Ye Qianxing’s Spirit Pets tangled with the Eight-Different Serpents, fighting for hundreds of rounds.

Although neither of them has reached S-Rank by Erbaiwu, you should know that they have their own advantages.

Erbaiwu is good at soul attack, Vajra defensive power is strong, and the battle outfit Heaven Supporting Pillar blessing.

Xiaokun is proficient in Power of Space, and Sea God Trident can double its battle strength in the sea.

Too virtual Torch Dragon not to mention, not only A-Rank Peak, owns the purest Dragon Clan Bloodline, but also controls the Power of Time.

Although Power of Time and Power of Space are the same as the ability of the cream of the crop, because this ability is extremely rare, many people will be unprepared.

Not to mention Lin Ruoxi, the strongest support, who can heal them or relieve their negative states at any time.

After this battle, the eight-headed snake was actually suppressed and fell into a disadvantage.


At this moment, Vajra Palm holding the Heaven Supporting Pillar slammed into one of the heads of Baqi Orochi.

The huge power directly slapped the head of Baqi Orochi into a vertigo.

Pu chi!

Almost at this moment, a cold light flashed across the head of Baqi Orochi.

Suddenly, a burst of blood gushed out.

The huge head of the Baqi Orochi fell directly.

It is the movie player who shot, although it is not as high in quality as Erbaiwu and Vajra.

But its concealment and assassination ability is definitely the most professional.

The shot is extremely agile, and it is completely capable of reaching a killer blow.

The most important thing is that Ye Qianxing lent his Leiqi sword to the shadow general.

As a seven-star spiritual suit, the Leiqi sword is sharp enough to break through the defense of the Eight-Different Serpent.

Otherwise, relying on the current strength of the shadow general, even if the sneak attack is successful, it may not be able to break through the defense of the eight-pointed snake.

Vajra gave Ying Jiang a stare, and this guy snatched his head.

However, the shadow general is not conscious, so he doesn't care about Vajra at all. After severing a head of Baqi Orochi, he hides in the darkness.

After losing a head, the eight-headed snake roared in pain and anger.

At the same time, its breath has also languished.

Ye Qianxing opened the eyes of the system and found that the level of the eight-pointed snake fell directly to SLevel 2.

Sure enough, every loss of one head is a great loss for the eight-headed snake.


The remaining seven heads of the Eight-Different Big Snake roared up to the sky, and unexpectedly triggered Heavenly Might.

Thunder vibrates, lightning and thunder.

Soon it rained heavily.

"The Eight-Different Snake, today you will fall on the spot!"

Ye Qianxing looked at the Eight-Different Snake who was struggling to death, snered.

In the eight-head state, he is still invincible, and now his strength has plummeted, making him even more impossible to be an opponent.

Next, the strength of Baqi Orochi will only get lower and lower.

Sure enough, as the strength of the eight-pointed snakes fell sharply, Erbaiwu's pressure dropped sharply.

Erbaiwu spit out three hellfires, and at the same time attached it to one of the heads of the eight-headed snake.

The fire of hell penetrates instantly, burning the soul.

The Eight-Different Serpent is a demon type, and its resistance to hellfire is stronger than other types.

That's why Erbaiwu didn't choose to attack the heads of the eight-headed snake, but injected three hellfires into one head of the eight-headed snake at the same time.

The damage can also be more concentrated.

Pu chi!

Taking advantage of the soul attack of the eight-headed snake and its vigilance is low, the movie will move again.

Holding the Leiqi sword again across one of the heads of the Baqi Orochi.

There was another surge of blood.

The Leiqi sword is very smooth in the hands of the shadow generals, Ye Qianxing can't help even wondering if this sword is specially prepared for the shadow generals.

However, Lei Qijian is also very useful here in Ye Qianxing, so he has no plans to give it to the movie director for the time being.

Erbaiwu's three heads and six eyes stared at the shadow general, and it was also robbed of the head.

Losing a head again, the strength of the Eight-Different Snake directly dropped to S1 level.

At this time, the Eight-Pattern Orochi is really scared.

Its huge body began to struggle violently, and there was a stormy sea on the sea.

The waves were surging, covering the sight of Erbaiwu, and the big snake turned around to flee.

Unfortunately, Ye Qianxing has said that it has fallen here today.

What he said will never break his promise.

Time is suspended!


The time pattern around the Baqi Orochi trembling, the huge body of the Baqi Orochi suddenly stagnated.

The shadow general's silhouette suddenly appeared, and when Lei Che's sword was swung, he would once again cut off a head of the eight-headed snake.

But this time it failed because someone was one step ahead of him.

"space slash."

Xiao Kun stands on the sea surface, no matter how turbulent the sea surface, his figure is not affected at all.

Just now when they teamed up in Erbaiwu to fight the Eight Difference Orochi, Xiao Kun did not join the battle, but stood on the spot, condensing Power of Space, ready to release the big move.

space slash, even space can be cut, even more how trifling a badly injured eight-different snake.

As a black thread passed through the eight-headed snake, its remaining six heads fell at the same time.

The cut is extremely flat.


Ye Qianxing's mouth was raised, and this battle did not surprise him.

This time, Erbaiwu, Vajra and Xiao Taixu stared at Xiao Kun at the same time.

The hero only grabbed two heads, and it was good, and the remaining six heads were all grabbed, and one did not stay.

"Shadow general, fetch its monster core."

Ye Qianxing issued the order, and the shadow commander did not hesitate, and directly took the Leiqi sword on the corpse of the eight-headed snake Cut it up.

The Baqi Orochi is extremely large, and the shadow commander has to search for ten minutes before finally finding the inner core.

"System, the opportunity for Xiao Taixu breakthrough is the monster core of Baqi Dashe?"

Ye Qianxing in the heart asked, but unfortunately he didn't get a reply from system.

Ye Qianxing had to open the eyes of system for analysis.

S-Rank monster core: The monster core of the eight-pointed snake.

Is it just a normal monster core?

Looking at the data analysis of system, Ye Qianxing brows tightly knit.

According to the system's data analysis, there should be no problem with the monster core of the eight-pointed snake.

In addition to monster core, what else is valuable in this eight-headed snake?

"Search for me, even if you disassemble the whole body of Baqi Orochi, you have to find something related to Xiaotaixu!"

Ye Qianxing did not give up, directly Let Erbaiwu search them on the Eight-Different Serpent.

Even he himself was dispatched, climbed up the body of the eight-headed snake and started searching.

The eye of system is constantly open.

As the system said, the opportunity for Xiao Taixu's breakthrough lies in Baqi Oro.

Ye Qianxing will never give up.

The body of the Baqi Orochi is so huge, a little bit of searching, it is estimated that one day and one night may not be able to watch every place of the Baqi Orochi.

But Erbaiwu, they didn't have the slightest grievance, they carefully looked for every place on the Eight-Qi Orochi.

"Wait, there is a problem with this scale."

After searching for hours without rest, the sharp-eyed Ye Qianxing suddenly found something wrong.

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