
After struggling for a while, Long Ao gave the order to retreat.

Lin Ruoxi glanced at Ye Qianxing worriedly, and the latter motioned her to follow along with her eyes.

After all, if Ye Chenxi wants to survive, he can only rely on Lin Ruoxi.

Lin Ruoxi also knew the seriousness of the matter. Although she was still worried, she decisively followed and left.

The only way to heal Ye Chenxi as soon as possible, and then to support Ye Qianxing.

"Don't even want to run!"

The skeleton monster saw that Long Ao and the others were going to retreat with Ye Chenxi, how reconciled.

moved towards they chased away.

"hmph, want to chase them, pass me first!"

When Ye Qianxing saw coldly snorted, a space teleportation stopped in front of the skeleton demon.

Leiqie sword fiercely cut down, thunder and Power of Frost erupted, forcing the skeleton monster back a few steps.

Taking this opportunity, Long Ao and several people have already left with Ye Chenxi.

"Finally all the hole cards can be used."

Until the silhouettes of Long Ao and the few people completely disappeared, Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes and burst out cold glow.

The reason for letting them all leave is for Ye Chenxi's safety considerations on the one hand, and on the other hand they don't want them to see their hole cards.

"They all ran away, leaving you at the bottom. Are you going to abandon you?"

The skeleton demon still wants to attack, but the president of the World Destruction Society stepped forward to stop him. Up him.

moved towards Ye Qianxing sneered.

"I think you also have several points of strength. It is better to join my World Extinguishing Club. At least our World Extinguishing Club can't do the behavior of abandoning our partners."

At this time, the chairman actually intended to win Ye Qianxing.

"Can Qianjiang be trapped in Divine Dragon? Just you a trifling, I am afraid that I can't tolerate me."

"And, I am not like you, I would rather get rid of humans My skin becomes a running dog of evil spirits."

Ye Qianxing coldly smiled, taunted unceremoniously.

His ridicule made the face of the president of the World Extinction Association gloomy.

"refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, I gave you the opportunity, you don't know how to cherish it, since you want to court death, then I will fulfill you."

"Give it all to me, quickly solve him, and then catch up with those humans, and none of them can be let go!"

The president of the World Extinguishing Society loudly shouted, and all the demons under him screamed Charge to Ye Qianxing.

"Come on, if you want to play, then play bigger!"

Ye Qianxing tone barely fell, and four contract Space Gates appeared behind him.

Four breaths of horror spilled from the Space Gate.

Immediately afterwards, Vajra, Xiaokun, Taixu Torch Dragon and Shadow General stepped out of Space Gate one after another.

"This...how is it possible, how can a person contract so many Spirit Pets at the same time!"

When the president of the World Extinction Society sees this, he cried out in surprise, even those who are ready to rush Xiang Ye Qianxing's World Extinguishing Society demon was also stunned.

In addition to Erbaiwu, who was originally brought out by Ye Qianxing summon, there are now five Spirit Pets present.

And the breath of each Spirit Pet is comparable to A-Rank.

Plus a battle strength comparable to Ye Qianxing of A-Rank Spirit Pet.

Suddenly, these demons of the World Extinguishing Society were under pressure.

"Are you the human being who infiltrated the Spiritual God Sect alone, killed the Spiritual God Sect Lord, and destroyed the Lich King summon ceremony?"

What does the president of the World Destruction Society seem to think of? ,Cried out in surprise.

Ye Qianxing didn't expect to be exposed so soon, but he didn't care, anyway, he and the inhuman organization were already deadly enemies.

"It's really travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily. Ah, boy, Venerable has wanted you, and promised a big reward, hehe, you really come to give I’m giving gifts."

"Listen to me, this human being has to catch alive, when the time comes to Venerable, we will develop."

The president of Mieshihuihui licked his tongue, his eyes looking towards Ye Qianxing were full of greed.

The other monsters hearing this are also shining brightly.

The rewards of God Venerable must be very generous.


Ye Qianxing was slightly taken aback when he heard the name spoken by the president of the World Extinguishing Society.

But he didn't have time to think about it, because the monsters on the opposite side had already moved towards him and rushed towards him.

At this moment, he was like a big cake in front of these monsters, waiting for them to divide it up.


Ye Qianxing yelled, and the five Spirit Pets behind him suddenly burst out fighting intents.

Don’t even look at Ye Qianxing’s lineup now that they don’t even have a Spirit Pet above ALevel 5, but each of them has the ability of invincible skipping grades to battle at the same level.

The fighting intent vented out, and the monsters who rushed to the extinction society were frightened enough.

"áo hǒu!"

Vajra roared first, and the Celestial Phenomenon skill method was triggered, and his size suddenly increased.

Transformed into a ten-meter-high golden ape, holding the Heaven Supporting Pillar moved towards the opposite is an angry smash.

bang!! !

The Heaven Supporting Pillar, which has also grown larger, crashed on the ground, directly punching a crack in the ground.

The terrifying power shook the surrounding monsters flying, and an A1 level monster that happened to be hit by the Heaven Supporting Pillar was directly smashed into meatloaf.

Those who die can't die again.

Xiao Kun was not idle either, and immediately dispatched.

Sea God Trident’s exclusive skill [One Halberd Annihilation] is activated, and an illusory shadow of the Sea God appears behind it.

The giant halberd illusory shadow slashed down in rage, and the target was an ALevel 5 lizard demon.

Pu chi!

The lizard demon was directly cut off his tail, and then retreated by the aftermath.

Although he did not die, he was seriously injured and lost his combat effectiveness.


Taixu Torch Dragon also utters a dragon roar, accompanied by the dragon's will.

The demon in front of them felt great pressure at the same time physically and mentally.

Dragon's Might, how can these half human half beast monsters be able to resist.

With a few sounds of pu chi, two ALevel 4 monsters were torn apart by Taixu Torch Dragon dragon claw.

It was only one round, and the World Extinguishing Society was severely injured and its vitality was severely injured.

"Interestingly, not only can this person contract so many Spirit Pets at the same time, but the bloodline innate talents of these Spirit Pets are still so high, no wonder they can destroy the Spiritual God Cult."

"However, the better you are, the greater the rewards I can get after I hand you over to the God Venerable."

After such an expert died, the president of the World Destruction Society may feel a little distressed, but But there is no sign of worry.

After all, only some weak people below A-Rank level 5 are dead. The next thing is the highlight.


A heart-piercing roar sounded. The skeleton monster before sneak attacked its shadow general and moved towards Ye Qianxing. Come.

Sensen white claws turned into a cold light, hitting Ye Qianxing's abdomen directly.

Sir President said that he wanted to catch alive, so the skeleton demon talent did not choose to attack Ye Qianxing's life gate.

But it is confident that this blow will hit Ye Qianxing hard.

"You have inherited the power of the ghost system. I am not afraid of the ghost system."

Ye Qianxing is coldly snorted, big beckoned, and a black fireball appeared in his hand.

It is the hellfire that can suppress the ghosts, the nemesis of all ghosts.

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