"Yemou sent a bronze bell, I wish Eldest Prince, early ascend to bliss!"

A cold voice sounded in the hall, and everyone looked towards the gate at the same time.

A silhouette stood at the door. Everyone recognized this person. It was the hero who defeated the two Dragon Knights at the birthday banquet.

Ye Qianxing!

Xia Xiaoyu also looked towards Ye Qianxing with tears in her eyes.

He finally came.

"Impudent, dare to make trouble at the wedding of this Imperial Prince, or in front of Your Majesty, Ye Qianxing, do you want to rebel!"

Ji Dong was the first to react, pointing Ye Qianxing scolded angrily.

He still has lingering fears. If he hides a second late and is hit by that bronze bell, he will probably be half dead.

"Rebellion? Yes, I just want to rebel, Ji Dong, you will die today!"

Ye Qianxing shot a burst of light in his eyes, scaring Ji Dong back a few steps.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze turned to Ji Tianzi at the top.

"And you, Dog Emperor, I defeated foreign envoys and saved your face, but you repay your virtue with grievances. This kind of person is not worthy to be the lord of the country!"

Ye Qianxing Angrily scolded.

"Impudent, come, escort you!"

Ji Tianzi shouted, and the sound of neat stepping suddenly sounded around him.

A group of guards armed with weapons and Spirit Pet came from behind the scenes and surrounded Ye Qianxing.

"Ye Qianxing made a big wedding, and dared to insult and threaten Your Majesty. The crime should be blamed. You guys, take him down!"

Ji Dong shouted, More than a dozen guards around at the same time forced Ye Qianxing.

"Have you been prepared?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes.

These guards are not weak chickens, each is a Spirit Master above B-Rank.

However, this can't stop him.

"Then fight!"

Ye Qianxing's eyes burst out with a strong fighting intent.

At this time, the surrounding guards have also ordered Spirit Pet to launch an attack on Ye Qianxing.


Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, beside the guards, a dozen shadows suddenly appeared.

Those guards are powerful Spirit Masters, but they are not awakened.

Without Spirit Pet, there is simply no battle strength.

With a stroke of the Black Shadow's blade, more than a dozen Spirit Master guards were directly beheaded.

"This is..."

Ji Dong's eyes widened. When did the dozen or so dark shadows appear?

Ye Qianxing sneered, as early as when he smashed the bronze bell out, he had already released the Shadow Clone and Shadow Clone.

Everyone’s attention was focused on Tong Zhong and Ye Qianxing, and there was no shadow general.

"Underestimate that brat, but still to die!"

Ji Dong coldly said.

Ye Qianxing did not release Spirit Pet during the battle against Dragon Knight at the birthday banquet, so Ji Dong didn't know that he still had an assassin-type Spirit Pet like the Shadow Commander.

However, he was prepared long ago, and now he is just warming up.

The owner of the dozen or so Spirit Pets was killed, and he was directly angry.

All red eyes pounced at Ye Qianxing.

"Thunder is coming!"

Ye Qianxing threw the thunder sword, and a thunder struck one of the B-Rank Spirit Pets.

Shock it into coke instantly.

Kill B-Rank Spirit Pet in seconds, even Ji Dong thinks it can’t do it.

Between Ye Qianxing's hands, a Spirit Pet has already come to Ye Qianxing.

A claw struck Ye Qianxing's chest.


However, the scene where everyone expected the skin and flesh did not appear.

Instead, there was a creak of scratching metal.

Ye Qianxing's clothes on his chest were torn, revealing a golden light.

His skin is gilded!

That Spirit Pet's paw only made a white mark on Ye Qianxing's body, nothing more.


Ye Qianxing swung the Thunder Sword, and instantly passed the Spirit Pet's throat.

The wound expanded instantly, the blood flow continued, and Ye Qianxing kicked it away.

But at this time, a dozen other Spirit Pets have already been in front of them.

Although Ye Qianxing's current strength is comparable to A-Rank Spirit Pet, it may not be able to prevail in the face of more than a dozen B-Rank Spirit Pets at the same time.


So Ye Qianxing directly activated the spatial skills.

Moved instantaneously, directly rushed out of the encirclement of the guard, and appeared beside Ji Dong.

His ultimate goal is to kill Ji Dong!

Not long after Ye Qianxing disappeared, Ji Dong felt a chill in his back.

Turning around quickly, he happened to see Ye Qianxing stab him with a sword.


Ji Dong was so scared that his body trembled suddenly.

When Ye Qianxing played against the two Dragon Knights, Ji Dong was already in a coma.

So I didn't know that Ye Qianxing has the ability of space teleportation.

Ye Qianxing suddenly appeared at this time, and Ji Dong had no time to react.

However, Ji Dong is also awakened anyway, and he made a decision quickly after being shocked.

He even reached out his hand to grab Ye Qianxing's Lei Qi sword.

Ji Dong, actually intends to change his life with one hand.



As soon as sword edge passed, cold light flashed, Ji Dong suddenly screamed like a pig.

As soon as he grasped the blade of Leiqijian with his hand, his five fingers were directly cut off.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, but Ji Dong resisted the pain in order to save his life.

A dodge moved towards and ran to the side.

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, anyone he wants to kill will undoubtedly die!

Ye Qianxing flashed back, chasing after Ji Dong again.

"Imperial Father!"

Ji Dong eyes shrank, terrified, and moved towards Ji Tianzi shouted.

A chill flashed in Ji Tianzi's eyes, and he spoke.

"Ma Baoguo, don't leave at this time, when will you wait?"


Ji Tianzi tone barely fell, a silhouette flashed from behind the scenes instantly .

Blocked in front of Ji Dong.

This is an old man who looks sixty years old, hair and beard all white.

But Ye Qianxing felt fear in his imposing manner.

"This is definitely a powerful awakened."

This is Ye Qianxing's first thought.

But he still launched an attack.

Holding the Thunder Sword moved towards the old man stabbed.

"Hehe, ignorant child."

The old man hehe smiled, and saw both of his hands dancing in front of him, obviously not touching Ye Qianxing's Lei Qi sword.

But Ye Qianxing felt that his hand was out of control, and was forcibly changed the attack trajectory by an invisible force.


Suddenly, the old man loudly shouted and pushed his palms forward.

To outsiders, he seemed to stroke Ye Qianxing's chest lightly.

But Ye Qianxing felt as if he had been hit by a huge amount of force, and his sternum was directly broken.

His body flew upside down, fiercely fell to the ground.

"Pu chi!"

A mouthful of blood spurted, Ye Qianxing was directly injured.

"Your Majesty, please forgive the old man for coming a step late and frightening you."

The old man repelled Ye Qianxing, instead of winning the chase, but facing the emperor Ji cup one fist in the other hand respectfully said.

"Ma Baoguo? He turned out to be Ma Baoguo, Tai Chi Grandmaster Ma Baoguo!"

In the lobby, when all the guests saw the old man, the complexion was greatly changed.

Obviously recognized the identity of the old man.

Tai Chi Grandmaster Ma Baoguo, SLevel 8 awakened, is proficient in Hunyuan Tai Chi, and his battle strength can even be comparable to S9 level.

Zeng killed two evil spirits of Disaster Level by the strength of oneself.

It can be said that he is one of the strong people in the cream of the crop of the Heavenly Kingdom.

The heavenly kingdom and even the entire earth and stars, can compare with him, by no means more than two hands.

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