Lord's Mansion.

The City of Liberty has the City Lord. The reason why the surrounding three countries dare not launch an attack on the City of Liberty is also the main reason.

The City Lord of Liberty City is powerful, and it seems that the background is not small.

That's why we can suppress this chaotic place for so many years.

Although the cost of entering the city is very high, it is worthwhile to spend so much money on finding an umbrella if you want to enter Liberty City.

Ye Qianxing was not short of money, so he paid the entrance fee and entered the city.

"It really deserves to be called Evil City, and the level of chaos is worse than I thought."

Walking on the streets of Liberty City, Ye Qianxing felt impressed.

Because in just ten minutes, he saw three people die on the street with his own eyes.

The one who left him most speechless was because the victim glanced at the murderer.

Murderer: What are you looking at?

Victim: What do you look at?


That's the sentence, the murderer without the slightest hesitation pulled out a saber and directly chopped off the victim's head.

Even the victim has no chance of summon Spirit Pet.

Watching this scene, Ye Qianxing just sighed, but he didn't show any sympathy for the victim or resentment towards the murderer.

Because he knows very well that in the City of Liberty, no matter the strong or the weak, they are all villains commiting any imaginable misdeed, death cannot wipe out the crimes.

"This free city is not big, but not too small. Let me find seven people here. Isn't that a needle in a haystack?"

Ye Qianxing walked along One side whispered.

He does have pictures of the seven villains, but unless his good luck explodes, how can he easily encounter them.

"Maybe I can find someone to inquire about it."

Ye Qianxing thought, the seven villains are notorious in the Imperial Capital City, even if they are in the City of Freedom, they should be somewhat famous. .

But who should I ask?

While Ye Qianxing was thinking about this, he didn't notice a person standing in front of him and ran into him directly.


Ye Qianxing hurriedly apologized. After all, he was really absent-minded just now, and there was a mistake first.

"He's *, if you hit our boss, just say sorry?"

The boy who was hit by Ye Qianxing hadn't spoken yet, and the little brother behind him yelled loudly.

Ye Qianxing brows frowned, but on the one hand he didn't want to cause trouble, on the other hand, it was indeed his own fault, so he endured it.

"Then what do you want, do you lose money?"

"Hehe, are you stupid, can you enter the city of freedom, which one will be the one who lacks money? We too Don't bully you, kneel down and go under the crotch of my boss, and let you go."

The little brother has an arrogant appearance.

Ye Qianxing's face sank completely, he could see that these people were here to make trouble, and it must have been deliberate to be hit by himself.

But what makes Ye Qianxing puzzled is that when he first arrived, he didn't provoke anyone. How could he be targeted?

Seeing that Ye Qianxing did not speak, the brawny man who was hit by Ye Qianxing finally spoke.

"It’s a Liberty City in Connaught. It’s really rare to see small fresh meat with soft skin and tender meat like yours. If you don’t want to drill your crotch, you can follow me in the future. Uncle, I’ll show you something. Drink spicy."

The brawny man said with a lewd smile.

Ye Qianxing actually saw the possessive desire in his eyes, this kind of look, he only saw Sutila when he saw a beautiful woman.

Ye Qianxing can't help but swallowed saliva and said, the chrysanthemum tightens.

This brawny man who looks so masculine, isn't he a gay man?

Especially seeing a little drool from the corner of brawny man's mouth, Ye Qianxing believed his guess even more, and could not help but feel a chill in his heart.


"Eat and drink spicy? Young Master let you take my fist!"

Ye Qianxing furiously shouted, and slammed the brawny man's face with great strength. He smashed the latter's body, which was more than one hundred and sixty kilograms, to fly out five or six meters.

Everyone was stunned, including his little brothers.

Ye Qianxing's shot was too sudden, and they were so crowded that Ye Qianxing didn't expect Ye Qianxing to dared to make a shot.

"You brat dare to beat Lao Tzu, what are you guys doing in a daze on the street? Get him up, Lao Tzu must let him not have the will to live and be unable to ask tonight for death!"

The brawny man struggled to get up, angrily roared.

At this time, one of his eyes was already swollen and it was painful.

Several of his younger brothers reacted, and one after another their Spirit Pet summon came out.

They are not awakened, they can only rely on Spirit Pet for combat.




A Spirit Pet appeared on the street, there were bulls, wolves and tigers, and each one was at least C-Rank.

Several Spirit Pets moved towards Ye Qianxing under the command of their masters to attack.

Ye Qianxing didn't want to reveal his awakened identity for the time being, so he shouted.



Ye Qianxing tone barely fell, and a golden light suddenly appeared.

Vajra's huge body fell from in midair, and the ground stones were shattered directly by the shock.

The Spirit Pets that rushed towards Ye Qianxing were also retreated by the huge movement caused by the arrival of Vajra.

Vajra looked at the Spirit Pets around very excitedly, and a strong fighting intent burst out in his eyes.

He hasn't come out to fight for a long time, and his hands are itchy.

"áo hǒu!"

Vajra moved towards The other party screamed, and the huge voice directly scared a weaker Spirit Pet into a faint.

"Don't kill people, just do whatever else you want."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Vajra said, Vajra was happy immediately.

If people don’t kill others at will, wouldn’t it mean that Spirit Pet can kill at will?

hehe, it likes it.


Vajra kicked his legs and jumped high.

Holding the huge Heaven Supporting Pillar, moved towards a wolf-like Spirit Pet, just smashed away.

The wolf Spirit Pet felt the terrifying power exuded by Vajra, and was so scared that his fur was exploded, and he escaped at the most extreme speed in his life.


Heaven Supporting Pillar strikes directly hit a big hole on the ground.

A terrifying wave of air swept all over, and the wolf Spirit Pet who had just avoided it was directly shocked by the wave of air and the internal organs were shaking.

"áo hǒu!"

Seeing that he hadn't killed the opponent with one move, Vajra felt ashamed and angry.

Two fists smashed his chest angrily to express his anger.

moved towards Spirit Pet of the wolf class.

Upon seeing this, the wolf Spirit Pet jumped more than ten meters in shock, as if it had stimulated his potential, moved towards Cyclonus in the distance, and didn't dare to look back.

"Come back! Give me back!"

The Spirit Master of the wolf-like Spirit Pet shouted loudly, but it was useless at all.

The wolf Spirit Pet has long been scared so that the three souls have lost two souls. The seven souls are missing six souls, so how can they care about their own masters?

When Vajra saw this wolf Spirit Pet running faster than a rabbit, he was immediately stunned.

It looked towards another Spirit Pet again, scared their hairs to explode, and ran away directly after learning the wolf spirit.

Ignore the master's yelling at all.

Actually, this is normal. Not every Spirit Pet is 100% loyal to the owner. If the loyalty is not enough, Spirit Pet will generally choose to give up controlling the Spirit Master if it encounters a mortal danger.

At worst is to receive some backlash, which is better than death.

When those Spirit Masters saw their Spirit Pets all run away, their original arrogant and despotic expressions faded in an instant.

Especially the Spirit Master who made Ye Qianxing kneel down and drill through his crotch before, his face paled with fright.

"Give you a chance, go under my crotch, and let you go."

Ye Qianxing looked at the sharp-mouthed monkey’s cheek controlling Spirit Master, that is, the one who just let Ye The little brother of Qianxing who drills his crotch.

Deal with a man as he deals with you is Ye Qianxing's favorite.

"Okay, I drill, I drill!"

The spirit master with the sharp-mouthed monkey gills heard this great joy. The days of the edge of a knife licking blood told him that life is more important than face.

Dignity or something is very important when you are alive, but when you are facing a life and death crisis, it is a tuoxiang.

It's nothing.

The Spirit Master with the sharp-mouthed monkey gills did not hesitate at all, and eagerly ran to Ye Qianxing directly, lying on the ground, and sneaking under his crotch.

"Fuck, you are great, I take it, you go."

Ye Qianxing glanced silently at the Spirit Master with the sharp-mouthed monkey gill, thinking that this guy would hold on for a while , Didn't expect so compromised.

"Thank you, thank you Young Hero!"

The sharp-mouthed monkey-gilled Spirit Master thanked him and ran away.

"Why are you still stunned, do you still want to fight with me?"

Ye Qianxing looked towards the other brothers again, and it was dazzling, these little brothers such as the amnesty, The big brother slumped to the ground even if he didn't care, and ran away.

"You guys who have no conscience, come back!"

The brawny man almost cried as he watched the little brother who ran away.

So I was abandoned.

Ye Qianxing sneered, moved towards brawny man slowly walked away.

The brawny man was taken aback, and hurriedly stood up to run away, but saw Ye Qianxing silhouette suddenly appear in front of him.

The latter stepped on the brawny man's chest, and the huge force pressed the brawny man who had just risen to the ground.

"You...what do you want to do!"

"I...I haven't done anything to you from beginning to end. You can't kill me."

brawny man said tremblingly.

Ye Qianxing sneered.

"You didn't shoot me, but you let your people shoot me, and as long as I want to kill you, it doesn't seem to be a reason?"

In Liberty City, killing requires no reason.

Everything speaks with the fist.

", I...I..."

The brawny man was so scared that he couldn't speak. The killing intent in Ye Qianxing's eyes made him feel fear .

"But, it's not impossible to want to live."

Ye Qianxing suddenly thought of something, laughed.

brawny man hearing this I am happy.

"Look at these photos, do you recognize them."

Ye Qianxing directly threw the pictures of the seven evil men on the brawny man's face.

The latter picked up the photo, and after looking at it for a while, shook the head.


Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes, his feet on the brawny man's chest increased a bit, and the sound of a cracked breastbone was heard.

The brawny man made a tragic scream.

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