Ye Qianxing hurriedly turned around to look around, and it was Long Ao who said the sound.

At this moment, he looked pale, but his eyes were piercingly staring at the God Venerable.

"Brother Long, you are awake."

Seeing that Long Ao is awake, Ye Qianxing sighed in relief.

Just as he wanted to tell the story, Long Ao spoke first.

"I have heard the conversation between you and the president of the World Extinction Association. They really have a conspiracy. I have already notified Marshal Ye about the matter. He is outside the island and should be soon. Come."

Long Ao said, and Ye Qianxing's worries disappeared a little when he learned that Ye Xiaoyao would come.

Ye Xiaoyao can become the Chief Marshal of the Celestial Kingdom, and he must be very strong.

"What Dragon Soul Gun did you just say?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

"I heard that the God Venerable inherited the ability of a Black Flood Dragon. After he grew up, he directly killed the Black Flood Dragon and used a special method to kill the Black Flood Dragon. Dragon’s Remnant Soul is forcibly sealed in a spear."

"This spear is the dragon soul spear."

Long Ao explained, Ye Qianxing sighed after hearing it.

The god Venerable is really cruel. After inheriting the power of others, he even killed them.

And forcibly sealed its soul in the gun for him to drive.

Is this different from father killing?

The Dragon Soul Spear swallowed the blood essence of more than a dozen dragon evil spirits, and immediately released a terrifying aura.


The upper god Venerable loudly shouted and inserted the dragon soul gun fiercely into the mountain.

bang!! !

Suddenly, the entire mountain began to explode, and the ground began to crack.

A Flood Dragon soul gushes out from the Dragon Soul Spear and rushes into the earth.

The entire island trembled violently. This kind of vibration is estimated to be comparable to a Level 10 earthquake.


A screaming roar sounded, and it lasted for five or six minutes before it stopped.

When the roar stopped, the island finally stopped shaking.

Then, a blood light flew out from the center of the shattered mountain, turning into an illusory shadow.

This illusory shadow looks like a dragon head turtle body, which is indeed quite similar to the legendary Baxia.

When the illusory shadow appeared, a terrifying coercion swept across the entire island.

For a time, Heaven and Earth changed their colors, and the Sea Territory within a hundred miles of it shook up, stirring up a thousand layers of waves.

Ye Qianxing, Long Ao, and all the demons from the Destruction Society all looked up at the illusory shadow, and their hearts trembled.

Ye Qianxing subconsciously opened the eyes of the system to check and analyze.

[Name]: Remnant Soul (Remnant Soul)

[attribute]: Dragon/God Water Element

[Evaluation]: Six-star


[Level]: SS

[Introduction]: Ba Xia, the sixth son of the nine sons of the dragon, has half of the pure bloodline of the dragon, now in the state of Remnant Soul, the strength is not as good as the real level One-tenth of that.

Sure enough, he is the son of the legendary dragon, who owns half of the pure dragon blood.

You must know that even a dragon evil spirit with only a dragon bloodline is many times stronger than an ordinary evil spirit, not to mention that this tyrant possesses half of dragon blood.

It is even more terrifying SS-Rank.

SS-Rank is definitely the highest rank Ye Qianxing has ever encountered.

The huge Remnant Soul roars up to the sky, and the pure sound of dragon's roar resounds through Heaven and Earth.

All the evil spirits on the island in this brief moment moved towards this side and knelt down.

"Who is it, dare to take advantage of the deity to fall asleep and kill the deity's fleshy body!"

Remnant Soul angrily roared, it has lived for millions of years and has reached the end of life .

So the body enters a state of sleep, waiting for the end of life.

Unexpectedly, at this time, suffered a sneak attack, and the fleshy body finally couldn't hold it.

Although it is not far from its death date, it is still different from being killed.

This makes it very uncomfortable.

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