
Before the hellfire touched the skeletal monster, the aura it exudes made the latter feel terrified.

A ball of dim-blue Soul Fire trembled violently at the center of the skull.

The skeleton demon felt the threat, and the pace of his advancement was reversed, moving towards to hide next to him.

Only then did he escape the attack of hellfire.

But the aura just made him feel lingering, and he didn't dare to get close to Ye Qianxing anymore.

It can feel that if it is hit by that black flame, no, even if it is only contaminated by a tiny bit, the consequences will be very serious.

"hmph, waste!"

Upon seeing this, the president of the World Extinction Society was coldly snorted, and his face was extremely ugly.

"You go to deal with those Spirit Pets of him, this person, leave it to me!"

After all, the president of the World Extinguishing Society twisted the tail of the snake and rushed towards Ye Qianxing.

Don't look at it as it has only a snake tail and no feet, but its speed is not slow at all.

On the contrary, it was faster. Ye Qianxing didn't even see its trajectory. The latter had already reached him.

The long snake tail moved towards Ye Qianxing entangled away.


Fortunately, Ye Qianxing has the ability to predict, and reacts when the snake tail is about to entangle him.

A snaketail coil that dodges the president of the World Exterminator.

"Oh, the reaction is quite fast, but I won't give you another chance next time."

The president of the World Extinguishing Society evaded himself when he saw Ye Qianxing. I couldn't help but feel a little bit ashamed of attack, and he moved towards Ye Qianxing with one hand to grab it.

"Come on!"

"Titan fist, Cunjin!"

Ye Qianxing was also enraged and threw a punch.

Under the dual explosion of Titan fist and Cun Jin, the formidable power of this fist has reached the Peak battle strength of Ye Qianxing.

bang!! !

The fist collided with the palm of the president of the World Exterminating Society, and the latter was immediately shaken back several meters.

And Ye Qianxing also felt a bit numb in his fist, obviously the opponent's strength was not small.

Ye Qianxing did not feel complacent because he pushed back the president of the World Extinction Association, because he knew very well that the other party wanted to capture him alive, so he didn't use his full strength.

And that punch just now was Ye Qianxing's Peak power, and it only shook the president of the World Extinction Society a few steps back.

The judgement is settled.

"My current strength is okay against ordinary ALevel 5 monsters, but against his A-Rank Peak, I basically won it impossible."

Ye Qianxing brows tightly knit, Erbaiwu at this time, they were all entangled by other demons of the World Exterminating Society, unable to support him.

"Interestingly, I can resist 50% of my strength. It seems that I have to be more serious."

The pupils of Deep Green, the president of the World Extinction Association, exudes a chill. If it were not for the purpose of catching Ye Qianxing alive, he would be impossible to talk so much nonsense.

I have already killed it with all my strength.


The President of the World Extinguishing Society stretched out his hands, and his ten fingers instantly turned into ten snakes, stretching several hundred meters, extending towards Ye Qianxing, trying to bind them.

"Thunder is coming!"

Ye Qianxing waved the thunder-cut, a bolt of lightning slashed away, and instantly split the two little snakes into charred black.


Ye Qianxing waved again, and three more small snakes were frozen into ice.

But the remaining five little snakes have already come to Ye Qianxing, entangled his neck, chest, abdomen, arms and legs respectively.

Pu chi!

Immediately afterwards, all five small snakes opened their mouths to bite Ye Qianxing’s flesh.

"Such a strong bite force?"

Ye Qianxing was surprised, but he urged the Indestructible Vajra Body, his skin is as hard as gold.

These little snakes are able to bite them through. This bite force is really not overwhelming.

However, Ye Qianxing did not feel the pain, but a kind of numbing comfort.

"Is jié jié jié very comfortable?"

The President of the World Extinction Association gave a strange laugh and asked.

"It's really comfortable."

Ye Qianxing nodded very seriously.

"Next, you will be more comfortable. When you are invaded by my snake venom, you will wish one were dead."

The president of the World Destruction Society said with a Sneer, if caught its snake venom, it is basically included in the Life and Death Book.

Life and death are determined by it, and there is no antidote. Unless it sucks out the toxin by itself, the poisoning will undoubtedly die.


Ye Qianxing glanced at the wound, and sure enough, the wound had turned black, and the blood flowing out was also black.

And there is no sensation where he was bitten, he feels very weak.

"Come here."

The President of the World Exterminating Society controlled the five little snakes and pulled Ye Qianxing back toward him.

But when Ye Qianxing was pulled in front of him, a wicked smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You are careless."

A cold voice came from his mouth.

Before the president of the World Extinction Society could react, Ye Qianxing suddenly applied force, and the five small snakes entwining him were instantly shattered and scattered to the ground.

At the same time, Ye Qianxing took out the Leiqie sword with lightning speed, and fiercely inserted it into the chest of the president of the World Destroying Society.


The president of the World Extinction Society was groaned in pain, and the blood in his chest penetrated by the Leiqi sword continued to bleed.

"How is it possible, you have clearly hit my snake venom, how can you still have more energy?"

The President of the World Exterminating Society asked unwillingly.

"A little bit of snake venom wants to hurt me? I want to know, go to hell and ask Hades!"

Ye Qianxing sneered, directly drew out the Leiqi sword.

Suddenly, the blood hole in the chest of the President of the World Extinction Society began to explode, like a fountain.

"You really annoyed me, today even if you give up the reward of the God Venerable, I will kill you!"

Ye Qianxing thought the president of the World Extinction Association When the heart is penetrated and will die directly, the latter burst out with a terrifying force.

An arm turned into a huge python, opening its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards Ye Qianxing and swallowing it.

"Not good, flash!"

Ye Qianxing inwardly shouted a bad cry, directly activated the space teleportation skill and avoided it.

makes that python swallow lonely.

"Why did he die without being stabbed in his heart, his life force is so tenacious?"

Ye Qianxing frowned, very puzzled.

But then suddenly divine light flashed in his mind, and something came to mind.

"Fuck, hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, I actually forgot about this. The body structure is different. This guy's life is not the heart, but the seven inches."

Ye Qianxing 1 Slap forehead, forget this important thing.

But just now was the best opportunity, he had already missed it, and then the president of the World Exterminating Society would not give him another chance.

He did have snake venom before, but he has an Immortal Body, and the trifling snake venom was removed instantly.

But he pretended to be recruited in order to let the president of the World Exterminating Society relax his vigilance and take the opportunity to severely injure or even kill him.

I have to say that Ye Qianxing's plan is perfect, and the implementation is successful, but it has overlooked such an important issue.

Although the Leiqi sword penetrated the chest of the president of the World Destruction Society, it did hit him severely.

But it also angered him, and he won't keep his hands anymore. Ye Qianxing is definitely not his opponent.

"Although he did not kill him, at least the goal was achieved. They have escaped and I should also withdraw."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

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