The gaze of Remnant Soul swept over everyone, Ye Qianxing and all the demons in the Desire Society, who were swept by its gaze, felt great heart palpitations.

In the end, Remnant Soul's gaze stayed on Venerable.

It can feel that only this person present is the strongest.

After all, Ba Xia is also Divine Beast who has lived for a million years. When he is alive, it is even more terrifying SS-Rank.

Being stared by its gaze, even if it is stronger than the god Venerable, I feel the great pressure.

However, he forcibly endured it, gritted his teeth, and looked directly at Remnant Soul.

"You are a dying body. Rather than being silent in the deep sea of ​​the North, it is better to help me through. When the time comes to change the dynasty of the stars and usher in the era of renewal, you also have a share of credit."

God Venerable coldly said.

"Oh? You want my half-dragon blood essence to take this opportunity to jump over Dragon Sect and become a dragon?"

Remnant Soul hearing this, roared towards the With a cry of sky.

Next moment, the endless blood light seeps out from the earth, and finally condenses into a fist-sized parenchymal blood cell.

Incorporate into Remnant Soul.

"My whole body blood essence is here. If you have the ability, you can get it."

Remnant Soul is extremely domineering and outspoken.

"You are courting death! Do you think you are still Peak moment? You without a fleshy body are less than one-tenth of your strength. I wanted to keep you a trace of Remnant Soul. Now it seems that you are You are dead by yourself."

"Also, my Dragon Soul Gun is hunger and thirst. It devours your Remnant Soul, and its quality can be one step closer!"

God Venerable's face was gloomy, and his anger rose to his heart.

Raising the Dragon Soul Spear and pointing it directly at Remnant Soul, a terrifying aura burst out.

"Dragon Soul Gun? Trifling Flood Dragon Soul is also worthy of being a dragon?"

Remnant Soul sneered again.

He is a descendant of True Dragon. The God Venerable dared to call a Flood Dragon a dragon, which made him feel very upset.

"courting death!"

"Dragon Soul, swallow it for me!"

The God Venerable yelled, and the dragon soul spear in his hand was even more Shaking violently.

The endless blood and black air mixed and broke out, and at the next moment, a sound of dragon's roar sounded.

The previous Black Flood Dragon emerged from the Dragon Soul Spear, and moved towards Remnant Soul, rushing away.

[Name]: Remnant Soul (Remnant Soul)

[attribute]: Dragon/Devil

[Evaluation]: 5-Star level

[Level]: S9

[Introduction]: The highest level of Flood Dragon, only one step away from Dragon Transformation, is now in Remnant Soul status, and its strength is less than one-tenth .

The prototype of that Black Flood Dragon turned out to be an abyss Black Flood Dragon.

Flood Dragon has its strengths and weaknesses, and its status is high or low. Some Flood Dragons are based on ordinary python, while some Flood Dragons are based on high-level python, and their backgrounds are different.

The predecessor of the abyss ghost dragon is the abyss ghost python, which is also the highest existence among the python evil spirits.

After transforming into a Jiao, it is also the closest to True Dragon.

The two Remnant Souls killed each other, and the scene was extremely shocking.

The Remnant Soul of the abyss ghost flood will entangle Remnant Soul at once.


Domination Remnant Soul uttered a more pure dragon roar, opened his mouth and bit on the body of the abyss ghost flood.

Suddenly the black breath was bitten away, and the latter let out a scream.

Domination is a combination of Dragon Tortoise, which not only possesses the powerful battle strength of Dragon Clan, but also the powerful defense of Turtle Clan.

Is it trifling that an abyss ghost can mention on equal terms?

áo hǒu!

Remnant Soul shook his whole body, one paw pinched the neck of the abyss ghost, and the other paw hit its head with a fierce hammer.

Abyss Ghost Jiao simply doesn't have the power to parry.

"Whether it’s quality or its own strength, Domination is much stronger than Abyss Ghost Flood, and it will definitely lose."

Ye Qianxing watched the battle while doing his best. Mobilize the Life Power in the body to recover from the injury.

Ye Qianxing can see that Venerable can also see it naturally. Seeing that his abyss ghost flood Remnant Soul is so crushed, his brows suddenly frowned.

"It's a waste."

The god Venerable screamed, holding the dragon soul spear and leaping forward, moving towards the battlefield galloping away.


Seeing that the god Venerable was about to intervene, Ye Qianxing in the heart yelled, but there was nothing he could do.

Now he can only pray in his heart that Remnant Soul will be able to delay as much as possible until Ye Xiaoyao arrives.

"Want to fight two against one? The deity took it!"

Remnant Soul was not afraid of Venerable's intervention, although it could see that he might not be Opponent, but half of the Dragon Clan Bloodline on him makes it never afraid.

The dignity of Dragon Clan cannot be provoked!

"Come on, even if it is the soul flew away and scattered, the deity will never let you succeed!"

Remnant Soul gave a long roar, an imposing manner suddenly violent increase.

Actively moved towards Remnant Soul and Venerable.

"You are crazy, you dare to burn the origin of Soul Power!"

The god Venerable was surprised when he saw this. The cost of burning the origin of Soul Power is irreversible.

Once it starts to burn, it must be the end of the soul flew away and scattered.

Dominate Remnant Soul even if it is not an opponent, you can still choose to escape, but it does not.

Because of the dignity of Dragon Clan, it would rather die than run away.


Under the tyrant, Remnant Soul spouted a wind whistle, making the Venerable God and the Remnant Soul of the abyss can only resist bitterly.

ao wu!

A dragon-shaped energy wave rushed out, fiercely slammed into Venerable.

This is the strongest blow that Remnant Soul has launched at the expense of burning Soul Source.

"Not good!"

Shangshen Venerable's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't resist this attack.

So he ordered the Abyssal Ghost Dragon to move in front of him to resist the dragon-shaped energy wave.

bang!! !

After a burst of explosion, it was accompanied by the screaming and hissing sound of Remnant Soul of the abyss ghost.

The Remnant Soul of the abyss was directly bombed from a hundred meters long to less than one meter, and finally got into the dragon soul gun to cultivate.

This kind of injury, even with the assistance of spiritual medicine treasure, will take at least about a year to repair.

"I see what you can do!"

Although the deep wounds of the Abyssal Ghost Flood caused the Venerable a bit of pain, but when I saw Remnant Soul starting to become illusory, Happy in my heart.

Soul Source is damaged, it will not last long.

The Venerable is still in Peak state at this time. It can be said that Remnant Soul is defeated.

"It's really humiliating to be defeated by your hands."

The voice of Remnant Soul has begun to weaken, and the original very substantial illusory shadow has begun to be illusory at this time. Almost transparent.

It has no power to fight anymore.

"Isn't the old fox coming yet?"

Seeing Ye Qianxing, anxious, asked moved towards Long Ao.

Too anxious that he accidentally called out his nickname for Ye Xiaoyao.

"old fox?"

Long Ao was stunned for hearing this, and then he realized that he was talking about Ye Xiaoyao, and he couldn't help but grin.

Those who dare to call Ye Great Marshal old fox, it is estimated that this is the only one in the entire celestial dynasty.

"Hey, hand over the blood essence obediently, I may still be able to give you a good time."

The Venerable sneered towards the Remnant Soul, but the latter was Close your eyes directly and ignore the god Venerable.

"refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, then go to death!"

The Venerable coldly snorted, holding the Dragon Soul Spear moved towards Remnant Soul Stabbed suddenly.

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