"Check again, do you recognize it?"

Ye Qianxing stepped on the brawny man's chest and said.

In fact, Ye Qianxing is not sure if this gay guy recognizes the seven villains, but he still intends to force them.

By the way, bully this guy, this guy just made him sick.

Soon, facts proved that human potential is indeed forced out.

Under the threat of Ye Qianxing's life and death, brawny man's gay head is swiftly running, like a supercomputer to perform memory screening.

After one minute, he finally remembered.

"I remember, I remember."

The brawny man hurriedly said, Ye Qianxing smiled knowingly.

It seems luck is good.

"Let's talk about it."

Ye Qianxing lifted his foot a bit, and this allowed the brawny man to breathe.

"I did meet them once, but only once from a distance, so remember not quite clear."

said brawny man.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell everything you know."

Ye Qianxing was out of anger and pretended to kick him, brawny man trembled with fright and said hurriedly.

"The last time I saw them was at a banquet held by the Gang Lord of the Sea Shark Gang. I saw them sitting at a table with the Gang Lord of the Sea Shark Gang, indicating that their status is not low, and The Gang Lord of the Sea Shark Gang must have a good relationship."

"What is the Sea Shark Gang?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

But what a thing he said really scared the brawny man gay, his face was nervous.

"Oh, my ancestors, the Sea Shark Gang is not something we can offend. How dare you say what it is?"

"Don’t talk nonsense, you just I need to answer my question!"

Ye Qianxing is not welcome, and kicked him directly on the waist. He almost cried for the brawny man's grievances.

"The Sea Shark Gang is one of the biggest forces in Liberty City except City Lord's Mansion. There are many strong ones. I heard that its Gang Lord is still an A-Rank to control the Spirit Master."

brawny man said brawny man bitterly.

"Little ancestor, all I know is this, can you let me go?"

"Finally do one thing for me, and I will let you go."

Ye Qianxing said, brawny man is overjoyed.

"What's the matter?"

"It's very simple, take me to the sea shark gang site."

Ye Qianxing's words were amazing, and he was scared to brawny. man The gay guy almost stared out his eyes.

"Little...little ancestor, are you kidding? Didn't I tell you just now, the sea shark gang is very strong, didn't we court death in the past?"

brawny man There is a cry in the voice of brawny man.

Although he doesn't know what Ye Qianxing wants to do, it is definitely not a good thing.

If something happened when the time comes, let the sea shark gang know that Ye Qianxing was brought by him, then he is over?

"Take me, you still have a glimmer of survival, if you don't bring it, I will kill you now, you can choose by yourself."

Ye Qianxing is not nonsense, Directly highlight the killing intent.

brawny man, brawny man, he has the desire to die. How many sins did he commit in his life to provoke such a little ancestor!

"I only give you ten seconds to think about time, ten, nine, eight..."

Ye Qianxing read very quickly, brawny man was so scared and hurriedly nodded.

"I bring it, I bring it."

"That's right, one is nine deaths and still alive, the other is ten deaths without life, not a fool will do it right Choose."

Ye Qianxing laughed, and directly lifted the brawny man to show him the way.

Ten minutes later, Ye Qianxing came to the door of a big house.

A plaque engraved with the three characters of Sea Shark Gang was placed impressively on Dazhai.

"little ancestor, the headquarters of the sea shark gang is here, can you let me go?"

brawny man asked bitterly.

Ye Qianxing didn't embarrass him anymore, let go of him and let him go.

Then moved towards the mansion.

"The sea sharks help the land, avoid the idlers, get out of here!"

Ye Qianxing just walked to the door, but was stopped by the boy guarding the door.

Ye Qianxing doesn't want these two little brothers at all, and goes straight ahead.

"I said let you go!"

Seeing that Ye Qianxing was so arrogant, the two sea shark gangs were furious, and each drew a gun to Ye Qianxing's forehead. .

Ye Qianxing's eyes were cold. Although it is a new era, the control of firearms is still very strict.

I didn't expect both of the gatekeepers here can have it.

However, firearms may be a threat to ordinary persons, but for Ye Qianxing, they are no different from toy guns.


Ye Qianxing shot with lightning speed, neither of these two brothers reacted at all, and the gun was snatched by Ye Qianxing.

"I have confiscated these two guns."

Ye Qianxing said, the two guns disappeared out of thin air in his hands.

Then he kicked his feet quickly, and the two guards flew out directly one after the other, knocking the gates of the mansion away.

Behind the gate is a yard, where members of the Sea Shark Gang are training. The gate was suddenly knocked open, and the two guards fainted directly.

Soon, they saw Ye Qianxing at the gate.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The members of the sea shark gang cry out in surprise and quickly summon their Spirit Pets.

It seems that the psychological quality is good.

Dozens of Spirit Pets of different levels moved towards Ye Qianxing rushed over.

"A bunch of scum."

Ye Qianxing sneered, motionless.

But no one can see it, dozens of black shadows burst out from under Ye Qianxing's feet.

When the dozens of Spirit Pets of the Sea Shark Gang came to Ye Qianxing, dozens of black shadows suddenly jumped out of the ground, and the moved towards Spirit Pets launched a fierce assault.

chi chi chi!

The heads of dozens of Spirit Pets of the Sea Shark Gang were cut off directly, one strike certain kill.

Pu chi!

Dozens of sea shark gang members in the yard spurt a mouthful of blood at the same time, and the death of Spirit Pet also caused great damage to Spirit Master.

It was the Shadow Clone hiding beside Ye Qianxing that shot.

Each Shadow Clone has different strengths, but the weakest is C-Rank.

On the other hand, the Spirit Pets of these dozens of Sea Shark Gang members are all C and D-Rank scum. How could they be able to stop the assassination of Shadow Clone.

Ye Qianxing glanced at these people disdainfully, and walked into the mansion swaggeringly.

One of the members of the Sea Shark Gang said something to the walkie-talkie, Ye Qianxing saw it, but did not stop it.

What he wants is this effect.

Sure enough, he was surrounded by a group of people not long after he left.

This group of people is much stronger than the younger brothers in the courtyard outside, each with a Spirit Pet next to them, and they are not weaker than C-Rank.

It seems that this is the true strength of the Sea Shark Gang. It can be called the second only to City Lord's Mansion's greatest influence, how could it be only the weak chicken outside.

Ye Qianxing looked around for a week, and finally found the target in one direction.

Seven people, seven of them are not good people just by looking at their faces.

It is the goal of Ye Qianxing's mission, the seven evil men.

At this time, in the middle of the seven wicked men, there is also a middle age person.

Although Ye Qianxing doesn't know him, he can guess that this should be the Gang Lord of the Sea Shark Gang.

"Who you are, dare to rush into my sea shark gang, and kill so many Spirit Pets of my sea shark gang?"

Gang Lord, the sea shark gang, has a very complex expression Difference.

The status of their Sea Shark Gang in Liberty City is under one person above ten thousand people, and they have never suffered this kind of shame.

Being broken in by one person, dozens of Spirit Pets were also lost.

If this spreads out, wouldn't their Sea Shark Gang be completely ashamed.

But Gang Lord, the sea shark gang, is also a prudent person, and he did not lose his mind because of his anger.

It is definitely not a good stubble that can easily kill dozens of Spirit Pets.

Not to mention, this person looks so young.

"My goal is them, give them to me, and I will leave right away."

Ye Qianxing is no nonsense, and points directly to the two sides of Gang Lord. Said the seven evil men.

hearing this The seven evil men looked at each other and browsed frowned.

"Are you Bounty Hunter?"

asked Bai Baoshan, the head of the seven evil men.

Bounty Hunter is someone who accepts missions specifically for high bounty. Most Bounty Hunter will choose to accept wanted missions issued by the country, because such missions are not low in legal bounty.

The seven evil men also met many Bounty Hunters during their escape, but they were all killed by them without exception. After they fled into Liberty City, they never encountered Bounty Hunter again.

After all, although Bounty Hunter can do anything for the bounty, but also not hell, Liberty City, many people are reluctant to come in.


Ye Qianxing thought for a while and said.

He is not a national specialist, he just performs tasks issued by the awakened alliance to earn contribution points.

The nature is similar to Bounty Hunter.

"Hehe, you really want money and you dare to chase to Liberty City. You are destined to not get this bounty. Not only is it the same, you have to stay here today!"

One of the seven evil men disdains said with a sneer.

"Gang Lord, since this guy is here to find our brother, it's not annoying, I'll deal with it!"

Ye Qianxing remember, this one is talking about seven The fifth among the villains, named Zhang Biao, is a BLevel 5 Spirit Master.

According to the message, this Biao is very arrogant and murderous, and it is also the one that caused the most killings among the seven evil men.

The most important thing is that most of the homicides are women and children.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing looked towards The guy's eyes instantly became cold.

"Fifth, let's take a shot together, this person is not a good stubborn."

Bai Baoshan said with some worry, but Zhang Biao's personality was arrogant and he didn't put Ye Qianxing at all. In the eyes.

"Big brother is worrying too much. This kid seems to be at most eighteen years old. No matter how good the innate talent is, can he still be a B-Rank to control the Spirit Master? The gorilla beside him has a pretty breath. It’s strong, but it’s no more than 9 dan C-Rank."

"If you deal with him with a brat and our seven brothers together, wouldn’t it humiliate my reputation as the seven wicked men?"

Zhang Biao said disdainfully.

The seven villains value their reputation, so after hearing Zhang Biao's words, Bai Baoshan no longer insisted on taking action together.

"Never mind, but the fifth one must be careful, if you lose, don't fall in love."

Bai Baoshan asked, but Zhang Biao obviously didn't hear it in his ears. In my heart.

Take a step forward impatiently, and stretch out a finger to point at Ye Qianxing angrily.

"Bounty, I tell you, Bounty Hunter is not so good, keep your eyes open in the next life, don't pick up all tasks!"

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