That is a scale on the neck in the middle of the Baqi Orochi.

There is a big gap between it and the surrounding scales. Not only are they upside-down, but they are also different in shape, color, and even size.

And Ye Qianxing can feel the breath that makes his heart palpitations from this scale.

Intuition tells Ye Qianxing that there is definitely a problem with this scale.

[reverse scale]: An inverted dragon scale located on the neck of Dragon Clan is the most important part of Dragon Clan and contains Dragon Clan Source Power.

The Eye of System quickly analyzed the data of this scale, and there was indeed a problem.

This scale turned out to be the reverse scale of the dragon!

"The impossible dragon scales of the eight divergent snakes have grown, so this scale is definitely not itss. Is it small and too empty?"

Ye Qianxing was puzzled, and he took Xiaoma Called falsely, look carefully under its neck.

Sure enough, there is no reverse scale in that part of Xiao Tai Xu.

Ye Qianxing once saw in the ancient book that Dragon Clan has a reverse scale on its body, which is their most important thing.

And Xiao Taixu does not have a reverse scale. He cannot break through the shackles of A-Rank, which may be related to this.

"Isn't Xiao Taixu a dragon egg when it was in the belly of the Eight-Fed Orochi? How could its reverse scale appear on the Eight-Focus Oro?"

Ye Qianxing I was puzzled.

There are not many records of Dragon Clan in the ancient book. After all, people had not seen a dragon at that time. In many people's minds, the dragon was even just a legend.

So Ye Qianxing doesn't understand this.

Ye Qianxing shook his head vigorously. Since he doesn't understand, then just leave it alone.

Anyway, he can basically determine that Xiaotaixu's inability to breakthrough should be related to the reverse scale. As long as Xiaotaixu's things can be solved, other strange things will be considered later.

Ye Qianxing took the Leiqi sword from the shadow general and cut it directly on the corpse of the eight-headed snake.

Originally, he was still cautiously, worried that he would damage that piece of reverse scale.

However, the facts tell him that he obviously thinks too much.

How hard are the dragon scales? How can he destroy it.

After spending the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, Ye Qianxing finally took out the reverse scale.

After washing the turbid blood of the eight-headed snake on it, Ye Qianxing began to think about how to install Xiaotaixu?

Use double-sided tape? Or 502 glue?

Ye Qianxing placed the reverse scale on the vacant part of Xiao Taixu's neck, and found that the size was just right.

Just when he was thinking about whether to stick it with glue, the reverse scale suddenly moved.

Forcibly free from Ye Qianxing's hand, the mud was attached to the bottom of Xiao Taixu's neck.

It is inlaid into the vacant position.

It seems that there is no sense of contradiction at all, as if this piece of reverse scale was originally from Xiao Taixu.

bang!! !

Suddenly, a terrifying breath erupted from Xiao Tai Xu.

Ye Qianxing was right by its side, was directly hit by this imposing manner, and flew out.

But fortunately, there was no injury.

He hurriedly looked towards Xiao Taixu, only to see that the latter's body unexpectedly began to grow.

It was originally just a few meters long young dragon, but in a blink of an eye it rose to a huge monster tens of meters long.

Lost the original cuteness, but has the domineering and majesty that truly belongs to Dragon Clan.

Looking at the huge Purple Gold Five Clawed Divine Dragon in front of him, even Ye Qianxing couldn't help swallowing wildly.

Xiao Taixu has not only changed his body shape, but his temperament has also been changed by Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

But Ye Qianxing does not know how to describe this change.

Although the former Xiao Taixu also has the form of Dragon Clan, has the bloodline and breath of pure Dragon Clan, but it always feels that something is missing.

What was missing before, now comes back.

Now Xiao Taixu truly deserves the name Divine Dragon.

Spirit Pet: Taixu Torch Dragon

Attribute: Dragon System/Time System/Ancient System

Evaluation: Eight-Star Half Grade (Growth Type)


Level: S3

Ability: 1. Manipulation time (can fast forward, slow down and even stop time to a certain extent)

2. Pre-judgment (can predict The opponent’s next attack route)

3. Dragon Clan’s will (Dragon Clan’s power is inviolable and can be a powerful deterrent to the enemy)

4.reverse scale (dragon has a If you touch the reverse scale, you will die. If you use the reverse scale, you can explode at least ten times the battle strength in a short period of time, but the side effects are also great. Use it with caution)

Weakness: None at the moment

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

Seeing Xiao Taixu's current attribute information, Ye Qianxing was very excited.

Sure enough, that piece of reverse scale is the real reason for Xiao Taixu's upgrade.

Now that the reverse scale returns, Xiao Taixu finally breaks through to S-Rank.

Moreover, apart from this, the quality of Xiaotaixu has also been greatly improved.

In fact, Ye Qianxing had doubts before.

Among the materials used to create the Taixu Torch Dragon, the dragon egg has an eight-star rating, and the divination crystal ball and the time pocket watch are both 5-star level.

Why is the Taixu Torch Dragon created in the end but only seven-star quality.

He originally thought it was his own mistake. After all, the system said at the beginning that the higher the level of the material does not mean the higher the quality of the Spirit Pet created.

It mainly depends on whether the matching between the materials is feasible.

Ye Qianxing originally thought that the three materials were not matched enough, but now it seems that it was because Xiao Taixu was missing one of the most important things.

"Ding, the quality of the host Spirit Pet [Torch Dragon] is detected, and the host can get a chance to solidify the skill. Please choose the solidified skill."

The system hint sounds.

Curing skills?

Ye Qianxing was taken aback, he already had the skills of Torch Dragon.

Oh, no, Xiao Taixu just got another innate talent skill.

reverse scale!

Ye Qianxing thought, can he inherit the skill of [reverse scale]?

He is not Dragon Clan, no reverse scale.

"[reverse scale] refers to a skill whose principle is to stimulate within the body's potential to achieve the effect of an explosion of battle strength."

system knows Ye Qianxing’s doubts, He took the initiative to answer without waiting for Ye Qianxing to ask questions.

This is a bit beyond Ye Qianxing's expectations.

After all, his system is a very high-cold system, which is basically not a bird's eye.

"Well, then I will choose the curing skill [reverse scale]."

Ye Qianxing in the heart said, there is no way, he has only this skill to choose from.

"Ding, the skill [reverse scale] is solidified, please check it by the host."

[reverse scale]: It can stimulate potential and increase strength. The levels are as follows:

The burst increases ten times, the duration is one minute; the burst twenty times, the duration is five minutes; the burst thirty times, the duration is one minute; the burst fifty times, the duration is three seconds.

(Reminder 1: The principle of this skill is to stimulate the human body's potential, and it is extremely harmful to the body. Use it with caution.)

(Reminder 2: Please use this skill at the recommended time Skill, if it stimulates the potential over time, the load is extremely large. In the light of the meridian, it will be destroyed, and the blood will die.)

Soon, Ye Qianxing's mind appeared about [reverse scale] this skill. How to use it.

At the same time, there is also a warm reminder from system.

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