The lightning bolt collided with Monster Wolf's claws, and the former was directly dissipated, but Monster Wolf's arms were also paralyzed by the strength of Thunder, making it impossible to move for a while.

How could Erbaiwu miss this opportunity, when three heads ejected a fireball at the same time.

Hellfire, Nether Flame Strike!

Monster Wolf escaped two hellfire attacks, but was still contaminated in the end.

The hellfire is on the verge of invading Monster Wolf's soul.

The latter suddenly covered his head and screamed. Ye Qianxing took the opportunity to stroke Monster Wolf's neck with Lei Che.

This time Monster Wolf was no longer able to evade, and a bloodstain was directly torn open on his neck, with blood flowing.


Erbaiwu took a big mouth, and a strong suction came and swallowed Monster Wolf directly.

At this moment, Erbaiwu's breath has strengthened again.

"It seems that the tacit understanding between Erbaiwu and I is still very high. With cooperation, we can also kill an ALevel 5 demon."

Ye Qianxing in the heart thinks , But quite satisfied.

Just when he was about to pick another opponent, a scream suddenly came from around him.

Ye Chenxi's voice is very familiar!

Ye Qianxing hurriedly took a look. When he saw the situation clearly, his face suddenly changed.

Ye Chenxi was originally teaming up with her Earth Rock Bear to fight an ALevel 8 Skeleton Monster from the World Extinguishing Society, but was designed a routine by the Skeleton Monster, and his abdomen was penetrated by a skeleton claw of the Skeleton Monster.

Seeing this, the Rock Bear of the Earth was furious, and a huge bear's paw was slapped again on the Skeleton Demon, and the latter was repelled by ten meters.

But Ye Chenxi was bleeding from her abdomen at this time, and she collapsed and fell to the ground.

She doesn't have Ye Qianxing's Immortal Body, and her abdomen is penetrated, which is also a great injury.

"Sister Ruoxi!"

Ye Qianxing didn't care about revealing his cards at this time, and summon Lin Ruoxi out.

Lin Ruoxi and Ye Qianxing are well-informed, immediately understand his thoughts, and strike Ye Chenxi with a green Life Power.

Life Power was wrapped around the wound on Ye Chenxi's abdomen, and the latter's injury finally healed.

But there is no direct recovery.

Lin Ruoxi said with a serious face, frowning.

"Qianxing, although her injury is not serious, but the wound was corroded by Corpse Qi, it will take some time and a stable environment if I want to help her get the wound."

Of course it’s okay in normal times, but this is the battlefield, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

What they lack most is time.

Looking at Ye Chenxi, who was still dying, and Long Ao, who was already showing fatigue and retreated in a row.

Ye Qianxing made a decision.

"Brother Long, Brother Shishi, you quickly take Chenxi away, and I will deal with it here."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Long Ao shouted.

"No, we can't leave you behind."

However, several people firmly disagreed, how could they let Ye Qianxing stay behind.

"Dawn is at stake now, do you want her to miss the best treatment time?"

Ye Qianxing angrily roared, hearing this Long Ao several people looked towards Ye Chenxi, also found out Her situation.

Suddenly hesitated.

"Hercules, you take Chenxi away, we stay behind with Qianxing."

Long Ao immediately made a decision. Hercules just wanted to refuse, Ye Qianxing directly Interrupted.

"Listen to me, you go together, otherwise if the dawn and the others are in danger on the road, no one can take care of them, don't worry, I will be fine!"

"But... "

Long Ao wanted to say something, but Shi Hao stopped him.

"Brother Long, listen to Qianxing, I believe he will not aimlessly."

Shi Hao is the one who knows Ye Qianxing best besides Ye Chenxi, he I have seen that Ye Qianxing can survive Xiao Ran's attack when he is very weak.

Now that he is stronger than before, I don’t know how many times, there must be a way to save his life.

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