"áo hǒu!"

Vajra angry roar, the enlarged Heaven Supporting Pillar swept across the circle.

Directly and forcefully sweep away the evil spirits and monsters around.

Such a scene shocked everyone. Compared with these demons and evil spirits, Vajra in the Celestial Phenomenon state is like facing a group of trivial ant alone.

"Okay, really strong!"

All the warriors on the city wall looked at Vajra dumbfounded.

But what shocks them even more is yet to come.

The roar of dragon roar, phoenix, dog howl and other beasts roared one after another. One powerful Spirit Pet jumped off the shuttle, each exhibiting divine ability, and the monsters outside the city and The evil spirit army killed and wounded thousands.

"Many Spirit Pets inside are familiar."

Some warriors found Erbaiwu and Vajra very familiar, but they wanted to do not raise.

Until the shuttle landed smoothly, several youngster shadows walked out of it.

"I remember, that boy, isn't he the young hero Ye Qianxing who saved Jiangnan City half a year ago?"

Soon the warriors recognized Ye Qianxing .

During a three-school fraternity match half a year ago, a squad of spirit gods sneaked into Jiangnan City, intending to wipe out the high-levels of Jiangnan City.

When Jiangnan City was in danger, the young hero Ye Qianxing stepped forward and defeated the spirit gods.

It can be regarded as saving Jiangnan City.

This time, Jiangnan City was once again in crisis, and it was him who came forward again to support.

Ye Qianxing's face became more gloomy just after he got off the shuttle.

When I was on the shuttle, I still couldn't really feel the situation in Jiangnan City. Only when I really stood on the ground of Jiangnan City, Ye Qianxing could truly feel the cruelty of the war.

In my sight, every warrior is more or less injured, and some warriors have broken hands and feet, but they still insist on guarding the city wall.

Because this is their duty, as long as they are not dead, they will never let those demons break into Jiangnan City.

Jiangnan City is their hometown. There are their family, friends and all the people who care about it. They would rather die than hurt those who care.

"Sister Ruoxi."

Ye Qianxing looked towards Lin Ruoxi, who knows what Ye Qianxing means.

Wave the magic wand, the cyan-green shower began to fall in the sky.

All Living Things to Recover, save lives.

Every warrior or citizen who was touched by the rain in Jiangnan City has recovered from their injuries.

It's just a pity that Lin Ruoxi's current level is not that high. If he is treated by a single body, no matter how serious the injury is, he can be cured.

But with such a large-scale treatment, the effect is much weaker.

"Young hero! Young hero!"

"Young hero! Young hero!"

The warriors shouted one after another, very excited.

They are not excited because they don't have to die, nor because Ye Qianxing has treated them.

But Jiangnan City can finally get rid of the crisis.

See how, are the tens of thousands of monsters and evil spirits outside the city defeated by Ye Qianxing and their Spirit Pet?

"Sorry, we are late."

Ye Qianxing led Xia Xiaoyu and the others moved towards warrior bowed and sincerely apologized.

If they could come early, Jiangnan City would not have killed or injured so many civilians and warriors.

"It's not too late, it's not too late, it's already very good to be back, Qianxing, Jiangnan City can have you, I have to say that it is really lucky."

When the voice sounded, Ye Qianxing looked up, and several familiar silhouettes appeared in front of him.

"Big Brother Chu."

Ye Qianxing's eyes lit up.

That's right, it was Chu Xiong and his special warfare squad.

Among the military in Jiangnan City, apart from the old generals, Chuxiong and Ye Qianxing have the best relationship. They are still alive and Ye Qianxing is also very happy.

"Thousand stars, it's really a matter of admiration for three days, this is only more than half a year, you and your group of friends are already so strong, I'm afraid the whole Jiangnan City No one is better than you, right?"

Chu Xiong said with a laugh.

Although he could not see the strength of Ye Qianxing and the others, his ability to forcefully defeat the army of Spiritual Gods outside the city proved their power.

"Big Brother Chu is overpraised. By the way, tell me about the current situation in Jiangnan City."

Ye Qianxing went straight to the subject and desperately wanted to know the current situation in Jiangnan City. .


Chu Xiong sighed, showing sadness.

"As you can see, the spirits of the gods launched a general attack on the Southern Guard Pass, and the Southern Guard Pass could not stand it. Some spirits of the spirits have broken into the country and are close to the Southern Guard Pass. All have fallen. Only our Jiangnan City is still struggling to support it."

"But the offensive of the Spiritual God Sect is too fierce. You know, our Jiangnan City’s comprehensive strength is too weak, and This time, under the leadership of the spirit gods, there are several C-Rank monsters and evil spirits."

"So we didn't hold on for long, the city gate was broken, and finally It is still to gather all the D-Ranks in the city such as President Xia, Su City Lord to control the Spirit Master and launch all high-tech weapons to forcefully repulse the army of Spiritual Gods."

"But facing With such a large army of spiritual gods, we are basically impossible to counterattack. We can only defend ourselves, even if we sacrifice our lives, even if we suffer heavy losses, we must defend."

With that, Chu Xiong is usually domineering. The hero in the army who leaked, bleeds and sheds tears, can't help but blush at this moment.

In this war, how many brothers he died on the battlefield.

Not only the warriors, but also the lives of innocent civilians who also died under the sharp claws of demons and evil spirits.

There has not yet been a specific death report, but at least more than one hundred thousand people have died.

The entire Jiangnan City has a population of more than one million people, and this time one tenth of them died.

"Big Brother Chu, how about my father?"

Xia Xiaoyu hurriedly asked, just heard Chu Xiong said that Xia Liuyun led all the D-Ranks in Jiangnan City to control the Spirit Master to resist the spirit. God teaches, she has a bad premonition.

Hearing Xia Xiaoyu's question, Chu Xiong's expression changed obviously.

"As the No. 1 powerhouse in Jiangnan City, President Xia played a dominant role, so he was also targeted by the spirits of the spirits. When dealing with the C-Rank spirits of the spirits, She was seriously injured and has been in a coma so far."

Chuxiong tone barely fell, Xia Xiaoyu's small face suddenly became pale and bloodless, and her whole body was trembling.

Especially when I heard him say that he was seriously injured and he was in a coma so far, these two sentences are even staggering and almost falling.

Fortunately, Ye Qianxing has eye problems and quick hands, so he was helped in time.

"It's okay, Xiao Yu, didn't Big Brother Chu say that, Uncle Xia was only seriously injured, and he would be fine with me."

Ye Qianxing comforted.

Xia Xiaoyu leaned her head on Ye Qianxing's shoulder, tears soaked Ye Qianxing's clothes, but Ye Qianxing did not move.

"Big Brother Chu, where is President Xia now?"

Ye Qianxing asked hurriedly.

"Just receive treatment at the best first hospital in Jiangnan."

Chu Xiong said, Ye Qianxing has been in Jiangnan for more than ten years, and Lu must be recognized. .

So he helped Xia Xiaoyu directly teleported towards the First Hospital and rushed away. As for Su Tila and Zhou Lang and Zhou Yue, they asked Chuxiong about Su Hong.

Fortunately, Su Hong is not in any serious trouble.

After asking about Su Hong's location, Su Tila hurried over.

As for their Spirit Pets, they are still fighting outside the city to kill the spirits and evil spirits of the Spiritual God Sect.

After all, Ye Qianxing's instruction is to kill them all.

City No. 1 Hospital, Ye Qianxing took Xia Xiaoyu to Xia Liuyun's ward, and heard roars from inside before entering.

"You rubbish doctors, my father was injured to protect you, no matter what, you must save him!"

"Otherwise! Otherwise, I will let you Funeral!"

Xia Liuxing's heart-piercing roar came from the ward. He pinched the doctor's collar with one hand, his eyes were red, and the doctors in the ward were trembling with both legs. .

"Little Young Master, it’s not that we don’t want to save President Xia, it’s really lacking in recovery. President Xia’s injuries are too serious. With our current medical technology, he can survive until now. It's already the limit."

The attending doctor said sweatingly.

"I don't care, I don't care, my father, if there are any shortcomings, my Xia Liuxing will definitely level your broken hospital!"

Xia Liuyun has no thoughts at all at this time Others, he only heard that it was not cured.


The attending doctor was too scared to speak.

He has no doubt that if he really dares to say that he can't be cured, this young Master will definitely level their hospital.

"I can save."

At this moment, the hospital door opened and a voice rang.

As soon as this sentence came out, Xia Liuxing and several doctors were taken aback, and at the same time they moved towards the door and looked.

When I saw a youngster who was sixteen or seventeen years old, the attending doctor was directly angry.

Do you think it is not big enough? Didn’t you see this little ancestor now you want to kill? Come to do something.

What the attending doctor didn't see was that when Xia Liuyun saw this youngster, his red eyes were miraculously restored to sobriety and calmness.

"Which brat did you come from? This is also a place where you can come to play? Don't get out!"

The attending doctor was already very annoying, so he moved towards Ye Qianxing angrily roared.

Ye Qianxing is not angry. In this situation, the speech lost self-control is normal and understandable.

It was Xia Liuxing. Seeing that the attending doctor dared to yell at Ye Qianxing, he kicked it.

Then he staggered and ran towards Ye Qianxing.

He hasn't rested for a few days to take care of Xia Liuyun, and he can still stand by firm will.

"Sister, brother-in-law, is it really you? You are really back."

Xia Meteor shed tears disappointingly.

the past few days he was about to collapse, but he did not dare to shed a tear.

Because he is the son of Xia Liuyun, the strongest man in Jiangnan City, if he cries, then Jiangnan City will probably collapse.

But now that Xia Xiaoyu and Ye Qianxing are back, he finally doesn't have to hold on anymore.

"Meteor, how is father?"

Xia Xiaoyu hurried to the hospital bed and saw Xia Liuyun who was thin and pale and bloodless lying on the bed, feeling very distressed.

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