"Sister, father will definitely be fine. These quack doctors just like to make fuss!" Xia Liuxing said with tears.

Ye Qianxing shook the head on the side, he could perceive that Xia Liuyun's vitality on the bed was dissipated at this time.

I can survive tonight at best.

Of course, this is the absence of Ye Qianxing. Now that Ye Qianxing is here, Xia Liuyun will never be troubled.

"Miss Xia, you still have to be mentally prepared. Although President Xia is a powerful Spirit Master, he is only an ordinary person himself. He was hit by the demon of Spiritual God. I’m very lucky that I didn’t die on the spot."

"The internal organs in President Xia were smashed to pieces. Even if they were put into the big hospital in the Imperial Capital city, there is absolutely no possibility of treatment."

Although the attending doctor was very afraid that Xia Liuxing would be angry with him, he still told the truth.

Hearing what he said, Xia Xiaoyu's pale face became even more ugly.

If she had not become awakened, the physique had strengthened a lot, and she would have passed out crying and fainting.

"You quack doctor still dare to talk nonsense, curse my father, do you really think I dare not kill you?" Xia Meteor roared violently.

In fact, he also knew that what the attending doctor said was the truth, but he couldn't accept it.

The attending doctor was so scared that he shrank back. Seeing that Xia Liuxing was really about to do something, Ye Qianxing hurried forward to stop him.

"Meteor, although the words are not good, but they are true, but you don’t need to be sad, I can save him."

Ye Qianxing said, Xia Meteor’s eyes are hearing this bright. Give out a bright glow.

He trusts Ye Qianxing very much. In his impression, Ye Qianxing is omnipotent. As long as he says it is saved, it must be saved.

"Brother-in-law, then you can help my father to heal."

Xia Liuxing said hurriedly.

As soon as Ye Qianxing walked to the hospital bed, the attending doctor stood up shiver coldly.

"If you are not 100% sure, I advise you not to try, otherwise President Xia will only be tortured and die."

"Go away, you quack doctor , If you can't cure yourself, dare to beep, don't let me see you!" Xia Liuxing angrily roared, the attending doctor ran away in fright.

Anyway, he has finished speaking, and what happens again is Xia Liuxing and Ye Qianxing's responsibility.

Ye Qianxing flipped his hand, and a crystal clear and near-transparent medicine pill appeared in his palm.

This is the Healing Medicine Pill refined in his free time, just in case, it comes in handy now.

The Great Revitalizing Pill, the holy medicine for healing, Grade 7 Immortal Pill, although it does not reach the level of resurrection, it can treat all internal and external injuries.

Lin Ruoxi used All Living Things to Recover before and consumed too much energy, so Ye Qianxing took out this Great Revitalizing Pill.

Xia Liuyun is Xia Xiaoyu's adoptive father, and he has raised her for more than ten years, so Ye Qianxing doesn't feel the slightest pity.

Squeeze the Great Revitalizing Pill into Xia Liuyun’s mouth, Great Revitalizing Pill melts in the mouth, turning into pure life energy and pouring into his body.

Xia Liuyun's complexion improved directly at the speed visible to naked eye.

A few minutes later, Xia Liuyun's closed eyes finally opened.


When Xia Xiaoyu and Xia Liuxing saw this, they were so excited that they burst into tears.

It’s just tears of joy this time.

"I... Am I still alive?"

Xia Liuyun froze for a few minutes before finally came back to his senses.

He was surprised to find that not only was he not dead, but there was no pain in his body.

Not even soreness.

Ye Qianxing just smiled at this. Great Revitalizing Pill is a Grade 7 Immortal Pill. It would be strange if it couldn't even do this.

"Don't worry, Uncle Xia, Yama dare not accept you with me."

Ye Qianxing stepped forward and said with a laugh.

Xia Liuyun found out that Ye Qianxing was there.

"Qianxing, you are back, Jiangnan City can finally be safe."

The first thing Xia Liuyun thinks of is the safety of Jiangnan City. As the strongest in Jiangnan City, he Always put in the heart first place in this matter.

"Don't worry, Uncle Xia, the next thing is left to us. You and Xiao Yu have not seen each other for a long time, so I won't disturb you."

Ye Qianxing said with a laugh.

The family has not seen each other for half a year, Ye Qianxing doesn't want to make this light bulb.

Leaving the First Hospital, Ye Qianxing walked on the streets of Jiangnan City.

Looking at the dilapidated houses around and the homeless citizens, Ye Qianxing was deeply moved.

These inhuman organizations are really hateful.

If it weren't for them, how could there be so many innocent people in the world, and how could there be so many pitiful persons who were ruined and scattered.

Walking aimlessly, Ye Qianxing found himself in the Mercenary City.

"By the way, I don’t know what happened to the Xiaoyao mercenary group."

Ye Qianxing suddenly remembered that he had joined a mercenary group in Jiangnan City, named Xiaoyao mercenary group. The group leader is Ye Xiaoyao's old fox.

Although old fox often pits Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing also often fought with him, but it is impossible to say that there is no feeling at all.

Especially Ye Qinghan, the daughter of old fox, who is still pretty. Ye Qianxing still had some thoughts about her at the beginning.

But as they left Jiangnan City for Imperial Capital City, they lost contact.

"By the way, I remember that old fox seems to be a C-Rank driving Spirit Master. Why didn't you help Jiangnan this time?"

Ye Qianxing is a little bit confused, just After entering the Mercenary City, I came directly to the location of the Xiaoyao mercenary group.

Xiaoyao Library.

"old fox, I'm back!"

Ye Qianxing opened the library door and shouted moved towards inside.

Unfortunately, apart from his own response, no response was received.

Nothing has changed in the library, exactly the same as Ye Qianxing remembered half a year ago.

It seems that there should be nothing wrong with old fox.

"Fuck, this old fox probably ran away when Jiangnan City was besieged."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

And Ye Qianxing feels that with the urine of the old fox, it is very likely to do this kind of thing.

Worry for nothing.

"woof! 汪woof!"

At this moment, Erbaiwu and Vajra, they both returned, in the huge palm of Vajra, they also held nearly a hundred evil spirits and The inner core of the demon.

Those F-rank and E-rank inner core Vajra are inconspicuous. Nearly a hundred inner cores are all D-Rank, including three C-Rank inner cores.

But for the current Ye Qianxing, the trifling C-Rank inner core is not in the eyes.

"All solved?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

Vajra clicked his huge head in reply, and Ye Qianxing was nodded with satisfaction.

After that, Ye Qianxing took a tour of Jiangnan City and went to his previous home, which was his adoptive parents and Lin Ruoxi's biological parents. Fortunately, they also survived.

To be honest, Ye Qianxing still hated them very much half a year ago.

But now, I don’t mean to forgive.

It's just that vision and strength really affect a person's character. Ye Qianxing now basically doesn't care about those things.

After that, Ye Qianxing went to meet the old general and other acquaintances. After shopping, he planned to leave.

Solving the crisis in Jiangnan City is only the beginning. According to the old general, the battle on the Southern Guard Pass is urgent and it is almost unsustainable.

Moreover, several cities close to the Southern Guard Pass are all occupied by spirit gods. Ye Qianxing intends to go directly to the Southern Guard Pass to support them, and take those cities back on the way.

After all, it belongs to their celestial dynasty, to their humanity.

But he didn't call Xia Xiaoyu and the others, and finally came back. It was time for them to enjoy the family happiness.

Take the shuttle, Ye Qianxing flies to the direction of Southern Guard Pass.

Within half an hour, he appeared on top of a city. Looking down, Ye Qianxing's expression changed obviously.

In the whole city, there is no living person in sight. Apart from the corpse and the smell of blood, only evil spirits and monsters can stand.

Those evil spirits are still eating the corpse.

Although this city is not as big as Jiangnan City, and its population is not as large as Jiangnan City, it also has a population of nearly 100,000.

Ye Qianxing's anger broke out directly in his heart after all died at the hands of the demon.


Ye Qianxing shouted violently and controlled the shuttle to land.

When there were more than ten meters above the ground, he couldn't wait to jump straight down.

There are Spirit Pets such as Erbaiwu and Vajra who jumped down with him.

"Kill all, no one is left!"

Ye Qianxing angrily roared, bear the brunt of killing those monsters and evil spirits.

"A person dared to attack us, it's really courting death!"

A D-Rank demon saw Ye Qianxing, and a human dared to come over, sneered, with ten fingers extending directly. Ten sharp claws like blades are produced.

moved towards Ye Qianxing is fiercely.

However, sharp claw swept across Ye Qianxing's body, but no blood was seen.


The demon creded out in surprise, turning his head subconsciously.

But there is still no chance.

It hasn't even seen Ye Qianxing, and its eyes are dark, and it can't die anymore.

And after Ye Qianxing's short sword slashed its head, he continued moving towards other monsters and evil spirits without turning his head.

"How is it possible, he is just an ordinary human, how could he have killed us?"

The other monsters saw Ye Qianxing actually have the power to kill his companions, and they were startled. The size of a copper bell.

But Ye Qianxing will not give them a chance to escape, and their body hides in the darkness, urging the skill assassination technique.

噗chi chi chi chi!


With the scream of one after another, the evil spirits and monsters fell to the ground, and a red line appeared on each neck.

a sword seals the throat, this is the essence of assassination.

Within a few breaths, dozens of monsters and evil spirits died under Ye Qianxing's sword.

Vajra will be much crispier than Ye Qianxing, the Celestial Phenomenon ground, a few sticks, can take away the lives of dozens of monsters.

"ao wu!"

Erbaiwu roared towards the sky, and suddenly hundreds of illusory Spirit Physique appeared from the ground.

One of Erbaiwu's demon skills, the abyss summon.

Can summon out of hell and Evil Spirit to help.

Even Lin Ruoxi took the shot, and vines entangled the demons and evil spirits, and forcibly squeezed them to death.

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