"Something happened!"

Ye Qianxing said suddenly.

Just now, the shadow will tell Ye Qianxing through telepathy that the people of the World Exterminator are ready to act.

At this time they are moving towards the center of the mysterious island.

"Then hurry up."

Long Ao and several people hearing this suddenly became serious.

Ye Qianxing nodded, after sensing the location of the shadow general, he led Long Ao and followed him.

The mysterious island is so big, they walked for a full hour before they finally stopped at Ye Qianxing's signal.

At this point, they are already in the center of the mysterious island.


Shi Hao suddenly pointed to a mountain in front of him and shouted.

Everyone has extraordinary eyesight, so they can clearly see a few silhouettes on the mountain a hundred meters away.

People from the World Extinction Association are also among them.

At this time, the president of the World Extinction Society is facing a silhouette respectfully.

If the president of the Dignified World Extinction Association treats him with such respect, his identity is absolutely extraordinary.

"Is this the Venerable God in their mouth?"

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle, looked towards that silhouette, even if it's just a glance, I can't help but feel a little trembling.

The shape of the man is very strange. Although the shape of the monster is already very strange, he looks different.

The left half of his body looks like a normal person, looking like a young man in his twenties.

But the right half is a complete monster.

There is a single horn on the right half of the head, the hair is also white, and the face is covered with black scales.

The scarlet rays of light popped out from the right eye, which was fascinating.

At the same time, his right arm and right leg are also beast claws covered with black scale armor.

The other monsters are either the animal tail under the body above, or the human body under the upper hand.

Like him, Ye Qianxing has never seen him.

Monster: Jiao Ren

attribute: Dragon

Evaluation: 5-Star level

Level: S9

Introduction: Inheriting the power of Black Flood Dragon, S-Rank is its upper limit. If you want to go one step further, you can only transform into a dragon.

"Half-human and half-Black Flood Dragon, this person should be the leader of the inhuman organization, God Venerable."

Long Ao stared at that silhouette on the mountain. , Full of hatred.

Because of this person, the Heavenly Dynasty has lost many lives.

"What is he doing there?"

Ye Qianxing asked, but no one responded to him.

Because Long Ao and the others also have this doubt in their hearts.

The entire group hides behind the tree and observes, the people of the Seeing Shishihui are laying the dead bodies of evil spirits.

These evil spirits are exactly the dragon evil spirits they have been hunting before.

"God Venerable, everything is ready."

The President of the World Destruction Society said respectfully to the God Venerable.

The latter was nodded, but suddenly his head turned and looked towards a place.

There is no one there, the president of the World Destruction Society was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't understand what God Venerable meant.

Ye Qianxing, a hundred meters away, trembled in his heart.

Others don't know, but he knows that that location is where the shadow commander hides.

Could it be that the shadow will be discovered?

"Before we start, I'm afraid we have to clean up our tails."

The God Venerable spoke indifferently, his gaze suddenly changed, and he was facing Ye Qianxing and the others.

"Not good!"

Ye Qianxing's heart trembled and yelled, even before he could remind Long Ao and the others, he fluttered away.

Almost as soon as he jumped away, a red light shot from the right eye of the God Venerable.

Break the shackles of space directly, and instantly strikes on the big tree where Ye Qianxing and the others are hiding.

Even if Ye Qianxing jumped away, he was almost blown out by the afterwave of energy.

"Oh? One escaped?"

"However, the person that the deity wants to capture is impossible to escape."

The God Venerable muttered to himself With a sound, a red light shot out again in that bloody eye.

Even if Ye Qianxing possesses anticipation skills, he can predict that an attack is about to come, but he has no time to avoid it.

He was hit directly, and his eyes went dark, and he passed out in a coma.

When the consciousness is restored again, I don't know how long it will be.

Ye Qianxing opened his eyes and saw that he was already on the mountain peak at this time.

In front of them, it is the members of the World Exterminating Society.

As for the god Venerable, he was standing in place at this time, not knowing what was brewing.

As for him, he is tied to a stone pillar.

There are several stone pillars standing beside them, and the five members of the Longya team are tied to them like Ye Qianxing.

"Fortunately, there is still breath."

Ye Qianxing felt it for a while. Although the breath of Long Ao five was very weak, they were at least not dead.

"Oh, I woke up so soon after being hit by the Venerable of the God? Isn't that good?"

The president of the World Extinction Association looked at Ye Qianxing with a sneer.

"Isn’t it pretty awkward before? Didn’t you say that you will kill me next time? See who is the prisoner now?"

With a happy face of successful revenge and small man intoxicated by success, Ye Qianxing feels sick.

"Don't you take this opportunity to kill us?"

"Hahaha, no hurry, I want you to witness a miracle with your own eyes, a miracle that can change the times."


The president of the World Extinction Society said with a laugh.


Ye Qianxing frowned, I don't understand what it means.

"Yes, it’s okay to tell you, you all think this is an island, right? Actually, this is not an island, but a Divine Beast, named Ba Xia, who has lived for several millions of years and has arrived. The end of life."

"We are going to take this opportunity to deprive it of its blood essence and help God Venerable breakthrough S-Rank."

"At that time, it will be you The end of the humble old mankind, the new era, the era of our new mankind, will finally come!"

The president of the World Extinction Association laughs facing the sky, unabashedly showing off them to Ye Qianxing plan of.

Ye Qianxing's heart trembled after listening to the words of the president of the World Destruction Society.

There are so many incredible things that he can't accept for a while.

Overlord? Is it the one from the dragon has nine sons?

Isn’t that half of the Dragon Clan Bloodline?

The God Venerable inherited the power of Flood Dragon. Then, the blood essence of this overlord dragon is the best nourishment for him to transform into a dragon.

"Can't you accept it? Take a good look. I won't kill you so quickly. I want you to watch the demise of the old mankind and let you die in the collapse."

The president of the World Extinguishing Society was sneaked, so no longer paid attention to Ye Qianxing.

It didn't take long for Ye Qianxing to find that Venerable had moved.

He took out a pitch black long spear from nowhere, and when the long spear swept away, he even emitted a trace of sound of dragon's roar.

bang! bang bang!

The corpses of the dozen or so dragon evil spirits burst open and the blood scattered, but they were quickly absorbed by the pitch black long spear.

The sound of dragon's roar has become more obvious.

"That is the Dragon Soul Spear of the God Venerable!"

At this moment, a weak voice suddenly sounded beside Ye Qianxing.

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