
A shadow flew across the boundless sea.

Ye Qianxing is driving the shuttle.

Two hours have passed since he left the Heavenly Sea Territory.

During this period, he suffered a lot of attacks from evil spirits in the air, but with Ye Qianxing's current strength, as long as he didn't encounter evil spirits above S-Rank, he would not be at all afraid.

Even S-Rank is not impossible to deal with.

As for the evil spirits of Disaster Level like S-Rank, there are probably no more than fifty stars in the entire earth.

Even if the Eastern Sea is vast and dangerous, there will not be too many Disaster Level evil spirits.

At least definitely not more than ten.

After all, once the evil spirits reach S-Rank or above, their territorial awareness will be very strong.

In their territory, they will never be allowed to appear that threatens their existence.

Ye Qianxing's luck may not be very good, but it is by no means super bad. Encountering the Disaster Level evil spirit in the vast ocean, the probability is no less than winning 100 million in the lottery.

"It should not be far from the Sun Country."

Ye Qianxing looked at the electronic map on the shuttle, and it was finally sighed in relief.

There is only this little distance left. It shouldn't be something wrong, right?

Ye Qianxing set the shuttle to autopilot, then squinted his eyes to rest.


At this moment, in the sky suddenly thought of a thunder.

Ye Qianxing was awakened.


Ye Qianxing's expression changed slightly. It is not a good thing to encounter thunderstorms in the ocean.

Although ordinary thunderstorm weather will not have much impact on Ye Qianxing's shuttle, Ye Qianxing knows that it is very dangerous in a Sea Territory close to the country of the sun.

Devil Sea, that's what the people of Sun Country call that piece of Sea Territory.

When Ye Qianxing left the Sun Country, he strayed into the Devil Sea.

He knows that the real danger in Devil Sea is not the environment there, but... there is a Disaster Level evil spirit that ranks among the top ten in the evil spirits list.

Baqi Orochi!

"Did I accidentally enter the sea of ​​devil?"

Ye Qianxing's expression is a little weird, if that's the case, he really has to reflect on whether he did it What hurts the world.

Ye Qianxing opened the window of the shuttle. At this moment, it was already dark outside, and the sky was densely covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

On the bottom of the sea, there are turbulent waves, and the stormy sea is more than that.

weng!! !

Suddenly, the shuttle trembles violently, and then it staggers uncontrollably.

How familiar is this situation?

Ye Qianxing hurriedly dismissed the autopilot function immediately, and then relied on his powerful strength to force the shuttle control to stabilize.

If Ye Qianxing is only a thunderstorm and he is still not sure if he has entered the Devil Sea, then now, he can be sure.

He has indeed entered the Devil Sea again, because this is exactly the same as the last time. In the Devil Sea, there seems to be some energy affecting the magnetic field.

Any technology item will be invalid here.

"Since I'm here, it's fate, but I remember that the big snake used to play me like a mouse."

Ye Qianxing's face was gloomy, and a chill appeared in his eyes.

He is not a person who likes to repay virtue with grievances, on the contrary, he is very vengeful.

Because Soul Source was partially sealed, Ye Qianxing's memory is very poor, but there are two kinds of people he will not forget.

One is his relatives and friends, and the other is against him.


When Ye Qianxing was controlling the shuttle, a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea below.

Ye Qianxing has excellent eyesight, and he can easily see a huge black shadow in the sea.

Is rushing to the surface of the sea.

"áo hǒu!"

Pu chi!

Ye Qianxing stared at the sea, and sure enough, after a while, the sea suddenly exploded.

Next moment, a huge monster rushes out of the water.

I saw this creature is huge, and the part exposed to the sea is more than ten meters long.

Eight terrifying snake heads, and sixteen scarlet eyes coldly stared at the shuttle where Ye Qianxing was.

Ye Qianxing can see anger and hatred in its eyes. Obviously, it has already felt the breath of Ye Qianxing.

Even, it is very likely that it took the initiative to come to Ye Qianxing.

Evil Spirit: Eight-Different Snake

Attribute: Dragon/Devil

Evaluation: Six and a half stars

Level: S5

Abilities: Judgment of Eight Differences, Eternal Sleep, Swallowing Madness

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

Note : It was originally an ordinary snake, and then swallowed a drop of the spirit essence of the Ancient God Lion Nine spirit essence and evolved into Nine Headed Snake. After practicing for a thousand years of breakthrough to SS-Rank, it was severed hundreds of years ago, and its strength was drastically reduced.

The attribute information of the eight-qi big snake appeared in front of Ye Qianxing, but Ye Qianxing suddenly had a doubt.

Logically speaking, the Eight-Different Big Snake was originally just an ordinary small snake, and then it was only the blood of the god lion that swallowed it. Why is it represented as a dragon in the attribute?

Does it have half a dime relationship with the dragon system?

If you must say that there is any connection between the Eight-Pattern Orochi and Dragon Clan, there is only one.

That is the Torch Dragon of Taixu. After all, Ye Qianxing discovered the dragon egg from the belly of the eight-headed snake before hatching the Torch Dragon of Taixu.

"Ding, the host Spirit Pet is detected as the Torch Dragon breakthrough opportunity, please take the host well."

Just as Ye Qianxing was puzzled, the system's voice rang in his mind. Prompt tone.

I didn't prompt before, and waited until Ye Qianxing had doubts before prompting.

This system is really an afterthought.

Ye Qianxing murmured silently, but didn't say much.

The system gives a reminder at this time. Obviously, the reason why Xiao Taixu stops at A-Rank Peak is definitely inseparable from the eight-pointed snake.

"His roar!"

Eight big snakes with eight heads spit out snake letters, opened their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and moved towards Ye Qianxing and the flying shuttle bit them .

"hmph, this flying shuttle is not something you can afford!"

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, this flying shuttle cost him a lot of money. Qi Da snake belly.

"Little Taixu!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, making mudra and opening the contract Space Gate.

Next moment, Xiao Taixu's silhouette walks out of the contract space, and a pure Dragon's Might radiates out.

Directly stunned the Eight-Different Big Snake, and did not launch an attack on the shuttle.

"Little Taixu, this big snake swallowed you before, now is your time for revenge."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Xiao Taixu said.

Little Taixu was just in the dragon egg state before, not hatched, so I don’t know those.

But it trusts Ye Qianxing 100%. Since the owner said so, it must be true.

"áo hǒu!"

Taixu Torch Dragon suddenly issued a dragon roar, which contains the will of the dragon, and the head of the eight-headed snake can't help but shrink back.

How can a snake be able to challenge the majesty of Dragon Clan?

Even if this is a big snake, it is still just a snake.

Even Flood Dragon dare not provoke Dragon's Might, even more how it trifling a big snake.

But before the eight-headed snake was chopped off, it was somehow the evil spirit of SS-Rank.

After hesitating for a while, it still suppressed the fear in its heart forcibly and faced difficulties.

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