Ye Qianxing did not stay in Marshall Mansion for too long before leaving.

In the evening, Ye Qianxing returned to the courtyard and stayed for one night.

The next day, early morning.

Outside the Eldest Prince residence, the vast crowd is very lively.

The family forces of Imperial Capital large and small all sent representatives with gifts to attend the wedding of Eldest Prince Ji Dong.

Eldest Prince, the best candidate of the crown prince, is very likely to be the ruler of the Celestial Kingdom in the future.

His wedding, naturally no one dares to ignore it.

Ye Qianxing walked to the door of the mansion, although he tried his best to converge, he still exudes ruthless baleful aura.

Even people who are a few meters away from Ye Qianxing can feel the chill.

Some people who know Ye Qianxing can't help walking away and dare not approach.

They probably guessed that Ye Qianxing was not good at coming.


The guard at the door can naturally feel the baleful aura on Ye Qianxing's body. Although he was terrified, he still gritted his teeth and stopped Ye Qianxing.

"Today is Eldest Prince Ji Dong's wedding. Only invitation holders can enter."

Invitation? Ye Qianxing No.

He stepped forward, staring coldly at the talking guard.

"I am Ye Qianxing."

"Ye Qianxing?"

The guard was hearing this for a moment, and the name was familiar.

The other guard seemed to think of something, complexion changed.

"But Ye Qianxing, the hero who defeated the Dragon Knight, the empire that never sets the sun a few days ago?"

"The hero?"

Ye Qianxing hearing this, Can't help being sneaked.

What an ironic title.

"Exactly, let me in, I'm here to attend the wedding."

Ye Qianxing said, the wedding hasn't started yet, and he doesn't want to make trouble.

"Sorry, hero, if you don't have an invitation, we still can't let you in."

The guard apologized.

Ye Qianxing still admires the hero very much.

After all, this is a hero who wins glory for the country.

But his duty is to guard the gate. Those who do not have invitations are not allowed to enter.

Ye Qianxing frowned, do things now if you want it or not.

At this moment, the entire group came over.

"Eh, isn't this Heaven's Chosen of the Celestial Kingdom?"

Listening to this non-standard Celestial language, Ye Qianxing doesn't need to look at it to know that those who came The envoy of the empire that never sets.

They have not left the celestial dynasty.

Ye Qianxing turned his head and looked at him. Indeed, it was them. The three Dragon Knights were also there, looking at him with an unconvinced expression.

"Why, you hero of the celestial dynasty, don't you even have invitations?"

The foreign envoy asked with a smile, Ye Qianxing frowned.

He is in a very bad mood right now. He dare to provoke him at this time. Isn't that a lantern in the toilet and looking for shit (death)?

Seeing Ye Qianxing brows frowned, the foreign envoy quickly said with a smile on his face.

"Don't be angry, I'm not here to mock you, just to complain for you. I heard that the heroine of the wedding inside is your beloved woman, right?"

Foreign envoys laughed, he knows a lot.

"What on earth do you want to say?"

Ye Qianxing asked with a cold face.

"I want to say that you, as a great hero who wins glory for the country, do not get the treatment that a great hero deserves. Even I can't stand it anymore. Why don't you join my empire that never sets in the sun? ."

"With your innate talent, I can guarantee that the lord of our country will definitely give you a not-low position."

The foreign envoy tempted.

"Not interested."

Ye Qianxing glanced at the foreign envoy and said unceremoniously.

He hates the emperor Ji, but this does not mean that he will treason. The country is the country and the country is the country.

He will not raise personal hatred to the entire country.

"Hehe, don't refuse to be so simple, maybe when will you change your mind?"

"Right, do you want me to take you in, follow the rules, The inviter can bring people in."

The foreign envoys did not insist on letting Ye Qianxing join them, but offered to help.

Ye Qianxing glanced at him suspiciously, not understanding what medicine he sold in the bottle gourd.

"Don't look at me this way. My purpose is very simple. You will definitely make trouble after you go in. There will be fun to watch. This is our attractive spectacle thing, so I this can be considered to help us."

Hehe, the foreign envoy, smiled, did not conceal, and said bluntly.

Ye Qianxing hesitated for a while, nodded.

His goal was to kill Ji Dong at the wedding, and by the way, he fiercely beat the emperor Ji in the face.

Isn’t it better to slap your face with foreign envoys present?


Ye Qianxing agreed, and followed the foreign envoys into the mansion.

This time the guard did not stop.

The prince’s mansion was filled with red silk, plastered with happy characters, and full of joy.

In the courtyard of the mansion, each guest is seated separately.

At the top, the lord Ji Tianzi sits, and beside Ji Tianzi, Bei Mingzhen and Mingyue sit.

Originally, they were not qualified to sit next to the lord of the country because of their status, but this time it was a wedding. Bei Mingzhen and Ming Yue, as the parents of the woman, had to make such arrangements.

As for the empty space in the middle, the two protagonists of this wedding, the groom Ji Dong and the bride Xia Xiaoyu.

Xia Xiaoyu looked sad at this time, and kept looking around all around, looking for that silhouette.

But it has not been found.

He wants that silhouette to appear, but he does not want him to appear.

Because Xia Xiaoyu just heard the news, the Imperial Family had already anticipated that Ye Qianxing would come to make trouble, so they arranged a guard in a dark place.

If Ye Qianxing showed up, it would be dangerous.

"Xiao Yu, what are you looking at."

Ji Dong asked softly.

Xia Xiaoyu glared at him, coldly said.

"Don't call me Xiaoyu, our relationship is not so good yet."

"In a while, we will be husband and wife. Is the relationship okay?"

Ji Dong is still smiling.

"I won't marry you."


Hearing Xia Xiaoyu's words, the smile on Ji Dong's face disappeared instantly.

A chill came out.

"I can't help you anymore. You just think Ye Qianxing's little bastard will come to save you, hehe, I hope he can come. I have set up an inescapable net in the prince's mansion."

"If he dares to make trouble, he will not be able to get out alive!"

Ji Dong said with a sneer.

Xia Xiaoyu body trembled, as soon as she was about to speak, the voice of the Lord Ji Tianzi rang.

"Okay, the hour is almost here, get ready to worship."

"The bride and groom are preparing to worship, first bow to heaven and earth......"

The wedding person tone barely fell, Ji Dong grabbed Xia Xiaoyu when he was about to forcibly worship Heaven and Earth.

Suddenly, Ji Dong's face suddenly changed.

Let go of Xia Xiaoyu, and step back a few steps.

Almost in an instant, a black shadow flashed, flying directly from Ji Dong's original position.

The next moment, with a bang, the dark shadow hit the wall above the lord, sinking into it.

All the guests stood up in shock at this brief moment and looked towards the thing on the wall.

"This is... a bronze bell!"

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