"So fast?"

Ye Qianxing stood up quickly, just a few minutes later, the Millennium has arrived?

However, when Ye Qianxing saw the silhouette that entered the door clearly, he was stunned.

The comer is not the millennium, but a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Ye Qianxing feels that this young man looks familiar, but he wants to do not raise.

"Who are you?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

Hearing Ye Qianxing's question, the young man's eyes were furious and his expression was gloomy.

"Don't you remember me?"

The young man gritted his teeth and asked.

Ye Qianxing scratched his head, thinking you, a big man, why should I remember you.

Seeing Ye Qianxing with this expression, the young man became even more angry.

The opponent he has been thinking of, actually doesn't remember him.

This makes him feel offended.

"Or tell me who you are, or leave."

Seeing that the young man didn't speak but was angry, Ye Qianxing said impatiently.

"Ye Qianxing, you really don't remember me, I am Jingtian Teng'an!"

The young man proudly said his name, Ye Qianxing hearing this oh.

"Oh... I don't remember."

I don't remember you, oh your sister!

Jingtian Teng'an is about to collapse, he doesn't know whether Ye Qianxing really does not remember him, or deliberately pretends not to remember him to insult him.

In fact, he really misunderstood Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing has a bad memory, and he does not remember a nobody specifically.

Jingtian Teng'an? The name is indeed familiar, but I still don't remember it.

"Ye Qianxing, don't pretend, I don't care if you remember me or not, you used a small trick to let me lose to you in the Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition, I am not convinced!"


"Today I will defeat you, let the people of the Sun Nation know that I am better than you!"

Ida Teng'an angrily roared, his hands quickly seal.

Next moment, the Contract Space Gate opens, and a human Spirit Pet walks out of it.

I saw that this was a monk who looked like a monk, but only had a monster with huge vertical eyes on his face. He was wearing a ragged robes and a necklace made up of skulls hung around his neck.

[Spirit Pet]: One-eyed Demon Monk

[attribute]: Rock type/Demon type

[Evaluation]: Four-star half-level

[Level]: C3

[Ability]: Stone Cannon (condensing rock energy into a cannonball to shoot out), Vajra Sutra (Vajra Sutra text blessing, defensive power increased by one level in a short time), Great Compassion Palm

[Weakness]: Water Element

Advancement conditions:...

Evolution route:...

"Oh, I think Get up, it turns out that you are Jingtian Teng'an. I remember that you also have an Uncle called Jingtian Gouri, and I was beaten by me."

Ye Qianxing patted his forehead and remembered.

Ida Teng'an does not have much impression, but he remembers this one-eyed Demon Monk.

That's why I think of Teng'an Jingtian.

"You weren't my opponent back then, now it's even more impossible, let's leave now."

Ye Qianxing waved his hand and said.

"hmph, I lost to you at the beginning but you played a trick to knock my one-eyed Demon Monk into the ring. If it were a just and honorable battle, I would definitely not lose to you!"

"One-eyed Demon Monk, give it to me!"

Hearing Ye Qianxing's words, Jingtian Teng'an became even more angry.

Since that time, he has redoubled his efforts, coupled with the rich family resources, in just a few months, he broke through the one-eyed Demon Monk to C-Rank.

He doesn't believe it, Ye Qianxing, a stranger from a foreign country, can his cultivation speed be faster?

The one-eyed Demon Monk got the owner's instruction and rushed towards Ye Qianxing directly.

Taking a palm, it is its skill, the palm of compassion.

The Great Compassion Palm was shot, in addition to the whistling sound that broke through the sky, there was also a scream like the scream of evil spirits.

The Palm of Compassion, embodies the resentment of the people killed by the one-eyed Demon Monk over the years.

The heavier the grievance, the stronger the formidable power.

If you are hit, you will not only suffer physical damage, but your mind will also be affected by those resentments.

Entering a bad state.

Seeing Ye Qianxing motionless, as if frightened stupidly, Jingtian Teng'an couldn't help but sneer.

You made Young Master a big humiliation in the eyes of everyone in Guodu. Today, Young Master must make you pay!

The image of Ye Qianxing being hit by the palm of compassion and then mentally impaired appeared in Jingtian Teng'an's mind.

However, the next scene directly stunned Jingtian Teng'an.

I saw that the one-eyed Demon Monk had already rushed to Ye Qianxing's body, and the palm of Great Compassion was close in front of him, only a few centimeters away from him.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing moved.

Jingtian Teng'an couldn't even see Ye Qianxing's trajectory, he could only see an afterimage tweeting by before his eyes and flew out of the door.

Looking around again, Ye Qianxing is still standing there, and his one-eyed Demon Monk has disappeared.

"How...how, maybe..."

Jingtian Teng'an's pupils shrank and stood still.

An expression like seeing a ghost.

His one-eyed Demon Monk was thrown out by Ye Qianxing.

And the point is that Ye Qianxing was thrown out. He didn't even release Spirit Pet.

How can a human being have more combat power than Spirit Pet?

Jing Tian Teng'an couldn't believe his eyes.

Since the arrival of the new era, the country of the Sun has implemented a closed-door policy.

So I don’t know about the awakened of the Celestial Kingdom and the Iron Blood Fighter of the Western Empire.

"Okay, I don't have time to play with you now, let's go."

Ye Qianxing patted Jingtian Teng'an's shoulder, and the latter trembled suddenly.

At this time Ye Qianxing brought him a major shadow of his heart.

Seeing Jingtian Teng'an seems to have collapsed, Ye Qianxing sighed, shook his head.

He has no killing intent towards Jingtian Teng'an, or even hatred, after all, who would hate an ant.

It was not what he wanted to scare Jingtian Teng'an, but since it happened, he wouldn't think too much.

Since Jingtian Teng'an won't leave, let him go.

Ye Qianxing opened the door of the room and walked out, his face instantly darkened.

This is a VIP room for foreign guests. How did Ida Teng'an immediately know his arrival?

It seems that something is wrong.

"Mr. Ye, why did you come out?"

Shortly after Ye Qianxing went out, the pilot who had received Ye Qianxing came back.

The time is just right.

"It's okay, what did Millennium say?"

Ye Qianxing didn't talk about Jingtian Teng'an, but went directly to the topic.

"Oh, Queen asked me to take you to the palace. She couldn't come out due to some special reasons. I hope to understand."

"Okay, take me away."

Ye Qianxing doesn't mind, after all, Millennium is already the queen, and he will definitely be busy.

He doesn't mind if he doesn't come to pick him up in person.

Under the leadership of the pilot, they soon reached the capital of the Sun Country and entered the palace.

This is the second time Ye Qianxing has entered the palace of the Sun Nation. At first, he still thought that the imposing manner of the palace was magnificent.

But since I have seen the Imperial Palace in the Heavenly Dynasty, this place has become very ordinary.

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