However, as many as a dozen missiles fired by the opponent, the coverage is too large.

He simply avoided all impossible.

Ye Qianxing started to regret it. He had already known that he would spend more money to buy the highest shuttle, which not only has strong defensive power, but also has an attack system.

Just when Ye Qianxing was considering whether to use summon Spirit Pet to solve the dozen or so missiles, he suddenly discovered that his predictive skills had not been triggered.

Pre-judgment skills are passive and active dual-effect skills. Even if Ye Qianxing doesn't use it deliberately, it will be triggered as long as it is in danger.

But now there is no trigger. Doesn't it mean that simply isn't dangerous?

Sure enough, just after Ye Qianxing's dazed effort, the dozen or so missiles had arrived.

But every one of them happened to pass by the shuttle, and none of them were touched.

"This... shouldn't it be a coincidence?"

Ye Qianxing was taken aback.

It may be a coincidence that one or two missiles are skewed. How can it be possible that more than a dozen missiles are skewed.

And the opponent is the fleet guarding the sea boundary. If the hit rate is so low, how could it be sent to guard?

bang bang bang!

As Ye Qianxing thought, a dozen more missiles were fired.

But it is still the same as before, passing by the side of the shuttle, always out of touch.

Ye Qianxing is even more strange.

This is no coincidence.

"Is it on purpose?"

Ye Qianxing suddenly thought, because he found that although the opponent's dozen fighters were fast, they were always a step slower.

Always tens of meters away from my shuttle.

This is a bit unrealistic. The fighters that guard the sea boundary are all the highest. Perhaps the defensive power is average, but the speed and attack system are definitely the strongest.

Now not only can't catch up with me, but also can't attack. It can only show one problem.

They did it on purpose.

"Is it Uncle Ye?"

Ye Qianxing speculated, this is the only possibility.

The guards of the Eastern Sea boundary line are also from the military. Ye Xiaoyao must have arranged it long ago.

Let them pretend to chase themselves, but they can't catch up.

"Thank you, Uncle Ye."

Ye Qianxing smiled, Ye Xiaoyao's move is still a bit risky.

Once discovered, even if it will not be dismissed, it will definitely be affected.

But he also knows that at this time it is not when he is moved, there is only one way to repay him, and that is to become stronger.

Then dignified returned to the Heavenly Kingdom for revenge.

After flying for a full ten minutes, the fighters behind him still chased after ten minutes, but they could not catch up.

In order to verify this, Ye Qianxing even deliberately slowed down. Sure enough, the fighter team behind him also slowed down at the same time.

He can be sure that Uncle Ye is really helping behind.

Ten minutes later, Ye Qianxing finally passed through the Sea Territory part of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Because of the bombardment of more than a dozen fighter jets behind him, the evil spirits nearby did not dare to appear.

Ye Qianxing can leave so unimpeded.

"The opponent has left our Sea Territory, no need to chase, go back."

A voice came from the leading fighter, and then Ye Qianxing saw the dozens The fighter turned around and went back.

These dozen fighters are not only to pretend to chase him, but also to guarantee and protect him.

But from the beginning of leaving the Sea Territory, which belongs to the celestial dynasty, he has to rely on himself.

"Huh, Tianchao, I will definitely come back."

Ye Qianxing looked at the Sea Territory behind him. From this moment on, he would have left the country.

He swears here that he will definitely come back one day.

By then, it may be a foul wind and bloody rain.

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